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Volunteers wanted! : 30 able-bodied men are wanted immediately to complete the muster roll of the Fetters Guards, now accepted for active service by Governor Olden. The state allows $6 to married men, and $4 to single men, per month, in addition to the re

Rally for the Keystone State! : To arms To arms Now is your chance to avoid the draft! 20 men wanted! To fill a company now forming for state defence, under the command of experienced officers. / Capt. A. McCormick. 1st Lieut. Luke Shearer. 2d Lieut. J. K

Attention 24th Ward. $50 bounty : Recruits wanted to fill a company for 100 days' service, in accordance with the proclamation of the governor. Apply at once at the Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market. / T.P. Smith, 1st Lieut. Capt. Edward Lyster.

Do not wait to be drafted! : Volunteer your services to your country, by joining the Cadwalader Greys, who are to move in a few days. Armory & recruiting station, N.E. cor. Eighth & Chestnut Sts. / Capt. I.A. Bassett.

Volunteers! : Wanted, for Company K, 24th Regiment, at the armory, 21st and Market Street, / Andrew McManus, Capt.

Volunteers wanted for Company K, Lincoln Legion : the pioneer company of the regiment. $100 bounty! 360 acres of land! Rations, pay and clothing at once. 7 companies now in active service at Washington Head quarters, 259 South Third Street. / Capt. Frank

Philad'a City Guard old 23d Regiment, P.V. : Rally for state defence! Co. "E!" Now recruiting at head-quarters, Fifth St. above Prune / Capt. Wm. Cunningham. Lieut. L.W. Govett, Lieut. Wm. Kinsley, all of the old 110th Regiment, P.V.

Attention! Company C Germantown Home Guard. : All members are ordered to report at the armory this evening, at 8 o'clock, to organize as a minute men for city defence / By order of M.J. Biddle, Captain. Bayard Butler, First Sergeant. P.S.--The citizens of

Attention! Wanted 21 men for Company F, Governor's Guards, Second Regiment P.V. : Head-quarters Wm. Penn Hose House Frankford Road below Girard Avenue. / Capt. Thomas Bringhurst.

22d Regiment! : Wanted 50 men, to fill up Company G, attached to Col. Morehead's 22d Regiment, to be mustered in as soon as full. Head quarters cor. of Broad St. & Ridge Avenue. / Lieut. Arrison, recruiting officer.

Volunteers wanted! : For Company A, of the original Irish Volunteers, Col. Owen's, {late of the 24th Reg.} 2d Regim't of Baker's Brigade. Head quarters, 421 Walnut Street. Pay and rations begin when enrolled. / John McHugh, 1st Lieut. James Dunne, 2d " Ja

To arms! To arms! : Recruits wanted to fill up independent company, for defence of the city or state. Head-quarters, Jermon & Jones' Mill, Girard Avenue and Vienna Sts.

Rally! To the defence of the Old Keystone! : Action, not words! all who wish immediately to go to the defence of our state, and do what they can to repel the invaders now threatening our firesides, are requested to come forth and enroll their names at onc

Ho, for the state service! Recruits wanted! 1st Penn'a Cavalry, for state defence!

Cavalry! Let us serve without drafting! : The only authorized cavalry company in the state. The last chance for the young, the active & brave. A few good men yet wanted to fill this company. The usual bounty, premium, and advance of pay given. Recruiting

Ho, for the state service! Recruits wanted! 1st Penn'a Cavalry, for state defence! : Rally, freeman! In defence of your state, your homes and your property. All recruits will be armed, equipped & mounted, as soon as mustered into the service. This regimen

Ho, for the state service! Recruits wanted! 1st Penn'a Cavalry, headquarters, 110 South 6th St. For state defence! : J.C. Hess, Col. commanding. Rally, freeman! In defence of your state, your homes and your property. All recruits will be armed, equipped &

Recruits wanted! $165 bounty! $50 cash in hand : 1st Penn'a Cavalry Col. J.C. Hess, comd'g. Persons joining this organization will be mustered in and sent to camp immediately. Immediate equipments and all the advantages offered! Recruiting office: 221 Rac

Heavy Artillery! $150 bounty. $150 : 20 men wanted, for Battery E, 3d Pa. Heavy Artillery Capt. Ullman, for fort and sea coast defence. Now in camp and garrison at Fort Delaware. Pay, rations & clothing at once This is a very efficient regiment--the offic

