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The best branch of the service! : Marine and fortification artillery! Col. H. Segebarth, commanding. This regiment receives all the government, state and municipal bounties, amounting to $170 & one month's pay in advance Recruits wanted for Battery L / Li

Don't be a conscript! : Enroll yourself in the crack regiment of Philadelphia. Rush's Lancers! 70th Regiment Penna. Vols. Now in active service in the field. A portion as body guard to General Hooker. This superior regiment, having received the deserved a

On to Richmond! To arms! To arms! : Men wanted to fill up Company F, Union Guard Regiment, Col. John B. Adams. State & national bounties guaranteed! Able-bodied young men, who do not wish to be drafted, would do well to enroll their names before the 15th

Attention, volunteers! To arms! To arms! : Able-bodied men wanted to fill up this company for the Bucktail Brigade Enlist at once! Don't be drafted! In addition to all bounties authorized by the government, city, or Citizens' Committee, a separate bounty

National Guard Regiment! Union League Brigade! : Recruits will receive all authorized bounties, and their families will receive $2 per week in addition to their pay from the state. Term of service three months! State defence! Head-quarters, 605 Arch Stree

Attention!! Good men wanted! : For company Col. Geo. P. McLean's regiment, Cameron Guards.

Volunteers wanted! : For comp'y M. Col. Geo. P. McLean's Cameron Light Guard Regiment! Uniformed and sent to camp as soon as enrolled.--Those wishing to enroll can do so, by applying at the headquarters of the company, No. 745 S. Front Street, or at No. 8

Fall in, Company F, Cameron Light Guard Regiment, Col. G.P. M'Lean. : The undersigned, recruiting to full Company F in the above regiment, have opened their head quarters at the Lyceum Hall, in Port Providence. This regiment has been accepted by the War D

Recruits wanted! : Come to the rescue of the best government on earth. Harlan Cavalry Capt. Jno. S. Struthers, recruits entitled to all grants and bounties received by other companies from the government. Pay drawn immediately on being mustered. Encampmen

To arms! $10 extra bounty! $10 extra bounty! : Our favorite in the field again! Col. George P. McLean, late Col. of the 88th P.V. Recruits wanted for Co. I. For 3 months' duty in the state's service only! Apply at the armory, at Tenth and Noble Streets. /

Bucktail Rifle Brigade! To arms! To arms! : $165 bounty! ... Don't wait to be drafted! A few good men wanted immediately for this brigade. Apply at the Wm. Penn Hotel, Market Street, between 38th and 39th, West Philadelphia. / George H. North, Lieutenant

Fall in Fifth Ward : Captain Thos. H. Taylor, late of the 69th P.V. is now organizing a company, at New Market Hall, Second & Pine Sts. for the Union League Brigade! Third Regiment, Colonel George P. McLean, com'dg. late of the 88th P.V. for state defence

Cavalry! Let us serve without drafting!

Penn'a Cavalry! Late Cameron Dragoons, Colonel Campbell. : Recruits wanted! for the above celebrated regiment now in the field! The heavy's of the Army!! Bounty, 85 dollars, cash in hand. Other bounties same as all old regiments. Head quarters, 232 North

To horse! To horse! : $400 bounty $400 Recruits received for all regiments in the field. City and ward bounties! One more chance for the 18th Penn'a Cavalry! Co's "C and H" Office, 106 South Sixth Street. City bounty, $250. Ward bounty, from $25 to $50. /

Stanton Cavalry 19th Penn'a Cavalry! : Avoid the draft! Now is your time to join a first-class cavalry regiment. $112 bounty! $50 cash in hand! Each recruit sent to camp as soon as enlisted. Headquarters, 22 South Fourth St. / Lt. Geo. A. Sharp, recruitin

Colonel Rush's Light Cavalry. Company K, active men wanted! : The regiment is now in camp on the Second Street Road, ab. Nicetown Lane. This company will be fully equipped here, with horses, arms, and clothing. Recruiting station, 403 Chestnut Street. / H

