(501 - 550 of 756)
- Title
- The best branch of the service! Marine and fortification artillery! Col. H. Segebarth, commanding. This regiment receives all the government, state and municipal bounties, amounting to $170 & one month's pay in advance Recruits wanted for Battery L
- Description
- The 152nd Regiment, 3rd Artillery of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was authorized in Aug. 1862 and mustered out of service in July and Nov. 1865; Hermann Segebarth was discharged April 28, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 698, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 152., The illustration is an eagle with the banner: To arms! To arms!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment, 3rd (1862-1865), Battery L.
- Date
- [1862 or 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.33b (McAllister)
- Title
- Don't be a conscript! Enroll yourself in the crack regiment of Philadelphia. Rush's Lancers! 70th Regiment Penna. Vols. Now in active service in the field. A portion as body guard to General Hooker. This superior regiment, having received the deserved approbation of President Lincoln and the War Department for its discipline and effeciency, offers the best inducements to smart, active young men to connect themselves with a desirable organization. $100 bounty! An advance of $27.00 on enlistment. Enroll your names at once, as this will be the last chance before conscription. Office, S.E. cor. Sixth and Minor St
- Description
- Rush's Lancers, the 70th Regiment, 6th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in July 1861 and mustered out in Aug. 1865; Richard H. Rush resigned Sept. 29, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 2, p. 741 and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 162., Printed in blue., The illustration shows a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate cavalry soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 6th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [between 1861 and 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.18k (McAllister)
- Title
- On to Richmond! To arms! To arms! Men wanted to fill up Company F, Union Guard Regiment, Col. John B. Adams. State & national bounties guaranteed! Able-bodied young men, who do not wish to be drafted, would do well to enroll their names before the 15th of August. Head quarters of the company, Lombard Street, below Broad, recruiting stations, Franklin Hose House, Broad St., above Fitzwater. H.B. Bunting's South St., below Broad
- Description
- "The troops recruited for the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Regiment, never had a regimental organization, and were consequently assigned to other commands."--S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 518 note., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner, perched on a horn., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 144th (1862), Company F.
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.30b (McAllister)
- Title
- Attention, volunteers! To arms! To arms! Able-bodied men wanted to fill up this company for the Bucktail Brigade Enlist at once! Don't be drafted! In addition to all bounties authorized by the government, city, or Citizens' Committee, a separate bounty of $5 will be paid to each recruit. The company is to be armed with rifles. Pay, rations & clothing on enlistment. Head quarters, White's Building, 335 Walnut St
- Description
- There were at least three Bucktail Brigades: the original Bucktails, organized in April 1861, became the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment; the second and third, organized in 1862, became the 149th and 150th Pennsylvania Infantry regiments., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner, perched on a horn., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1862 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Attention (2)5777.F.36b (McAllister)
- Title
- National Guard Regiment! Union League Brigade! Recruits will receive all authorized bounties, and their families will receive $2 per week in addition to their pay from the state. Term of service three months! State defence! Head-quarters, 605 Arch Street, & Receiver of Taxes Office, Sixth and Chestnut sts
- Description
- The Second Union League Regiment, 52nd Regiment Infantry of the Ninety-Day Militia, under command of Col. William A. Gray, was mustered into service July 9 and discharged Sept. 1, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1295, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 251., The illustration is a regimental parade, with a sergeant major leading, left arm raised, four drummer boys, and one mounted officer., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 52nd (1863)
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Penn Mil (3)5777.F.9 (McAllister)
- Title
- Attention!! Good men wanted! For company Col. Geo. P. McLean's regiment, Cameron Guards
- Description
- The Cameron Light Guards, 88th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, were organized in Aug. and Sept. 1861 and mustered out June 30, 1865; George P. McLean resigned Dec. 1, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 3, p. 67, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 106., The illustration is an eagle on a shield, no banner., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 88th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.11c (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteers wanted! For comp'y M. Col. Geo. P. McLean's Cameron Light Guard Regiment! Uniformed and sent to camp as soon as enrolled.--Those wishing to enroll can do so, by applying at the headquarters of the company, No. 745 S. Front Street, or at No. 804 Market St
- Description
- The Cameron Light Guards, 88th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, were organized in Aug. and Sept. 1861 and mustered out June 30, 1865; George P. McLean resigned Dec. 1, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 3, p. 67, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 106., The illustrations are an eagle, flanked by two soldiers standing at attention., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 88th (1861-1865), Company M.
