Your attention I ask for a while (3 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. As sung by Ashcroft; publ. Boyd (2); advs: 10,000 Songs for sale, Boyd's Novel Exchange, and 2,000 Plays for sale. T. o. border. 20.7 x 11.5 cm., Variant: b. [Without "The" in title;] sheet no. 1057; written by Harry Bloodgood; music at Olive [sic] Ditson's and Co.; publ. Partridge (2). T. o. border. 23.3 x 14.4 cm.
I'm a broken-heart butcher-boy (7 vs. and chor.) As sung by Tony Pastor., Variant: a. Print. Auner (5). A-J border. 21.8 x 16 cm., Variant: b. With "broken-hearted" in first line; [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan military cupid border. 25.7 x 16.2 cm., Variant: c. [First line as above;] [publ.] De Marsan (4). De Marsan kissing cupids border. 24 x 16 cm.
When the moon with glory brightens (3 vs. and chor.) Words by M. J. Million., Variant: a. Music by P. B. Isaacs; obtained from the Publishers, Firth, Son and Co.; sung nightly, for weeks, with brilliant effect, by C. J. Lockood [sic] of Wood's Minstrels; [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan kissing cupids border. 24.2 x 16.5 cm., Variant: b. Title: "Maiden, Wilt Thou Roam?"; [without Words;] Air: When I saw sweet Nelly home. Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 214, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.5 x 12.6 cm., Variant: c. [As above;] sheet no. 1117; publ. Wrigley (1); [with THE OLD HOUSE AT HOME and STRIKE THE HARP GENTLY on verso.] Wrigley kissing cupids border. 24.3 x 15.5 cm., Variant: d. Music by P.B. Isaacs; music obtained from Firth Son and Co.; sung by C.J. Lockwood of Wood's Minstrels; sheet no. 1230. Wrigley Ethiopian border. 22.4 x 15.2 cm.
The moon had clim'd the highest hill (4 vs.) Sheet no. 306; publ. Wrigley (1); [with THE DRUMMER OF ANTIETAM on recto.] Wrigley horned imp border. 24.7 x 15.7 cm.
Jeff Davis was a hero bold, you've heard of him, I know (6 vs. and chor.) [By Henry Tucker.], Variant: a. Music obtained at the Music-Store of Wm. A. Pond and Co.; [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan Ethiopian border. 25.5 x 16.3 cm., Variant: b. With period after "Jeff"; sheet no. 1338; music pub- lished by Wm. A. Pond and Co.; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley military cupid border. 24.5 x 14.9 cm.
What is home without a mother (3 vs.), Variant: a. Title: "What is Home Without a Mother"; by Alice Hawthorne [Septimus Winner]; music obtained at Firth Pond, and Co. (2); publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan fountain border. 24.5 x 16.2 cm., Variant: a.1. [As above;] no imprint. T.o. border. 23.5 x 15 c.m., Variant: b. Title: "What is Home Without a Mother?" ; with Home in first line; publ. Johnson (2); adv: Cards, Cir- culars, Billheads, etc. T. o. border; mother with four children. 23.5 x 15 cm., Variant: c. By permission of the publishers, Messrs. Lee and Walker; adv: 500 Illustrated Ballads [publ.] Magnus (2). Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 78, bronze; publ. Magnus. 20.5 x 13 cm., Variant: d. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 84, bronze; publ. Magnus. 20.7 x 13 cm., Variant: e. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 199', col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.3 x 12.7 cm., Variant: f. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 215, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.2 x 12.5 cm., Variant: g. Title: "What is Home Without a Mother,"; sheet no. 175 Wrigley kissing cupids border. 23.8 x 15.3 cm.
Oh, Columbia, the gem of the Ocean (3 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Print. Andrews. Andrews ivy border. 22.3 x 11.9 cm., Variant: b. Title: "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean"; publ. Auner (1). Flag. 20 x 11.3 cm., Variant: c. With "and" in place of "And"; publ. Auner (2). A-J border; floating hemisphere with flag and motto: Our Country. 23.9 x 14.3 cm., Variant: d. Title: "Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean"; written and composed by David T. Shaw; arranged by T. A'Becket; publ. Auner (2). A-J border; eagle with flag. 24.5 x 15.3 cm., Variant: e. With "and" in place of "And"; publ. Auner (5). A-J border; eagle with flag. 23.5 x 14.9 cm., Variant: f. [Publ.] De Marsan (2). De Marsan musical instruments border. 25.1 x 16.3 cm., Variant: g. With"and" in place of "And"; [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan ship border. 24.8 x 14.9 cm., Variant: h. Title: "Roth, Weiss Und Blau", and first line begin- ning: "O Columbia, Perle der Lander"; [publ.] De Mar- san (3). De Marsan military cupid border. 26.2 x 17 cm., Variant: i. Publ. Johnson (2). A-J border; floating.hemisphere with flag and motto: Our Country. 24.4 x 15.1 cm., Variant: j. With "and" in place of "And", and exclamation mark at end of title; with 3 chors.; print, and publ. Johnson (2). 20.1 x 11.2 cm., Variant: jk. [Without chors.;] with title: "Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean; publ. Johnson (2); adv: You will save 25 per cent. T.o. border; Liberty holding flag and anchor. 21.2 x 11.7 cm. (cropped), Variant: k. [Without chors.;] with title: "Columbia The Gem Of The Ocean"; adv: You will save 25 per cent, by getting your printing done; print. Johnson (3). T. o. border; eagle with banner on which is printed Johnson's address. 23.2 x 14.9 cm., Variant: l. With "and" in place of "And"; and first line beginning: O Columbia, Perle der Lander; [publ.] Magnus (1); adv: Magnus ' Ornamental and Glorious Union Packet. Letter paper; double-line border; hdpc. Magnus 211, col. 20.5 x 11.6 cm., Variant: m. [Publ.] Magnus (2).. Letter paper; single-line border; hdpc. Magnus 203, col. 20.5 x 12.7 cm., Variant: n. Print. Senseman(2). T. o. border; sailor nailing flag to mast. 23.1 x 11.3 cm., Variant: o. As sung by the Star Company, at the Grotto Concert Saloon, Seventh ab. Chestnut Street; print. S. Loag; publ. Warren (6). A-J border; flag. 25.2 x 14.9 cm.
