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Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory, and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia.

Robert Wood's railing, architectural & ornamental iron works, Ridge Road below Spring Garden St., Philadelphia.

Rockhill & Wilson, tailors & clothiers of men & boys wear, Nos. 205 & 207 Chestnut St. & 28 South 6th Street.

Rowley, Ashburner & Co.'s oil, alcohol, fluid & pine oil works.

Parham's sewing machine manufactory, George St. below Tenth, Philadelphia:

Abbott & Lawrence. Liberty Stove Works, Brown Street above Fourth St. Philada.

Bennett & Co. Tower Hall, clothing bazaar No. 182 Market St, between Fifth & Sixth. Philadelphia.

Bridesburg Machine Works. Alfred Jenks & Son, manufacturers of cotton and wool carding spinning and weaving machinery, shafting and millgearing, Bridesburg post office Philadelphia.

Charles Oakford & Sons model hat store nos 826 & 828, Chestnut Street, Continental Hotel. Philadelphia. Hats, caps & furs, wholesale & retail.

Wm. B. Eltonhead, dealer in all kinds of watches, and manufacturer of all kinds of jewelry and silver ware, 184 South Second Street, (between Pine & Union Streets, west side,) Philadelphia.

N.H. Graham & Cos. curing, packing & smoking establishment. Filbert St. between Schuylkill 2d. & 3d. Sts. Philadelphia.

Bennett's Tower Hall, clothing bazaar, no. 518 Market Street, bet[ween] 5th & 6th, Philadelphia.

H. S. Tarr's marble yard, no. 274 Green St. above Seventh Philadelphia Pa.

Lippincott & Co. south west corner of Fourth & Market St Philadelphia.

Cornelius, Baker & Co. manufacturers of lamps, chandeliers, gas fixtures etc.

Cornelius & Baker, 181 Cherry Street, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of lamps, gas fixtures etc.

J. H. Michener & Cos. curing, packing & smoking establishment S.W. corner of Front and Willow Sts. Philadelphia.

The Bull's Head, Drovers' Hotel, corner of Vine & 65th sts. 24th ward. West Philada. On the estate of the Butchers & Drovers Association.

Freight locomotive engine for Pennsylvania Rail Road manufactured by Richard Norris & Son Philadelphia.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets [graphic] / On Stone by W.H. Rease, 17 So. 5th St.

Hart, Montgomery & Co. Successors to Isaac Pugh & Co. Manufacturers and importers of paper hangings, No. 118 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Manufactory N.E. Cor. Schuyl[kill] Front & Wood Streets

Steam tug Atlantic

John T. Hammitt, No. 111 South 3d. Street above Spruce, Philadelphia

Diploma awarded by the Farmers & Mechanics Institute of Northampton County Pa. [blank] annual fair at Easton, [blank]. [Blank], Secy. [Blank] Prest. [graphic] / James Queen del.

Powers & Weightman manufacturing chemists Philadelphia

Charles Oakford United States steam leuring model hat manufactory.

Pennsylvania Colonization Society. [membership certificate]

To captains and ship owners. Kensington Screw Dock, Penn Street above Maiden, Philadelphia.

The directory and prefect of the Sodality of St. Joseph's Church, Philada. To all who shall see the present letters greeting in the Lord.

Testimonial awarded by the Philadelphia Relief Committee

Francis Bacon & Co.'s coal yard. Spruce Street Wharf, Schuylkill Philadelphia.

Murphy & Allison.

Diploma awarded by the Lebanon County Agricultural and Horticultural Society. [graphic]

Assembly Building schottisch

Chestnut Street, East of Fifth

The most Rev Francis Patrick Kenrick D.D. Archbishop of Baltimore.

The most Rev Francis Patrick Kenrick D.D. Archbishop of Baltimore. [graphic].

B. F. [Peirotts?] [graphic].

To the depot.

[Brown, Frederick & Kunkel, clothing warerooms, 41 North Third Street, Philadelphia]

Charles Oakford's model hat store, 158, Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Hats, caps and furs, wholesale and retail.

View of the United States Hose house & apparatus, Philadelphia.

Cornelius & Baker, manufacturers of lamps, chandeliers, gas fixtures, etc. Manufactories: No. 181 Cherry St & Columbia Avenue & 5th St, Philadelphia. Store, 176 Chestnut Street.

Harrison & Newhall, corner of Race and Crown streets, Philadelphia. Commission merchants and importers Rio coffee, sugars, hides &c. Philadelphia.

First Baptist Church of West Phila. Philadelphia.

South east view of West-town Boarding School. Chester Co. Penna. Instituted 1794, opened 1799, enlarged 1847.

Gems of Art. Philadelphia.

City Museum, Callowhill St. below Fifth St. Philadelphia.

Adam & Co.'s express "polka"

The Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. [membership certificate] : Incorporated March 9th 1855.