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.10j (McAllister)
- Title
- Fall in, Company F, Cameron Light Guard Regiment, Col. G.P. M'Lean The undersigned, recruiting to full Company F in the above regiment, have opened their head quarters at the Lyceum Hall, in Port Providence. This regiment has been accepted by the War Department, without the intervention of the state authorities, thereby ensuring it all the benefits of the regular service, and will undoubtedly be filled soon. It is commanded by officers well known as skilful leaders, armed with the most approved style of arms, and equipped in the most thorough manner. Those desirous of joining the above company must apply soon. As soon as enrolled, recruits will be sent to the camp on the banks of the Wissahickon
- Description
- The Cameron Light Guards, 88th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, were organized in Aug. and Sept. 1861 and mustered out June 30, 1865; George P. McLean resigned Dec. 1, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 3, p. 67, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 106., Printed in red., The illustration shows four soldiers marching in single file., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 88th (1861-1865), Company F.
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.10k (McAllister)
- Title
- Recruits wanted! Come to the rescue of the best government on earth. Harlan Cavalry Capt. Jno. S. Struthers, recruits entitled to all grants and bounties received by other companies from the government. Pay drawn immediately on being mustered. Encampment on Ridge Avenue, above Columbia Avenue. Head quarters, J. Struthers & Son's marble yard, Market Street, bet. 10th & 11th
- Description
- Harlan's Light Cavalry, the 108th Regiment, 11th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Col. Josiah Harlan, was organized in Aug. and Sept. 1861, and mustered out July 17, 1865; John S. Struthers was discharged Jan. 1, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 3, p. 902, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War, 1861-1865, p. 169., The illustration is an eagle holding a small shield upright in his talons., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 11th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.45e (McAllister)
- Title
- To arms! $10 extra bounty! $10 extra bounty! Our favorite in the field again! Col. George P. McLean, late Col. of the 88th P.V. Recruits wanted for Co. I. For 3 months' duty in the state's service only! Apply at the armory, at Tenth and Noble Streets
- Description
- The Third Union League Regiment, 59th Regiment Infantry of the Ninety-Day Militia, under command of Col. George P. McLean, was mustered into service July 1 and discharged Sept. 9, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1311, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 251., The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., in an eagle on a shield, with the banner: 1863. 1863., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 59th (1863), Company I.
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1863 Penn Mil (2)5777.F.34a (McAllister)
- Title
- Bucktail Rifle Brigade! To arms! To arms! $165 bounty! ... Don't wait to be drafted! A few good men wanted immediately for this brigade. Apply at the Wm. Penn Hotel, Market Street, between 38th and 39th, West Philadelphia
- Description
- There were at least three Bucktail Brigades: the original Bucktails, organized in April 1861, became the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment; the second and third, organized in 1862, became the 149th and 150th Pennsylvania Infantry regiments., Printed in red and blue., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner, perched on a horn., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1862 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Bucktail (1)5777.F.62a (McAllister)
- Title
- Fall in Fifth Ward Captain Thos. H. Taylor, late of the 69th P.V. is now organizing a company, at New Market Hall, Second & Pine Sts. for the Union League Brigade! Third Regiment, Colonel George P. McLean, com'dg. late of the 88th P.V. for state defence, 3 months or sooner discharged. All the authorized bounties paid, and families provided for. Action, not words! Must defend the state. Recruits uniformed and sent to camp at once, near the city
- Description
- The Third Union League Regiment, 59th Regiment Infantry of the Ninety-Day Militia, under command of Col. George P. McLean, was mustered into service July 1 and discharged Sept. 9, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 1311, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 251., The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., in an eagle on a shield, with the banner: Our country and our flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Pennsylvania, Militia, Infantry Regiment, 59th (1863)
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Penn Mil (3)5777.F.42 (McAllister)
- Title
- Cavalry! Let us serve without drafting!
