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Cartes de visite satirizing the Civil War revenue systems [graphic].

Intelligent contraband. 2d ed.

Beauties of the draft [graphic].

Enlistment of Sickles brigade [graphic].

Fifteenth amendment. Bringing his crop to town. [graphic] / Photographed by J. N. Wilson, nos. 143 Broughton and 21 Bull Sts., Savannah, Ga.

The straggler's last "sup." [graphic].

That intelligent contraband. [graphic].

Apartments to let. Fort Lafayette. [graphic] / J.H.G.

"Take care Gilmore you'll knock my brains out." [graphic].

Gen. Gilmore."I have no words, my voice is my gun." [graphic].

[Comic scene showing a Confederate officer fleeing from a U.S. cannonball] [graphic].

Young man - you should enlist. [graphic] : What! - I? can't deu it, - I'm the skeeriest fellow you ever did see.

The ghost of an "old soger" in camp. [graphic].

"Secesh" taking a moonlight stroll. [graphic].

[Miscellaneous prints from the Joe Freedman collection of Philadelphia ephemera] [graphic].