At a shop in Cranbourn Alley, where they hangs goods in and out (8 vs.) Air.—John Thomas. Sheet no. 758; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley Pat and Mike border. 25 x 15.5 cm.
Oh, I am afraid and weary (3 vs. and chors.) Air.—Who will care for Mother now. By the Dock St. Bard; cop: Guyer and Schaefer; Sole Agency, 231 Dock Street, Philadelphia; adv: Get the Song, The Exempts.; with Charles Bender's imprint added on side. T. o. bo
It was on one fine morning for soft recreation (10 vs.), Variant: a. Print. Andrews. T. o. border. 23.4 x 15.4 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] with Astley's imprint added. T. o. border. 24.5 x 15 cm.
Squeak the fife and beat the drum (6 vs.), Variant: a. With last two verses headed "Encore Verses"; publ. Auner (2). A-J border; horse-drawn cannon and mounted soldiers on parade. 24.5 x 15.2 cm., Variant: b. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan ship border, col. 25 x 16.2 cm., Variant: c. With last two verses headed "Encore Verses"; as sung by Mrs. Barney Williams and Mrs. Florence, through- out the States; publ. Johnson (2); adv: Cards, Circulars, Bill-Heads, etc. A-J border; marchers carrying banners in a parade. 23.5 x 15 cm.
Way down beside Francisco Bay (4 vs.) Air: The Girl I left behind me., Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (4). De Marsan Ethiopian border, col. 26 x 16.5 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 435; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley Ethiopian border. 25 x 16 cm.
Phoebe, dearest, tell, oh! tell me (3 vs.), Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan military cupid border. 24.5 x 15.7 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] De Marsan kissing cupid border. 26 x 16.4 cm., Variant: c. Sheet no. 961; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley kissing cupids border. 24.3 x 15.5 cm.
Some- body's curting [sic] somebody (3 vs.) Adv: 500 Illustrated Ballads [publ.] Magnus (2)., Variant: a. Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 213a, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.4 x 12.5 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 231, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.3 x 12.8 cm.
In the marble halls I sit (3 vs. and chor.) By John C. Cross, and sung by Chester H. Smith., Variant: a. [Publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan Ethiopian border. 24 x 15.5 cm., Variant: b. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan clown border. 24.8 x 16 cm.
When our Country needed men (2 vs. and chors.) Air: A Life on the Ocean Wave., Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan flag border with central star, col. 25.3 x 16.6 cm., Variant: b. By Albert F. Dawson; sheet no. 805; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley flag border, stripes with starry top, col. 21.2 x 13 cm.
Sons of Freedom now arise (5 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Title: "79th Regiment"; by Mrs. Winter; dedicated to Samuel McKinzie Elliott, Lieut-Col, commanding the N.Y. 79th. Regt. per favour Commissary John White; Air: Scots wha a Wallace bled; publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan eagle border, col. 26 x 17 cm., Variant: b. Air—"Scott's wha hae wi Wallace Bled"; sheet no. 768; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley flag border, stripes with starry top, col. 21.5 x 13.4 cm.
There was a sad disaster, alas, 'twas fraught with gloom (7 vs. and chor.) Tune.: "Hard Times come again no more." Written by Ned Buntline [Edward Zane Carroll Judson]; copyright secured; cop: 1856, J. H. Johnson, EDPa.; adv: You will save 25 per cent. by getting your Printing done at Johnson's; print. Johnson (3). T.o. border; woman leaning by tomb. 23.2 x 15 cm.
From the big town of Limerick lately I came (6 vs. and 6 chors.), Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan comic heads border. 24.1 x 15.9 cm., Variant: b. Sheet no. 903; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley horned imp border. 24.6 x 15.5 cm.
I am guine to sing a song and VI [sic] make it as I go (6 vs. and chor.) As written and sung by Phil Rice, the Celebrated Ban- joist; [publ.] Andrews. T. o. border. 25.6 x 14.5 cm.