- Description
- Printed in red and blue., The illustration is a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate cavalry soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; probably the top sheet of 4# Am 1861 Cavalry (4)5777.F.45 (McAllister)., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1861 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Cavalry (1)5777.F.18d (McAllister)
- Title
- Penn'a Cavalry! Late Cameron Dragoons, Colonel Campbell Recruits wanted! for the above celebrated regiment now in the field! The heavy's of the Army!! Bounty, 85 dollars, cash in hand. Other bounties same as all old regiments. Head quarters, 232 North Fourth Street. Recruiting stations, Passyunk Road and German Sts. Head quarters of Black Huzzars, Coates St. bet. 4th & 5th
- Description
- The Cameron Dragoons, the 65th Regiment, 5th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in July 1861 and disbanded in May 1865; Col. David Campbell was mustered in March 12 and resigned Oct. 16, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 2, p. 568, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 160., The illustration is a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate cavalry soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 5th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.18i (McAllister)
- Title
- To horse! To horse! $400 bounty $400 Recruits received for all regiments in the field. City and ward bounties! One more chance for the 18th Penn'a Cavalry! Co's "C and H" Office, 106 South Sixth Street. City bounty, $250. Ward bounty, from $25 to $50
- Description
- The 18th Cavalry, 163rd Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under command of Col. Timothy M. Bryan Jr. until Dec. 1864, was organized in the fall and winter of 1862 and consolidated with the 22nd Cavalry June 24, 1865. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 4, p. 1042, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 180., The illustration shows a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate cavalry soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 18th (1862-1865)
- Date
- [1862?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.18h (McAllister)
- Title
- Stanton Cavalry 19th Penn'a Cavalry! Avoid the draft! Now is your time to join a first-class cavalry regiment. $112 bounty! $50 cash in hand! Each recruit sent to camp as soon as enlisted. Headquarters, 22 South Fourth St
- Description
- The 19th Cavalry, 180th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under command of Col. Alexander Cummings, was organized in the summer and fall of 1863 at Camp Stanton, and mustered out May 14, 1866. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 5, p. 1, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 181., The illustration shows a cavalry charge, with two buildings in the background., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 19th (1863-1866)
- Date
- [1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1863 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.18j (McAllister)
- Title
- Colonel Rush's Light Cavalry. Company K, active men wanted! The regiment is now in camp on the Second Street Road, ab. Nicetown Lane. This company will be fully equipped here, with horses, arms, and clothing. Recruiting station, 403 Chestnut Street
- Description
- Rush's Light Cavalry, the 70th Regiment, 6th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in July 1861 and mustered out in Aug. 1865; Richard H. Rush resigned Sept. 29, 1863; Howard Ellis resigned March 22, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 2, p. 741, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 162., Printed in red and blue., The illustration, signed H.L.S. L. Johnson & Co. Copyright secured, is an eagle on a shield with the banner: No compromise with traitors, and no argument but the cannon's mouth., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 6th (1861-1865), Company K.
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.18l (McAllister)
- Title
- Col. G.C. Wynkoop's light cavalry Wanted, a few more men to fill up Capt. Andress' company. The company is now in camp at Harrisburg. Pay commences upon signing the roll. Rendezvous at Mansion House, West Chester
- Description
- The 7th Cavalry, 80th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in the summer of 1861 and mustered out Aug. 13, 1865; Andress was captain of Company G. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 2, p. 1114., The illustration, signed "Boerum sc. Philada. Stephens del. Pelouze & Son copyright secured", is an eagle on a boat-like shield on the ocean, with the banner: Liberty and Union, now and forever., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 7th (1861-1865), Company G.
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.8a (McAllister)
- Title
- For your country! Now or never! Don't wait to be drafted! To horse! The foe is on us!! Young men wanted to join at once! The first troop Penn'a Light Horse! We will fight the guerillas on their own soil! Arouse, men of Pennsylvania! The rebels are menacing the homes of your fathers!! "Strike for your altars and your fires! Strike for the green graves of your sires! Strike, till the last armed foe expires!" Your countrymen have provided liberally for your families, and all the bounties for three years, or the war, will be paid men joining this troop. This troop will be organized on the principle of the Anderson Troop
- Description
- The 16th Cavalry, 161st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, under the command of Col. J. I. Gregg until Aug. 1864, was organized in the summer and fall of 1862 and mustered out in Aug. 7, 1865; Company I, recruited primarily from Philadelphia, was led by Capt. William H. Fry, who was promoted to Major Nov. 14, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 950 and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 179., Printed in red and blue., The illustration shows a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 16th (1862-1865), Company I.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.16h (McAllister)
- Title
- Cavalry! Wanted good men, to fill up Company G, attached to the 2d Penna. Regiment Cavalry, Col. R. Butler Price, commanding. Pay to commence on enrolment, equipped and sent to camp at once. Head quarters, [blank]
- Description
- The 2nd Cavalry, 59th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in the fall of 1861 and mustered out in July 1865; James M. Cox resigned Sept. 22, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 2, p. 320, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 155., The illustration, signed Mumford, shows a mounted cavalry soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images fo the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (1862-1865), Company G.