Col. G.C. Wynkoop's light cavalry. : Wanted, a few more men to fill up Capt. Andress' company. The company is now in camp at Harrisburg. Pay commences upon signing the roll. Rendezvous at Mansion House, West Chester. / Capt. James F. Andress, 1st Lieut. H

For your country! Now or never! Don't wait to be drafted! : To horse! The foe is on us!! Young men wanted to join at once! The first troop Penn'a Light Horse! We will fight the guerillas on their own soil! Arouse, men of Pennsylvania! The rebels are menac

Cavalry! : Wanted good men, to fill up Company G, attached to the 2d Penna. Regiment Cavalry, Col. R. Butler Price, commanding. Pay to commence on enrolment, equipped and sent to camp at once. Head quarters, [blank] / 1st Lieut. Benjamin F. Sloan, 2d " Fr

Only 40 men wanted! : For garrison duty at Fortress Monroe 3d Pa. Artillery, 152d Reg't P.V. Col. Wm. [sic] Roberts comd'g. Bounty $400! / Capt. J.F. [sic] Blake. 2d Lieut. James S. Martin, Jr., recruiting Battery F, No. 329 Chestnut St.

Heavy artillery. : This is to certify, that [blank] has been regularly enlisted and sworn in as a member of Battery [blank] 3d Penn'a Artillery, 152nd Penn'a Volunteers. Residence, [blank] Family, [blank] [blank] Colonel. [blank] Captain. [blank] 186[blan

A paper for the camp and fireside! Forney's war press : The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty contest in which the armies and fleets of the nation are engaged, on the Potomac, in Western Virginia, in Kentucky, in Missouri, on the sea coast an

Draft! Look out for prizes in the wheel of fortune on the fifth of September. : Volunteers, for 1 year's service, will receive, when mustered in, ... $575 Volunteers for 3 years' service, will receive, when mustered in, ... $925 Choice of regiments--caval

Volunteers attention! $702 $802 : Only 35 men wanted to fill the quota of Bensalem Township, Bucks County, to which the following bounties will be paid by applying immediately at the Provost Marshal's Office, at Frankford, or at the Barley Sheaff Hotel, 2

Recruits wanted immediately. : Second company Hamilton Rifles now recruiting at Prof. Saunders' Institute, West Philada. Armory open day and evening. / Jos. L. Davis, Captain.

State rendezvous! Recruits wanted! : Able-bodied men enlisted for all Pennsylvania regiments now in the field. Pay and rations commence from time of enlistment. Clothed at the depot in Harrisburg. / Wm. H. Kerns, 1st Lieutenant, (late of 71st Reg., Penna.

To arms! To arms! Fall in, discharged soldiers and join your comrades for the defence of your state : All others wishing to join a company that have served their country, are invited to do so. Apply at the head-quarters, Cornet Hotel, Ninth Street, above

Attention troopers! To horse and off for the war again! : 80 young and active men wanted for a troop of horse for the Second R.I. Cavalry! This is a dashing and pleasant service, and young men will have a chance to become good horsemen. Bounty 402 dollars

Patriots arouse! Cavalry men wanted! : To form a battalion under Major A.W. Corliss. Now is the time to join a crack battalion for the gallant General Burnside's division! 400 dollars bounty! $325 before leaving the state! Families provided for by the sta

Hurrah for Texas! The land of milk and honey : The 1st Battalion, 2d Regiment R.I. Cavalry, under command of Major A.W. Corliss, has been ordered to join the expedition of General N.P. Banks, destined for Texas. Now is the time to join this crack regiment

End the war! To strike now is to crush the foe! : Men wanted for Co. E., Camden Guards, attached to the Twelfth New Jersey Regiment, Col. Robert C. Johnson. $150 bounty $88 advance. Premium of two dollars will be paid for each accepted recruit. One month'

Jerseymen! To the rescue! : Fifty able-bodied men wanted for the Camden Guards! This company has been accepted, and is now attached to the 12th New Jersey Regiment, Col. Robt. C. Johnson. One hundred dollars bounty. One month's pay is given in advance to

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 119th Regiment, P.V. accepted for three years or the war, Col. P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Recruits wanted for Comp'y C at 204 Walnut Street above Second. Capt. A.T. Goodman. 1st Lieut. Benj. Saylor. 2d Lieut., Jas.

