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U.S. Chemical Dept., Main Building.

Centennial opening - the orators.

Zoological Garden - chimpanzee.

Elevated railway - Centennial grounds.

Main Building, from east end.

Horticultural Hall.

Massachusetts State Building.

Porcelain ware, Japanese court.

Michigan State Building.

Centennial opening - the choristers.

Art Gallery and Memorial Hall, March 7,1876.

Main Building from East Gallery.

Chilian Mineral Exhibit - Main Building.

James Green & Nephew's exhibit - Main Building.

Centennial Photographic Company Collection

Main Building transept from northy gallery.

Republic Avenue from Machinery Hall.

Canada Lumber Exhibit.

Memorial Hall.

Fountain Ave. from Horticultural Hall.

New England Glass Company's exhibit - Main Building.

Women's Pavillion and Government Building.

Pennsylvania Day - instantaneous view.

General Washington's carriage.

Centennial Photographic Company Collection

Pennsylvania Day - instantaneous view.

Machinery Hall.

Centennial opening - the choristers.

Pennsylvania Day - instantaneous view.

Res. English Comission, rear building.


Juniata River abo[ve] Mifflin

Sulfur Springs Bedford

Sentinel Rock

Devil's Back Bone near Bedford

Bedford Springs

Shoe Mountain

Bedford Springs

Bedford Springs

Lime Springs. Bedford

Bedford Springs Hotel



Jacks Narrows, from Mapleton

Mapleton, from Jacks Narrows

Juniata River above Anderson

Susquehanna Bridge

Lewiston Narrows No. 1

Terrace Mountain, Mill Creek

Susquehanna Bridge