- Date
- [1861 or 1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.17b (McAllister)
- Title
- Only 40 men wanted! For garrison duty at Fortress Monroe 3d Pa. Artillery, 152d Reg't P.V. Col. Wm. [sic] Roberts comd'g. Bounty $400!
- Description
- The 152nd Regiment, 3rd Artillery of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was authorized in Aug. 1862 and mustered out of service in July and Nov. 1865; Col. Joseph Roberts was mustered in March 19, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 698, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 152., The illustration shows an encampment, a cannon, and the digging of trenches., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment, 3rd (1862-1865), Battery F.
- Date
- [between 1863 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.31b (McAllister)
- Title
- Heavy artillery This is to certify, that [blank] has been regularly enlisted and sworn in as a member of Battery [blank] 3d Penn'a Artillery, 152nd Penn'a Volunteers. Residence, [blank] Family, [blank] [blank] Colonel. [blank] Captain. [blank] 186[blank]
- Description
- A blank registration form., Roberts' Artillery, the 152nd Regiment, 3rd Artillery of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was authorized in Aug. 1862 and mustered out of service in July and Nov. 1865. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 698, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 152., Printed in red., The illustration is Liberty, left arm raised, holding the flag in her right hand., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment, 3rd (1862-1865)
- Date
- [between 1862 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.59d (McAllister)
- Title
- A paper for the camp and fireside! Forney's war press The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty contest in which the armies and fleets of the nation are engaged, on the Potomac, in Western Virginia, in Kentucky, in Missouri, on the sea coast and elsewhere, and the existing demand for a weekly journal that will furnish a full and accurate account of the thrilling events of this exciting and ever-memorable period, acceptable alike to soldiers in camp, to peaceful firesides, ... a great war paper!
- Description
- "Forney's" appears within an ornament; the ornament also bears the date 1861, and is signed: J.H. Byram, engr., Printed in red and black; printed area, including double-rule border, measures 67.7 x 44.6 cm., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Forney, John W. (John Wien), 1817-1881
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Forney (2)5786.F.44 (McAllister)
- Title
- Draft! Look out for prizes in the wheel of fortune on the fifth of September Volunteers, for 1 year's service, will receive, when mustered in, ... $575 Volunteers for 3 years' service, will receive, when mustered in, ... $925 Choice of regiments--cavalry, infantry, artillery or sharpshooters. $1000, and upwards, will be paid to veterans offering themselves as substitutes
- Description
- There was a draft scheduled for Philadelphia Sept. 5, 1864., Printed on yellow paper., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Paxson & McNally
- Date
- [1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 Paxson (2)5777.F.14a (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteers attention! $702 $802 Only 35 men wanted to fill the quota of Bensalem Township, Bucks County, to which the following bounties will be paid by applying immediately at the Provost Marshal's Office, at Frankford, or at the Barley Sheaff Hotel, 2d St. above Race. Gov't bounty to veterans, $402 " " new recruits, $302 $300 county bounty. $100 township bounty. Or $463 cash in hand and the balance as the government directs
- Description
- Printed in red and blue., The illustration, signed H.L.S. L. Johnston & Co. Copyright secured, is an eagle on a shield with the banner: Our flag and our country., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Bounty Fund Committee (Bensalem, Pa.)
- Date
- [1864?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1864 Bounty (2)5777.F.35d (McAllister)
- Title
- Recruits wanted immediately Second company Hamilton Rifles now recruiting at Prof. Saunders' Institute, West Philada. Armory open day and evening
- Description
- The Hamilton Rifles were one of several companies forming in Philadelphia in May and June 1861. Cf. F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 41., The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., is an eagle on a shield with the banner: "When duty calls, 'tis ours to obey.", Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- Hamilton Rifles (Philadelphia, Pa.)
