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[Thomas Cooper] [graphic].

[Chain gang] [graphic].

[Whip and paddle] [graphic].

[Thomas Cooper] [graphic] / G.L. Brown sc.

The poor mother [graphic].

The praying child. [graphic].

A slave-ship [graphic].

All men born free and equal? [graphic].

Tearing up free papers [graphic].

[Family ties broken up] [graphic].

[Mother taken away] [graphic].

A slave caught without a pass [graphic].

The nation's act [graphic].

Do the slaves desire their liberty? [graphic].

The cruelties of slavery [graphic].

The desperation of a mother [graphic].

The flogging of females [graphic].

What has the North to do with slavery? [graphic].

John Bull's monarchy a refuge from Brother Jonathan's slavery. [graphic].

Colored scholars excluded from schools [graphic].

Colored schools broken up, in the free states [graphic].

"Nuisances" going as "missionaries," "with their own consent" [graphic].

An emancipated family [graphic].

The results of abolitionism. [graphic]

The way they "catch" men in Pennsylvania [graphic].

The way a Virginian treated a New Englander [graphic].

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. [graphic].

The humanity of the Africo-Americans [graphic].

The runaway [graphic].

"Incendiary pictures" [graphic].

How can it be done? [graphic].

How slavery honors our country's flag [graphic].

Scenes in the city prison of New York [graphic].

The runaway [graphic].

A fact with a short commentary [graphic].

History of the slave, James [graphic].

A Northern freeman enslaved by Northern hands [graphic].

Emancipated slaves can take care of themselves [graphic].

Southern arguments to stop the mouths of Northern guests [graphic].

Jim Crow and his poney [sic] never fail to please [graphic].