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Try King's quick rising buckwheat. It is the best. The cook likes it [graphic].

Use Dunham's concentrated cocoanut [graphic].

William B. Dixey trade cards

African American caricature Franz Aman trade cards

Pleis' celebrated fit powders & liver pills, 860 N. Third Street, Philadelphia.

M.F. McDonough & Co., importers, No. 117 South Front St., Philadelphia.

A. Maron, 1612 Chestnut Stret, Philadelphia.

The new Philadelphia clothing house. Mackey, Johnson, Turner & Co., 922 Chestnut Street.

Pope's rifle air pistol gallery, 41st Street, opp. Poplar, Centennial grounds, 40 ranges, 10 shots, 10 cts.

E. McKelvey, fine family groceries, 1118 Columbia Ave.

Smoke the "owl" cigar 5¢.

[Dudley L. Page's confectionery trade cards]

Parker's dyspepsia cure.

Tyndale & Mitchell Co. have removed to their new store, No. 1217 Chestnut Street, where they will be pleased to see their old friends and customers. China, glass and earthenware, of every description, at lowest practicable prices.

Town & Brother, manufacturers and dealers leather belting & lace leather, rubber goods, belting, packing, hose, gaskets, tubing, door mats, &c. Rubber clothing, boots and shoes. Stationers and druggists sundries: erasive rubber, elastic bands, nursery she

"Creme" oat meal toilet soap.

Making ends meet.

[Studebaker Bros. Mfg. Co. fine carriages, wagons, etc., South Bend, Ind. trade cards]

[John Mundell & Co. trade cards]

S. Musselman, (formerly with E. Burthey,) manufacturer of fine confections, 274 South Fourth St., Philadelphia.

Present in many cans of Miles' Baking Powder due bills for handsome book and 2 paintings, in some cans due bill for a watch.

F. Pulaski & Co., 1026 Chestnut St.

Compliments of Quinlan & Fisher, 816 Arch Street.

John T. Roberts & Bro., reliable coal dealers, 1825 and 1827 N. Tenth St., and Germantown.

Fannie Price, dealer in all kind of county produce, stalls, 125 & 127 Farmer's Market, Philadelphia.

Geo. Rehfuss & Sons, mech. eng's, manufacturers of light machinery of every description. Dental and surgical instruments. Inventors of special machinery, Tiernan Street, below Wharton, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 1316 S. Broad St.

D. Wilmot Richardson, fashionable hatter, 2024 & 2026 Callowhill St., Philadelphia.

Rea & Riley, carpenters and builders, No. 627 Filbert Street.

[Read's Grand Duchess Cologne trade cards]

[Philadelphia roller skating rink, Twenty-third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia]

Phenix Ins. Co. Nothing new under the sun.

Rapson's trimmings and zephyrs, 132 N. Eighth Street, corner of Cherry St.

Noix de coco, manufactured by Warner & Merritt, Philadelphia.

[The Universal Plow Company, Canton, Ohio]

Lewis Voight & Son, artistic paper hangings.

Votti & Newman, manufacturers of Votti's patent clocks, with one year movements, also, one month movements with winding-up designs. 2132 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Vienna pudding, G.W. Barlow, manufacturer, New York.

Sunday Grit.

[U.S. Wind Engine and Pump Co. trade cards]

Creditor of Johnsing & Skinner--"I'll hab a hundred and fifty cents on de dollar, or I'll lick de hul firm."

Warner's safe rheumatic cure

Horsford's acid phosphate for mental & physical exhaustion, dyspepsia &c. It makes a delicious drink with water & sugar only. Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R.I.

Major E. Newell, with Genl. Tom Thumb's Museum. H.R. Jacobs, manager.

Large schooner yacht, "Henry Disston," Captain Conklin. Sloop Yacht, I. C. Covert," Captain Fisher.

Irwin Keller's sample room, N.W. cor. Fifth St. & Girard Ave., Philadelphia.

Jorden & Jeffries, carpenters and builders. Estimates furnished. Office, 1009 Arch Street. Orfa Jorden, residence, 4279 Main St. Germantown. A.U. Jeffries, residence, 1918 Montgomery Ave. Philada.

The Kensington. Jas. H. Rodgers, proprietor. Saratoga Springs, New York.

Philadelphia lawn mowers at Horticultural Hall, Fairmount Park.

John W. Pechin & Bro. Manufacturers of pure oak leather belting, worsted aprons, lace & picker leather. 228 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

The People's Opera Company.