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Hamilton (2)5777.F.20a (McAllister)
- Title
- State rendezvous! Recruits wanted! Able-bodied men enlisted for all Pennsylvania regiments now in the field. Pay and rations commence from time of enlistment. Clothed at the depot in Harrisburg
- Description
- William H. Kerns was mustered out of the 71st Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers Oct. 31, 1861., The illustration, signed H.L.S. L. Johnson & Co. copyright secured, is an eagle on a shield with the banner: Forward! and step to the music of the Union., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1861 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 State (2)5777.F.27b (McAllister)
- Title
- To arms! To arms! Fall in, discharged soldiers and join your comrades for the defence of your state All others wishing to join a company that have served their country, are invited to do so. Apply at the head-quarters, Cornet Hotel, Ninth Street, above Race
- Description
- The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., is an eagle on a shield with the banner: "When duty calls, 'tis ours to obey.", Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1861 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 To arms (2)5777.F.4a (McAllister)
- Title
- Attention troopers! To horse and off for the war again! 80 young and active men wanted for a troop of horse for the Second R.I. Cavalry! This is a dashing and pleasant service, and young men will have a chance to become good horsemen. Bounty 402 dollars! Cash in advance 330 dollars! In addition to the above the city of Providence pays $4 per week to the families and dependents of volunteers. Office, Room No. 5, corner of Orange and Westminster Sts., Providence, R.I
- Description
- The Second Regiment of the Rhode Island Cavalry was organized in Nov. 1862 and ordered to duty in Louisiana; it was consolidated to a battalion of four companies in Aug. 1863, and transferred to 1st Louisiana Cavalry; it was transferred again in Jan. 1864 to the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry., The illustration is a trotting stallion., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Rhode Island Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.4 (McAllister)
- Title
- Patriots arouse! Cavalry men wanted! To form a battalion under Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant General Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the state! Each man will be furnished with a good horse, equipments, &c. Rally! Rally!! Rally!!! This is the last opportunity you will have to join a cavalry regiment! Recruiting offices, Armory Hall and Rathbun's Block, Woonsocket
- Description
- The Second Regiment of the Rhode Island Cavalry was organized in Nov. 1862 and ordered to duty in Louisiana; it was consolidated to a battalion of four companies in Aug. 1863, and transferred to 1st Louisiana Cavalry; it was transferred again in Jan. 1864 to the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry., The illustration is a trotting stallion., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Rhode Island Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.7a (McAllister)
- Title
- Hurrah for Texas! The land of milk and honey The 1st Battalion, 2d Regiment R.I. Cavalry, under command of Major A.W. Corliss, has been ordered to join the expedition of General N.P. Banks, destined for Texas. Now is the time to join this crack regiment. By doing so you will escape the mud and snow of Virginia, and the cold winter of the north. Bounty, $25 when sworn into service. 300 dollars when you leave the state! And 75 dollars when discharged! A good opportunity to settle on the rich prairies of this noble state is offered at the close of the rebellion
- Description
- The Second Regiment of the Rhode Island Cavalry was organized in Nov. 1862 and ordered to duty in Louisiana; it was consolidated to a battalion of four companies in Aug. 1863, and transferred to 1st Louisiana Cavalry; it was transferred again in Jan. 1864 to the 3rd Rhode Island Cavalry., The illustration is a trotting stallion., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Rhode Island Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (1862-1863)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.6 (McAllister)
- Title
- End the war! To strike now is to crush the foe! Men wanted for Co. E., Camden Guards, attached to the Twelfth New Jersey Regiment, Col. Robert C. Johnson. $150 bounty $88 advance. Premium of two dollars will be paid for each accepted recruit. One month's pay is given in advance, and $50 bounty from Camden County to each recruit, when mustered in the U.S. service, and a further bounty of $25 from the U.S. when the regiment is mustered in. Married men, and those having dependent widowed mothers receive $6 per month, and single men, $2 per month, extra pay from the state; making the total bounty, married men, $366! Single men, 222! Recruiting offices, No. 9 Front Street, above Plum, and Andrews' Hall, corner 4th and Market Streets, Camden. Philip M. Armington, 1st Lieut. James McComb, 2d Lieut. Charles K. Horsfall, Captain
- Description
- The 12th Regiment New Jersey Infantry was mustered in Sept. 4, 1862 and mustered out July 15, 1865., Printed in red and blue., The illustrations are a farmer holding a flag and a gun in front of a plow, a soldier in uniform holding a gun in front of a cannon and the flag, and one, signed L. Johnson & Co., an eagle on a shield with the banner: The Union now and forever!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, New Jersey Infantry Regiment, 12th (1862-1865), Company E.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.2a (McAllister)
- Title
- Jerseymen! To the rescue! Fifty able-bodied men wanted for the Camden Guards! This company has been accepted, and is now attached to the 12th New Jersey Regiment, Col. Robt. C. Johnson. One hundred dollars bounty. One month's pay is given in advance to each recruit when mustered in the United States service, and $25 bounty is paid to each recruit when the regiment is mustered in Married men, and those having dependent widowed mothers, receive $6 per month, and single men $2 per month, extra pay from the state. Recruiting office, Andrews' Hall, cor. 4th and Market Sts., Camden
- Description
