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Founders Week parade postcards.

[Cumberland Street east of 26th Street.]

[Edmund Street looking south from Friendship Street, Tacony, Pa.]

[West side of 18th Street north of Columbia Avenue.]

[Fifth Street north of Allegheny Avenue.]

[Southeast corner of 52nd Street and Hazel Avenue.]

[Fifty-sixth Street north of Girard Avenue.]

[Green Street west of 19th Street.]

[K Street west of Kensington Avenue.]

[East side of Pulaski Avenue south of Logan Street.]

[Seventh Street south of York Street.]

[Cambridge Street.]

[Bouvier Street south of Columbia Avenue.]

[Columbia Avenue covered in snow during the Businessmen's Carnival.]

[North side of Columbia Avenue east of 18th Street.]

[4300 Fleming Street, northwest corner of Roxborough Avenue, Philadelphia.]

The first court house of Cumberland, Co. First court held July 24, 1750. Shippensburg, Pa.

[Hennigar's Photo Studio and Ye Old Dummy Depot, 4700 Frankford Avenue.]

White Swan Hotel, Mount Airy, Pa.

[Block party benefit of Kensington Dispensary for the treatment of tuberculosis]

[Bustleton Avenue looking north. Bustelton, Pa.]

Leiper St. south from Gillingham St. Frankford.

[Van Pelt Street, south of West York Street.]

[Venango Street, west of Kensington Avenue, Harrowgate, Phila. Pa.]

[900 South 60th Street, West Philadelphia.]

Trinity Lutheran Church, Germantown Ave. & Queen Lane, 1857. Steeple after design by Christopher Wren. Clock purchased by public subscription, was first "town clock" of Germantown.

[Stapeley, northwest corner of Greene Street and Washington Lane, Germantown.]

[Rockland Street near York Road.]

[Unidentified street.]

[West side of Fifty-second Street north of Jefferson Street.]

[Unidentified street scene.]

[Deutscher Club Beer Garden, 532 North 4th Street, Philadelphia.]

Beck's Dry Goods Store, Bustleton, Pa.

Zion Lutheran Church postcards.

Falls M.E. Church, Philadelphia, Pa.

Oak Park United Presby.

Salem Lutheran Church.

Sunday's Tabernacle, Phila. Pa.

St. John's Orphan Asylum postcards.

[Unidentified African American baby boy]

Little girl sitting on stone porch, Philadelphia.

The studio, -- salesroom.

Salvation Army Home, 5415 Lansdowne Avenue, Phila. [graphic] / William H. Rau, Phila.