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Pleis' celebrated fit powders & liver pills, 860 N. Third Street, Philadelphia.

Pope's rifle air pistol gallery, 41st Street, opp. Poplar, Centennial grounds, 40 ranges, 10 shots, 10 cts.

Making ends meet.

[Studebaker Bros. Mfg. Co. fine carriages, wagons, etc., South Bend, Ind. trade cards]

Sunday Grit.

Large schooner yacht, "Henry Disston," Captain Conklin. Sloop Yacht, I. C. Covert," Captain Fisher.

With H. A. Bartlett & Co., Philadelphia & Boston..

John A. Dorward, veterinary surgeon. Office: 1043 North Ninth St., Reading, Pa.

D. W. Bard, daily messenger from Reading to Philadelphia, attends to shopping and business of all kinds. Reading offices, 312 & 618 Penn St., Philadelphia office, 716 filbert St.

The Chestnut Hill Stock Farm, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Breeders and importers of hackneys and thoroughbreds, hunters, high action pairs, dog-cart horses, ladies cobs, and childrens ponies.

[Fold & find 18 changes metamorphic trade card promoting Water Lily Soap] [graphic].