- The 12th Regiment New Jersey Infantry was mustered in Sept. 4, 1862 and mustered out July 15, 1865; Capt. Horsfall and 1st Lt. Armington are on the rolls of Company E., The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., is an eagle on a shield with the banner: The Union now and forever!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, New Jersey Infantry Regiment, 12th (1862-1865), Company E.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.1a (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! 119th Regiment, P.V. accepted for three years or the war, Col. P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Recruits wanted for Comp'y C at 204 Walnut Street above Second. Capt. A.T. Goodman. 1st Lieut. Benj. Saylor. 2d Lieut., Jas. W. Latta
- Description
- The 119th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers drew heavily from Col. Ellmaker's former command, the First Regiment Infantry Reserve Brigade, known as the Gray Reserves; it was organized in July 1862 and mustered out June 6, 1865; Benjamin Saylor was promoted to Capt. of Company H in Nov. 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 4, p. 1, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 133., Illustration is an eagle with the banner: To arms! To arms!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 119th (1862-1865), Company C.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.42d (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! 119th Regiment, P.V. accepted for three years or the war, Col. P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Recruits wanted for Comp'y C at 204 Walnut Street above Second. Capt. A.T. Goodman, 1st Lieut Wm. A. Rowland. 2d Lieut. Benj. Saylor
- Description
- The 119th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers drew heavily from Col. Ellmaker's former command, the First Regiment Infantry Reserve Brigade, known as the Gray Reserves; it was organized in July 1862 and mustered out June 6, 1865; Benjamin Saylor was mustered in as 1st. Lieut. of Company C. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 4, p. 1, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 133., Illustration is an eagle with the banner: To arms! To arms!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 119th (1862-1865), Company C.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.42c (McAllister)
- Title
- $160 bounty! A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! 112th Regiment. 2d Artillery. This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington, and wishing to fill up their numbers to the maximum standard, have opened for that purpose a recruiting office, at No. 138 South Fourth St., between Chestnut and Walnut, where all information will be given to applicants. One hundred and sixty dollars bounty! $85 in cash! Before leaving the city. J.N. Abbey, 1st Lieut., 2d Artillery, 112th Regiment, Penn'a Volunteers, recruiting officer. A.A. Gibson, U.S. Army, Col. commanding reg't
- Description
- Charles Angeroth was authorized in Oct. 1861 to raise a battalion of heavy artillery; the 112th Regiment, 2nd Artillery of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was mustered in Jan. 8, 1862 and mustered out Jan. 29, 1866; Angeroth was discharged June 21, 1862 and replaced by A.A. Gibson; Lieut. J.N. Abbey was promoted to Captain of Battery H in Nov. 25, 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 3, p. 1059, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 150., The illustration shows an encampment, a cannon, and the digging of trenches., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment, 2nd (1861-1866)
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.45d (McAllister)
- Title
- $160 bounty! 112th Regiment. 2d Artillery This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington. A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! In this regiment. Apply at [blank] One hundred and sixty dollars bounty! $85 in cash! T.H. Mumford, Jr., 112th Regiment, Penn'a Volunteers, recruiting officer. A.A. Gibson, U.S. Army, Col. comd'g reg't
- Description
- Charles Angeroth was authorized in Oct. 1861 to raise a battalion of heavy artillery; the 112th Regiment, 2nd Artillery of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was mustered in Jan. 8, 1862 and mustered out Jan. 29, 1866; Angeroth was discharged June 21, 1862 and replaced by A.A. Gibson; Thomas H. Mumford was mustered in Oct. 21, 1863, and captured at Chapin's Farm, Va. Sept. 29, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 3, p. 1059, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 150., The illustration shows an encampment, a cannon, and the digging of trenches., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment, 2nd (1861-1866)
- Date
- [1863 or 1864?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1863 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.45c (McAllister)
- Title
- One more chance for the old Fifth Penna. Cavalry. Kautz's celebrated division Only a few more men to fill the regt. Government bounty, - $300 City " 400 Ward " 25 Office, 106 South Sixth Street. Capt. Samuel H. Bayley, 5th Pa. Cav., recruiting officer
- Description
- The Cameron Dragoons, the 65th Regiment, 5th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in July 1861 and disbanded in May 1865; A.V. Kautz assumed command of the cavalry division of the Army of the James in May, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 2, p. 568, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 160., The illustration shows a mounted Union cavalry soldier, sabre drawn, attacking a mounted Confederate cavalry soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 5th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [1864 or 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1864 Uni Sta (3)5777.F.24 (McAllister)
- Title
- Baxter's Fire Zouaves! The only chance to join this first-class regiment! A few more active, able-bodied young men, to fill up Company R. Will be equipped at once, and sent to Camp Observation, near Poolesville, Maryland. Apply at recruiting station, 1st Lieut. Houpt, 2d " Doerr. Capt. W.R. De Young. Louis P. Lynch, recruiting sergeant
- Description
- The Philadelphia Fire Zouaves, the 72nd Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, began recruiting in Aug. 1861, though only companies A through K were formed; the regiment drilled at Camp Observation in the fall of 1861, and was mustered out in Aug. 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 2, p. 829, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 91., Printed in red., The illustration shows a Union soldier in Zouave uniform, sabre drawn, attacking a Confederate soldier., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 72nd (1861-1864), Company R.
