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[Wm. T. Hopkins trade card]

C. Hughes, dry goods and trimmings, No. 1128 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Dress making and knife pleating done at short notice.

[P.R. Hansbury & Co. trade cards]

[H. N. Harbach trade cards]

Nolan & Counsellor, fruits, flowers, &c. 1146 Broadway, bet. 26th and 27th Streets, New York.

I. Oakford & Son, hatters, 28 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

R. Newell & Son, 633 Arch St., Phila. Equipped for outside and indoor photography.

Newgarden's up town ribbon box, 1224 Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia.

George B. Newton & Co., agents for the sale of Lehigh Valley Coal Co.'s coal. 329 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.

Niagara corn starch, Wesp, Lautz Bros. & Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

[John Mustin trade cards]

A. Smith, fashionable boot and shoe maker, No. 348 Girard Av., Phila.

Smith Brothers chemically pure Borax.

[S.D. Sollers & Co. trade cards]

[Sooy's trade cards]

French etching silk for outlining. Eureka silk. Every spool warranted. The standard silk of the world.

William Still, dealer in Lehigh & Schuylkill coal, 1216, 1218 and 1220 Washington Avenue, Philadelphia.

B.M. Singley & Co., dealers in coal, yard, N.E. cor. Ninth and Master Sts., Philadelphia, Pa.

[Samuel F. Simes trade cards]

Jas. K. Simon, 29 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut, old established book store.

[Simpson's millinery, laces and trimmings' store trade cards]

Mrs. H. Steward, London & Paris Millinery, No. 435 North Second St., Philadelphia.

L.W. Stewart, agt. wholesale and retail manufacturer and dealer in trunks, bags, satchels, ladies' & gents' traveling trunks, pocket books, &c. 29 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia.

Edward A. Smith & Co., 219 and 221 N. Eighth Street, Philadelphia.

For the world of sufferers. For warding off disease. For securing good health. To enjoy cheerful spirits, health, and happiness. Take Simmons Liver Regulator.

Campuzano Bros., Malaga.

View, on other side, of Washington's Headquarters, at Valley Forge, Pa. Sold for the benefit of the Valley Forge Memorial Chapel. One brick.

"Queen Bess" corset and skirt supporter. This is by far the best corset and skirt supporter ever made and is warranted in every particular. Manufactured only by the Worcester Corset Co., Worcester, Mass.

Presented to each purchaser of either of our following specialties. Manufactured expressly for Sharpless & Sons, Philadelphia.

Shirrell's Kulliyun washing crystal, Shirrell & Co., Buffalo, N.Y.

Fresh deviled crabs. McMenamin & Co., Hampton, Va.

Compliments of E.M. Bruce & Co., general managers for the Estey Organ, 18 North 7th St., Phila.

Photography under a cloud.

The Doan, under the management of the Philadelphia Dairy and Cafe.

B. F. DuBois, jeweler, No. 12 N. Second St., Philadelphia.

The cheapest place in town! Fechner Bros., auctioneers, No. 490 State Street, New Haven, Conn.

[Duryeas' Glen Cove Manufacturing Co. trade cards]

Eagle Iron Works. Hoff & Fontaine, founders, and manufacturers of steam engines, patent steam stocking presses, pumps, patent hoisting machines, pulleys, hangers, couplings, shafting and mill gearing, general machinists, boiler makers & millwrights, No. 1

Elliott's fine millinery. 54 N. Eighth Street, Philadelphia. Entrance also, wholesale dep't, 808 Arch Street.

[Eagle Starch Enamel Manufacturing Co., Frankford, Phila., Pa.]

Found at last! The cheapest shell store in Atlantic City. Rare and beautiful sea shells, corals, toys, curiosities, etc. East India Shell Store, No. 1120 Atlantic Avenue, above post office.

A. Erkenbrecher's St. Bernhard Starch Works, Cincinnati, O.

The Dueber watch case factories at Newport, Ky. The Dueber Watch Case Manufacturing Co. branch offices. Cincinnati, O., New York & Chicago.

M.T. Hess, successor to D.L. Page, manufacturer of fine confections, no. 918 Arch Street, Philad'a.

Compliments of L.A. Heyer & Son, the new headquarters for toys, fancy goods and dolls, "Rhoda" baby carriages, wagons, velocipedes, etc., and fireworks, 812 Arch St., Philad'a, Pa.

J. Holly, fine clothing, ready-made and to order, 1312 South St., Phila.

We bake our own pies, rolls and bread for the Home Coffee House, 1109 Market St. 5 cents for each article. Side entrance for ladies.

Galanterie spielwaaren handlung L. Hönig in Zürich. Das neueste stets auf lager.

M.E. Hoopes.
