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The dwelling-place of the Annalist. [graphic] : This house is situated on Price St. was built by, and now occupied by the venerable and respected and esteemed John F. Watson, in Germantown. Of it he thus writes, "if sufficiently curious - is the house of

Westside of Fourth St. from above Prune to Spruce St. [graphic] : Upper cor. Louis Phillipe's house - lower cor. Dr. Shippen's house also Dr. Wister's, las Job R. Tyson's house - next J.P. Norris jrs - next St. Mary's Church; next H. Pratt's houses (2) co

House s.w. corner of Prune and Fourth street [graphic] : House built and occupied by Joseph P. Norris, Jr. - and also - St. Mary's church - the part of a house on the right of the picture is that occupied by Louis Phillip of France - see next page - The f

House n.w. corner of Prune and Fourth street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Free Quakers meeting house. On the southwest corner of Fifth Street. Benjm. Tucker's schools, for many years, were kept in upper portion of this building. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Friends' Pine Street meeting and school house. On the south side of Pine Street, east of Second Street. The gable end of the large double house southeast corner of Second and Pine St., in perspective. [graphic] : In olden times, this last named house, was

Bell Tavern - west side of Eight Street, north of Sansom Street - (a primitive building.) Demolished May 1858. [graphic] / By Richards.

Engle's house [graphic] : Of this house Mr. Watson writes "The house of Engle's, a tanner, next north of the Town Hall. It marks a very superior house as the erection of one hundred years ago. It has no history". On the Main Street of Germantown. / Photog

The Willing Mansion. Corner s.w. Willings Alley and Third Street. [graphic] / Photogrh. F.D.B. Richards.

Holy Trinity (Romish) Church, northwest corner of Spruce and Sixth Street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

The "Black Bear" Tavern; Girard estate offices; the residence of Thos. Sully, and his studio, and the music store of Geo. E. Blake; up to Fred. Brown's iron building and apothecary shop, at the n.e. corner of Fifth and Chestnut St., and the east side of F

Independent Church Dr. Chambers, Broad and George St. [graphic] / Photogh. McClees.

Mennonite church. [graphic] : Of this Mr. Watson writes, " a stone church and grave-yard, near Congress hall (above on the same side of Main Street) but I mean to say nothing of church. From the wall of the ground, they shot Genl. Agnew (during revolution

Roberts' Mill. [graphic] : "To go back the Church lane," writes Mr. Watson, "there is Roberts' Mill and dam, holding the place, and probably much of the original of the first mill in Philadelphia county" / Photograph by Richards.

North side of Chestnut above 7th [graphic].

[The house and farm of Thomas Godfrey on the corner of Limekiln Road and Church Lane, Germantown] [graphic].

Michael Billmeyer's house and printing office - his bookstore was in portion of the house nearest the eye - it was the next "place" above Chews place. [graphic] : Mr. Watson writes "It is a good one [to be photographed]." At its south end Genl. Washington

[Spring Garden Hall, N.W. corner Thirteenth & Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia.] [graphic] / McClees & Germon, patent crystalotype, 160 Chestnut St. Philada.

Wylie Memorial Church, Broad & Spruce streets, Philadelphia [graphic].

[Keene Mansion, 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

The Chew mansion, Germantown [graphic] : Battle of Germantown fought October 4th 1777. Lieutt. Col. Musgrave threw himself with six companies of the 49th British regt. into Chew's house, which stood full in front of the main body of the Americans. Gen'l R

John George Knorr's house [graphic] : This house (the central in the picture) was built by the grandfather of my maternal grandfather - he occupied it many years - then by his son J.G.K., the 2nd, then by my grandfather John Knorr - then by Michael Keyser

Kohn's Mansion. Chestnut Street, west of Tenth St. North side. Late "Parkinson's Restaurant, confectionery, garden" &c. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Church of St. James the Less (Episcopal.) Rector Rev. A. Tenbrueck [graphic] : Ridge Avenue, near Laurel Hill - Falls Schl. / McClees.

Eighth below Walnut east side, the Ellis house [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Old Washington Tavern, [graphic] : At the corner of Washington Lane and the Main Street Germantown / Photograph by Richards.

Old St. Michaels Church, (German Lutheran) on the southeast corner of Fifth and Cherry St. The grounds bounded on the south by Appletree Alley. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Philadelphia Library. On the northeast corner of Fifth and Library street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

[M'Clees & Germon, daguerreotype rooms, 182 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia] [graphic]

[First U.S. mint building, the "Old Mint," 37-39 Seventh Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

[Bullock mansion, 46-48 North Third Street, Philadelphia.] [graphic].

7th Presbyterian Church, Broad Above Chestnut [graphic].

Spruce between 4th and 5th, south side looking west. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Chew's house, Germantown. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

The second Presbyterian church. And the burial grounds belonging to it, and that of the first Presbyterian church. On the southwest corner of Pine, and Fourth Street, as recently altered and improved. [graphic] / Frederick De B. Richards.

Dr. Staughtons, or Sansom St. Baptist church. Sansom south side east of Ninth Street, as viewed from the northwest, across the foundation walls of the new hotel on the s.e. corner of Chestnut and Ninth Street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

No.1 Residence of Rt. Rev. Dr. Wm. White, Bishop of Pennsylvania, No. 2 Residence of Chas. Chauncey, Esq. No.3 his law office [graphic] : these houses on Walnut Street No. 3 being one to the n.w. cor. of that and Third Street / Photograph by Richards.

[Jayne Building, 242-244 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Nutz's house. [graphic] : "A very old stone house," writes Mr. Watson, "of two storys, owned and dwelt in by Nutz, a tanner, who had his tanyard along the street, southward. It is now a house resting some two feet or more below the street pavement but in

Old London coffee house, s.w. corner of Market and Front street. [graphic] / Photograph taken Augt. 1858 by James E. McClees.

St. Thomas' (African) Church.

St. Thomas' (African) Church. [graphic] / Southwest corner of Fifth and Adelphi Street. The Revd. Absalom Jones,(colored) first Rector. Photograph by Richards.

Mercantile Library, on the southeast corner of Fifth and Library Street. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

[President-elect Abraham Lincoln raising flag in front of Independence Hall in honor of admission of Kansas to the Union, February 22, 1861] [graphic].

[Old London Coffee House, Front and Market streets, Philadelphia.] [graphic] / McClees & Germon, patent crystalotype, 182 Chestnut St. Philada.

The United States Mint, Chestnut Street at Juniper [graphic].

North side of Chestnut Street, west of Sixth Street on the lot of ground formerly occupied by Chief Justice Tilghman's mansion house. [graphic] / Photograph by Richards.

Macknett's Tavern. [graphic] : "It is picturesque," writes Mr. Watson; "it existed in the time of the revolution, and was then, and afterwards, the prominent tavern for visits of city gentleman. It is now owned by George W. Carpenter, and has no history."

Edward Penington's counting-house. On the northeast corner of Race and Crown street. [graphic] : His sugar factory was in the rear facing Crown Street; the building in view is an extensive enlargement of the old "sugar-house." / Photograph by Richards.

The hole in the wall of Christ Church burial ground; [graphic] : on the southeast corner of Arch and Fifth street; opened for the purpose of exhibiting the tomb of Benjamin and Deborah Franklin, which is immediately in front nearest to the surface of the