I do not see, as used to be, those sprightly lads in town (8 vs.) Air: The Land of America, Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan ship border, with war scenes in lower corners. 26 x 16.6 cm., Variant: b. By F. Collins; sheet no. 1001; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley Ethiopian border. 21.8 x 13 cm.
Of all the flags that float aloft (4 vs. and chors.), Variant: a. Lee and Walker, music publishers; publ. Auner (5). T. o. border; flag. 23 x 14.4 cm., Variant: b. [Without "The" in title and period at end;] with 1 chor.; publ. Johnson (2); adv: Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, etc. T. o. border. 22.6 x 14.5 cm., Variant: c. Music published by Lee and Walker; adv: Brooks Ball Room Monitor; [publ.] Johnson (2). Sailing ship. 24.5 x 16 cm.
Come vote for Andrew, one and all (7 vs. and chor.) Tune—"Who'll be King but Charlie." By Kate Moncrieff; headed: "[Respectfully dedicated to the Union League.]"; Philadelphia, Oct. 5th, 1863. Double-line border. 21.7 x 11.9 cm.
When but a child I used to go to bed at eight each night (5 vs. and chor.) Sheet no. 18; music published by E. H. Harding; publ. Wehman (2). T. o. border. 23.6 x 15.2 cm.
The bright moon was rising above the green mountains (2 vs. and chor.) 2nd song: "General Lee"; [publ.] De Marsan (3). De Marsan trapper border. 23.5 x 15.5 cm.
Many have told of the monks of old (4 vs. and 3 chors.) [Publ.] De Marsan (2). De Marsan trapper border, col.; cop: 1860, H. De Marsan, SDN.Y. 24.6 x 15.7 cm.
Come all you tender Christians, I pray you lend an ear (7 vs.) Headed: "A New Song"; "It is generally thought inno- cent, for the Murder of Alfred S. Moses, at the Sea View House" after title; Copy Right secured by the author D. M'D. T. o. border. 21.7 x
Thou youthful Hero! deep in grief (3 vs.) By G. Gumpert; cop: EDPa. J. Magee, 1861; publ. Magee., Variant: a. Letter paper; blue ink; death of Ellsworth in red and blue. 20.7 x 12.5 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] bust of Ellsworth within wreath in red and blue. 20 x 13.2 cm.
Down by yonder valley, I carelessly did stray (5 vs.) As sung by G. W. Gill., Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (3). De Marsan eagle border. 23.9 x 14.7 cm., Variant: b. [As above, but without hyphen in title;] De Marsan ship border, with war scenes in lower corners. 25.2 x 14.4 cm., Variant: c. [As above;] De Marsan trapper border. 22 x 14.4 cm., Variant: d. [Without name of singer;] with two hyphens in title. Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 127, col.; [publ.] Magnus (1). 20.4 x 13.1 cm., Variant: e. [As above;] hdpc. Magnus 128, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20.4 x 12.6 cm.
Up from the South at break of day (5 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Publ. Haddock and Son. T. o. border. 21.8 x 13 cm., Variant: b. Written by T. Buchanan Read; composed by David A. Warden (4); adv: By sending J. H. Johnson thirty-five Cents; publ. Johnson (2). 23 x 13.2 cm., Variant: c. [Without exclamation point at end of title;] by Thomas Buchanan Read; cop: 1864, J. Magee; with 7 vs., no chor. Letter paper; blue ink; double-line border with flags and motto "Liberty and Union Forever", in red and blue. 20.4 x 13 cm.
Do they think of me at home (3 vs.), Variant: a. Publ. Johnson (2). A-J border. 21 x 12.5 cm. (cropped), Variant: b. [Without 3rd vs., but with chors.;] 2nd song: "You'll Remember Me". Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 41, col.; [publ.] Magnus (1). 21 x 13 cm., Variant: c. [As above;] adv: Ten illustrated Songs, publ. Magnus (D- Letter paper; single-line border; bronze ink; hdpc. Magnus 171. 20.5 x 12.5 cm., Variant: d. [As above, with black ink and col. hdpc] 20.3 x 12.6 cm., Variant: e. [Without 3rd vs. but chors. added;] 2nd song: "You'll Remember Me"; publ. Gay. Letter paper; blue ink; hdpc. Magnus 243, col.; publ. Magnus (1). 20 x 13 cm. (cropped?), Variant: f. [As above;] sheet no. 829; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley kissing cupids border. 24 x 15 cm.
Of all the reformations, in the east or in the west (5 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Written by Professor Field; print. Andrews. T. o. border. 23.9 x 14.6 cm., Variant: b. [As above;] with Astley's imprint pasted over Andrews'. 23.8 x 15.5 cm.
Did you hear tell of Paddy's Museum (8 vs. and chor.), Variant: a. Publ. De Marsan (1). 23.7 x 15.2 cm., Variant: b. Publ. De Marsan (4). De Marsan comic heads border. 24.3 x 16.2 cm., Variant: c. Sheet no. 589; sold by Partridge (2). T. o. border. 22.7 x 14.9 cm., Variant: d. Sheet no. 650; publ. Wrigley (1). Wrigley moon border. 24.4 x 15.7 cm.