- Date
- [1861?]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.35b (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteers wanted! Company C Col. Chantry's regiment to be mustered in for three years or during the war---will march in five days from date, by order of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. $3.50 per month extra allowed for clothing, &c. Also, $100 bounty, to every soldier who is honorably discharged from service. Rations and lodgings furnished free of charge. Respectable men wishing to join the above company, can do so by calling at the regimental head quarters, Girard House, or at their armory, Military Hall, Library Street, bet. 4th and 5th. Philad'a, June 25th, 1861
- Description
- aThe 66th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers was organized in May and June, 1861, by Alfred W. Chantry, originally for the Reserve Corps; it was mustered in Sept. 1861; Col. Chantry was relieved of his command Jan. 18, 1862; the regiment was disbanded and the officers and men reassigned in early 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 2, p. 632, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 81., Printed on yellow paper., The illustrations show an officer, left arm raised, telescope in his right hand; six soldiers in groups of three standing at attention, facing right; and six soldiers in groups of three standing at attention, facing left., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook; torn at foot, removing most of the imprint., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 66th (1861-1862), Company C.
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.62b (McAllister)
- Title
- Attention! Cameron Dragoons A few more men wanted to fill a company attached to Col. Max Friedman's mounted regiment, now at Philadelphia, opposite Ridge Avenue railroad station. They will receive the pay of the regular army, be entitled to the benefit of all pension and bounty land laws, and in addition, when discharged, will receive $100 in cash. Horses and equipment furnished, and men mustered in immediately. Apply at Wiley's, 18th and Carpenter Streets, 1317 Market Street, or at head quarters, 337 Chestnut Street
- Description
- The Cameron Dragoons, the 65th Regiment, 5th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in July 1861 and disbanded in May 1865; Col. Max Friedman was mustered in Aug. 7, 1861 and resigned March, 9 1862. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 2, p. 568 and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 160., The illustration is an eagle with the banner: Our country., Library Company copy has "1317 Market Street" crossed out, and MS. note: Will be mustered into service this day Saturday Aug 10th at one o'clock., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 5th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.19 (McAllister)
- Title
- Fourth Union League Reg't Col. Geo. P. McLean. Co. E. Co. E $400 bounty. $400 Cash on hand on being mustered into service, $60. Enlist at once in this branch of the service, under its able and competent leader, and protect your homes from the invasion of traitors at home and abroad. Come one! Come all! Get your bounty, and save yourself from the dishonorable name of a conscript! Regimental head-quarters, 432 Chestnut St
- Description
- The Fourth Union League Regiment, 183rd Infantry Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, began recruiting in the fall of 1863 and was mustered out in July 1865; Col. George P. McLean was mustered in March 8 and resigned May 3, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 128, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 141., The illustration is an eagle with a blank banner., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 183rd (1863-1865), Company E.
- Date
- [1863 or 1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1863 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.57c (McAllister)
- Title
- Fourth Union League Reg't Col. Geo. P. McLean. Co. A Co. A $100 to $402 bounty! Cash in hand on company being mustered in, $40. 3 years' service, or during the war. A few men yet wanted for Co. A Rally, boys, rally! Avoid the draft, and get your bounty! Head-quarters, 337 Chestnut St., Sixth St. bel. Chestnut. (Cas. Berry's) and 1220 Market Street Pay from $13 to $20 per month. Clothed, equiped and quartered immediately
- Description
- The Fourth Union League Regiment, 183rd Infantry Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, began recruiting in the fall of 1863 and was mustered out in July 1865; Col. George P. McLean was mustered in March 8 and resigned May 3, 1864. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 5, p. 128, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 141., The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., is an eagle on a shield with the banner: When duty calls, 'tis ours to obey!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 183rd (1863-1865), Company A.
