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Flying Horses postcards.

Lion Fighter, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

Washington Monument, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

Band stand, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

Fountain in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

Glen near Horticultural Hall postcards.

Chamounix Mansion postcards.

Residence of John Penn, Colonial Governor, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

Randolph Mansion, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa.

Germantown Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.

Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, Pa.

St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pa.

Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Frankford Ave., looking North from Dr. Guernsey's.

West Spruce Str., Philadelphia, Pa.

Centre Square Water Works postcards.

Marsden Gateway, Chestnut Hill, Phila.

St. James, 21st and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

Church of "Saint John Chrysostom", Philadelphia, Pa.

Our Mother of Sorrows R.C. Church, 48th & Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia.

34th Street [sic], entrance to University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

Clover Banquet Room, Bellevue Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia.

Penny Pot Inn, Front and Vine Streets.

Blue Anchor Inn.

"A day in June." The old Mermaid Tavern, Germantown, Philadelphia.

Church of the Saviour, 38th & Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

Immaculate Conception, R.C. Church, Germantown, Philadelphia.

Ladies' and Gentlemens' Restaurant, Green's Hotel, Chestnut and 8th Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

Hotel Walton, Philadelphia, Pa.

The St. James, Philadelphia, Pa.

Jacob Graff House, in which Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence postcards.

High Street in 1799 at present Market Street postcards.

West Spruce Str., Philadelphia, Pa.

Germantown Post Office, Germantown, Pa.

Staton Brothers, Stationery and Art Shop, Germantown Ave. and Coulter St., Germantown, Pa.

Young Mens Christian Association, Germantown, Pa.

Germantown High School, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.

Jewish Hospital, York & Tabor Roads, Philadelphia, Pa.

St. Vincent De Paul R.C. Church postcards.

Penn Street looking north, Germantown Pa. postcards.

Price Homestead, Ladies' Club House, Manheim Grounds postcards.

Wayne Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.

Old "Jolly Post" Hotel, Frankford, Philadelphia.

The St. James, Philadelphia, Pa.

Bingham Hotel postcards.

Elevated railroad, Fortieth Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa.

Market Street subway station postcards.

Interior of elevated car, Philadelphia, Pa.

Park Theatre postcards.

Market Street Subway postcards.