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 119th Regiment, P.V. accepted for three years or the war, Col. P.C. Ellmaker. $162 bounty Recruits wanted for Comp'y C at 204 Walnut Street above Second. Capt. A.T. Goodman, 1st Lieut Wm. A. Rowland. 2d Lieut. Benj

$160 bounty! A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! : 112th Regiment. 2d Artillery. This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington, and wishing to fill up their numbers to the maxim

$160 bounty! 112th Regiment. 2d Artillery. : This regiment is now doing garrison duty in the fortifications for the defence of the city of Washington. A few good men wanted for the heavy artillery service! In this regiment. Apply at [blank] One hundred an

One more chance for the old Fifth Penna. Cavalry. Kautz's celebrated division. : Only a few more men to fill the regt. Government bounty, - $300 City " 400 Ward " 25 Office, 106 South Sixth Street. Capt. Samuel H. Bayley, 5th Pa. Cav., recruiting officer.

Baxter's Fire Zouaves! The only chance to join this first-class regiment! : A few more active, able-bodied young men, to fill up Company R. Will be equipped at once, and sent to Camp Observation, near Poolesville, Maryland. Apply at recruiting station, 1s

Volunteers wanted! Company C Col. Chantry's regiment, : to be mustered in for three years or during the war---will march in five days from date, by order of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. $3.50 per month extra allowed for clothing, &c. Also, $100 bounty

Attention! Cameron Dragoons. : A few more men wanted to fill a company attached to Col. Max Friedman's mounted regiment, now at Philadelphia, opposite Ridge Avenue railroad station. They will receive the pay of the regular army, be entitled to the benefit

Fourth Union League Reg't Col. Geo. P. McLean. Co. E. Co. E. : $400 bounty. $400 Cash on hand on being mustered into service, $60. Enlist at once in this branch of the service, under its able and competent leader, and protect your homes from the invasion

Fourth Union League Reg't Col. Geo. P. McLean. Co. A Co. A : $100 to $402 bounty! Cash in hand on company being mustered in, $40. 3 years' service, or during the war. A few men yet wanted for Co. A Rally, boys, rally! Avoid the draft, and get your bounty!

Corn Exchange Regiment, of Philadelphia. : This it to certify, that [blank] has been regularly enlisted and sworn in as a member of Company B. Corn Exchange Regiment, 118th Penn'a Volunteers. Residence, [blank] Family, [blank] [blank] Colonel. [blank] Cap

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 121st Regiment, P.V. Accepted for three years of the war, Col. Chapman Biddle. $160 bounty and 1 month's pay in advance. Recruits wanted for Comp'y D at the Anderson House, 1529 South Street. Opposite Kater Market.

Volunteer! Volunteer! Avoid the draft! : 121st Regiment, P.V. Accepted for three years of the war, Col. Chapman Biddle. $160 bounty and 1 month's pay in advance. Recruits wanted for Comp'y D at the White House, Market St. & Lancaster Pike / J.G. Rosengart

Mounted service. : Active young men wanted for Col. Rush's regiment Philadelphia Light Cavalry. The lieut. col. is Capt. J.H. McArthur, Fifth Regiment United States Cavalry. The regimental quarter master is Lieut. T.E. Maley, who has served for ten years

To arms! To arms! Three months' service. : Young men's comp'y for city defence, from 17th & 19th wards. All bounties guarantied. Clothing, pay and rations same as volunteers. / By order of Robert John Craig, Capt. 1st Lieut. John A. Buchanan. 2d Lieut. Pe

To arms! To arms! : Recruits wanted to fill up an independent company! To be joined to any regiment the company may determine upon hereafter for service in the war. Bounty, $412 for three years' recruits. Head-quarters, in Independence Square / John Young

Volunteers wanted for Company F : to be attached to the Thomas A. Scott Regiment Col. Conroy, commanding. To be mustered in and proceed to camp at once. Rendezvous Sixth and Minor Streets and 21st and Market Streets / John T. O'Brien, Capt. Wm. H. Conroy,
