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The victory of Roanoke, Feby. 8th, 1862. The brilliant and decisive bayonet charge of New York 9th Hawkins Zouaves. [graphic].

The capture of Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 2d. 1864 by the Union Army, under Major Genl. Sherman. [graphic] : On the 30th August, the Union Army, by the masterly strategy of Genl. Sherman, made a rapid flank movement, cutting the rail road south of the city;

Destruction of the rebel monster "Merrimac" off Craney Island May 11th, 1862 [graphic].

Destruction of the rebel ram "Arkansas"--by the United States gunboat "Essex," on the Mississippi River, near Baton Rouge, August 4th, 1862. [graphic].

Gallant charge of the "Sixty Ninth" on the rebel batteries at the Battle of Bull-run Va., July 21st, 1861. [graphic]

The old flag again waves over Sumter raised by Capt. Bragg of Gen. Gillmore's staff on the 18th February 1865. [graphic] / F. Fuchs.

Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry [graphic] : Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town.

Camp Palmer, 1st Regiment Mich. Cavalry [graphic] : Col. T.F. Broadhead Lient. Col. T.J. Copeland 1st Major W.S. Atwood 2nd A. Paldi 3rd C.H. Town.

Shooting turkeys for Thanksgiving-Day

The dawn of liberty [graphic] : General Gage said "The very children here draw on a love of liberty with the air they breathe. You may go my brave boys, and be assured if my troops trouble you again they shall be punished." / Max Rosenthal del.; L.N. Rose

Freedom to the slaves. Proclaimed January 1st 1863, by Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof”__ Lev. XXV 10 [graphic].

Fairmount Fire Engine Co. No. 32, of Philadelphia [membership certificate]

Explosion and burning of the cartridge factory, cor. Tenth and Read [sic], March 2[9]th 1862.

Fairmount Water Works. Philadelphia.

The second great match game for the championship, between the Athletic Base Ball Club of Philadelphia and the Atlantics of Booklyn, on the grounds of the Athletics, Fifteenth & Columbia Avenue, Phila., Oct. 22nd, 1866.

Home "on sick leave" [graphic] / . Edw. F. Mullen N.Y.

White's great cattle show, and grand procession of the victuallers of Philadelphia

The gallant charge of the Fifty Fourth Massachusetts (Colored) Regiment

The gallant charge of the Fifty Fourth Massachusetts (Colored) Regiment [graphic] : On the rebel works at Fort Wagner, Morris Island near Charleston, July 18th 1863, and death of Colonel Robt. G. Shaw.

The colored volunteer

Order of the United American Mechanics. Founded July 8th, 1845. Honesty, industry & sobriety. [membership certificate]

Summer scene in the country.

Panorama of Washington. [graphic] : First in war. First in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen.

Philadelphia, Paris & New-York fashions, for spring & summer of 1864. Published and sold by F. Mahan, no. 911, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Philadelphia, Paris & New York fashions, for spring & summer of 1865, published and sold by F. Mahan, no. 911, Chestnut Street Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Paris & New York fashions for spring & summer of 1867, published and sold by F. Mahan, no. 911, Chestnut Street Philadelpiha.

"The Freedman's Bureau." [graphic] / Thos. Worth.

Young England [graphic] : O, shameful England! Greedy puffed with pride, a friend in sore distress, thy false heart hath denied.

The last offer of reconciliation [graphic] : In rememberance of Prest. A. Lincolns. "The door is open for all." H. Thomas; Lithogr. by Kimmel & Forster 256 Canal Str. N.Y.

Civil War military campaign and battle maps. [cartographic material].

New drawing album [graphic].
