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Headquarter Infantry Corps National Guards [membership certificate]

West Chester Public School. Sanford Culver, principal

Fashions by S.A & A.F. Ward spring & summer No. 62 Walnut Philada. 1852.

Fashions for spring and summer 1853 by S.A. & A.F. Ward, No. 62 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa.

Fine oysters.

Summer luxuries.

The wharf.

The butcher.

The staff of life.

The farm. A scene near Gray's Ferry, Philada. Co., Pa.

Keystone Marble Works. S. F. Jacoby & Co., Market St. betw. 20th & 21st Philadelphia.

Panorama Hill, Hestonville, West Philadelphia.

Grand reception ball in full regalia in honor of the Grand Lodge of the United States. I. O. of O. F. [invitation]

The rag tender

E. Ketterlinus & Co., plain and ornamental printer and lithographers, no. 40 North Fourth St., Philad'a.

E. Ketterlinus & Co., letter-press and lithographic printers, no. 40 North Fourth St., first door above the Merchant's Hotel, Philadelphia.

E. Ketterlinus & Co. label printers, no. 40 North Fourth St., Philadelphia.
