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Northern coat of arms. [graphic]

"Your plan and mine." [graphic]

"The irrepressible conflict" or the Republican barge in danger. [graphic]

Secession displayed [graphic].

Political "Blondins" crossing Salt River [graphic].

Enlistment of Sickles brigade [graphic].

Columbia's noblest sons [graphic] / Manson Lang, 542 Broadway, New York; Lithog. & printed by Kimmel & Forster 254 &n 256 Canal Str. N.Y.

The last offer of reconciliation [graphic] : In rememberance of Prest. A. Lincolns. "The door is open for all." H. Thomas; Lithogr. by Kimmel & Forster 256 Canal Str. N.Y.

The Declaration of Independence illustrated. [graphic] / Fabronius; Designed by R. Thayer; L. Prang & Co. Lith, Boston.

The triumph. [graphic]

The rail candidate. [graphic]

"The nigger" in the woodpile. [graphic]

Arms of ye confederacie. [graphic] / H.H. Tilley Del. et Sc.

The (Fort) Monroe doctrine. [graphic]

John Bull makes a discovery. [graphic]

The house that Jeff built. [graphic]

The question settled. [graphic] / Geo. Whiting, 87 Fulton St. New York; Phelps & Watson, 18 Beekman St. New York.

Our bleeding country's infernal revenue stamps. [graphic] / ["I say internal ought to be spelt with a T, boss says it hadn't] Printers Devil.