- Date
- [1863 or 1864]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1863 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.57a (McAllister)
- Title
- Corn Exchange Regiment, of Philadelphia This it to certify, that [blank] has been regularly enlisted and sworn in as a member of Company B. Corn Exchange Regiment, 118th Penn'a Volunteers. Residence, [blank] Family, [blank] [blank] Colonel. [blank] Captain. [blank] 1862
- Description
- A blank form., The Corn Exchange Regiment, the 118th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in July 1862 and disbanded in June 1865; Col. Charles M. Prevost commanded the regiment until Sept. 30, 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 3, p. 1310, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 130., Printed in red., The illustration is Liberty holding the flag., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 118th (1862-1865), Company B.
- Date
- [1862]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Uni Sta (2)5777.F.59c (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! 121st Regiment, P.V. Accepted for three years of the war, Col. Chapman Biddle. $160 bounty and 1 month's pay in advance. Recruits wanted for Comp'y D at the Anderson House, 1529 South Street. Opposite Kater Market
- Description
- The 121st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers was organized in Sept. 1862, and mustered out in June 1865; Chapman Biddle was discharged in Dec. 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 30, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 135., The illustration is an eagle with the banner: To arms! To arms!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 121st (1862-1865), Company D.
- Date
- [1862 or 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.38c (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! 121st Regiment, P.V. Accepted for three years of the war, Col. Chapman Biddle. $160 bounty and 1 month's pay in advance. Recruits wanted for Comp'y D at the White House, Market St. & Lancaster Pike
- Description
- The 121st Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers was organized in Sept. 1862, and mustered out in June 1865; Chapman Biddle was discharged in Dec. 1863. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, v. 4, p. 30, and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 135., The illustration is an eagle with the banner: To arms! To arms!, Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment, 121st (1862-1865), Company D.
- Date
- [1862 or 1863]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1862 Uni Sta (1)5777.F.43 (McAllister)
- Title
- Mounted service Active young men wanted for Col. Rush's regiment Philadelphia Light Cavalry. The lieut. col. is Capt. J.H. McArthur, Fifth Regiment United States Cavalry. The regimental quarter master is Lieut. T.E. Maley, who has served for ten years in the United States Cavalry. Six full companies have been mustered into service. Head quarters, 833 Market St. Roll open at Camp Meigs, on 2d St. Road ab. Nicetown Lane
- Description
- Rush's Lancers, the 70th Regiment, 6th Cavalry of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, was organized in July 1861 and mustered out in Aug. 1865; Camp Meigs opened Sept. 3, 1861, and in mid Dec. 1861 the regiment moved to Washington, D.C. Cf. S.P. Bates. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, v. 2, p. 741 and F.H. Taylor. Philadelphia in the Civil War 1861-1865, p. 162., Three illustrations: the first is a mounted cavalry soldier; the second is an eagle on a shield, no banner; the third is a mounted cavalry officer., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Creator
- United States, Army, Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment, 6th (1861-1865)
- Date
- [1861]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 4# Am 1861 Uni Sta (24)1540.F.106 (McAllister)
- Title
- To arms! To arms! Three months' service Young men's comp'y for city defence, from 17th & 19th wards. All bounties guarantied. Clothing, pay and rations same as volunteers
- Description
- The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., shows an eagle on a shield, with the banner: "When duty calls, 'tis ours to obey.", Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1861 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 To arms (2)5777.F.28g (McAllister)
- Title
- To arms! To arms! Recruits wanted to fill up an independent company! To be joined to any regiment the company may determine upon hereafter for service in the war. Bounty, $412 for three years' recruits. Head-quarters, in Independence Square
- Description
- The illustration, signed L. Johnson & Co., shows on eagle of a shield, with a blank banner., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1861 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1861 To arms (2)5777.F.24c (McAllister)
- Title
- Volunteers wanted for Company F to be attached to the Thomas A. Scott Regiment Col. Conroy, commanding. To be mustered in and proceed to camp at once. Rendezvous Sixth and Minor Streets and 21st and Market Streets
- Description
- Printed in red and blue., The illustration shows an eagle with the banner: The Union must & shall be preserved.-Jackson., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
- Date
- [between 1861 and 1865]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 2# Am 1861 Volunt (2)5777.F.22l (McAllister)