Philadelphia City Guard : Col. William A. Gray. Citizens of Philadelphia desirous of repelling the invaders of our state, are requested to give their names immediately at Nos. 605 Sansom Street, 315 South Front Street, and 527 Chestnut Street. Captains an

There are now but two parties in this country, the friends and the enemies of the government. : Every man who does not stand up for all measures that may be adopted for the maintenance of the honor of our country, at whatever cost of blood or money that m

Twenty five volunteers wanted! : For immediate service in the Garabaldi Legion, to complete Capt. ... Hagan's company. Apply at the N.W. cor. 5th & Prune St. second story. Men who enroll at this rendezvous will be provided with three meals a day.

Clothing, rations & pay at once! : Volunteers wanted for the Hibernia Greens, Co. M, Col. Owen's 2d Regiment, P.V. 2d Baker's Brigade. James McGough, Captain. Edward Rowe, 1st Lieut. Geo. W.S. Irwin, 2d "

A few volunteers wanted! For the Southwark Rangers! For immediate service. : Will be mustered in, the first of this week, armory on Front St., above Market, west side, this company is attached to Col. Mann's regiment. / John Alexander, Capt.

Volunteers wanted! : The Camden regiment, Colonel Higbie, will accept of a few more able-bodied men, to be mustered into service on Saturday next, July 20th, All applicants will report themselves at the Rendezvous, N.W. cor. Fourth and Federal Sts., Camde

Head-quarters, Co. I Second Regiment, Reserve Brigade! : Wanted---strong, able-bodied men to serve during three months if not sooner discharged. Pay from $13 to $21 per month. The pay and rations will commence immediately after enrollment. Good clothing a

To arms! To arms! Recruits wanted to fill up an independent company! for state or city defence. : Head quarters, corner of Front and Vine Streets and at the hotel, Second and German Streets. / Capt. Sam'l J. Malone, late 1st Lieutenant of the 16th Virgini

Old Lincoln and his fellows, is the abolitionist's government!

Old Lincoln and his fellows, is the abolitionist's government!

Cavalry Col. Andrew T. McReynolds, commander. : A few suitable men wanted to be mustered in immediately, horses and equipments furnished They will be sent into camp and taken care of as soon as enrolled.

Harris Light Cavalry : now in a beautiful camp at Scarsdale, near New Rochelle, New York. Recruits will be received at No. 648 Broadway, the head-quarters, New York City. The non commissioned officers, 6 sergeants and 8 corporals to each company, will be

$129 bounty paid as soon as sworn in. : Recruits wanted for the 12th Regiment, N.Y. Vols. Now serving in General Butterfield's brigade, Gen. Porter's 5th Army Corps, the crack corps of the army. One month's pay in advance $25 United States bounty, $50.00

Gallatin Rifles Col. Theo. Lichtenhein. : Raised by order of the Secretary of War Volunteers wanted for this first class regiment, which will leave for the seat of war in a very short time. Pay and rations from the time of enlistment. Head-quarters, 24 No

Troopers attend! A few more men are wanted! : To fill up a cavalry company! Now forming for state service. Apply at once, as the governor demands our immediate presence. A meeting will be held at the court house, on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock, to take

Patriots arouse. To arms! : All those who are willing to join a new company, now forming at Warrington and Hartsville, for the protection of the state, are requested to meet at Newville, on Thursday afternoon, at four o'clock. A few more men are wanted im

War meeting Freemen to the rescue! : All persons in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the war against the rebels, will meet in [blank] on [blank] evening, September [blank] 1861, where they will have an opportunity to place their names upon the roll of h

Men wanted! : A few able bodied young men of good character, will be received, if offered immediately, for the battery of light artillery, attached to the Ringgold Regiment, now in camp at Doylestown, under command of Col W.W.H. Davis. / G.W. Durrell, Cap

To the rescue! Pennsylvania invaded! : A meeting for the purpose of organizing a company of state guards to protect the state from the invasion of rebel hordes, now swarming the banks of the Potomac, will be held at the hotel of Elias Shive, Turk's Head,

Avoid the draft : Three months' men called for to defend their own state, to be commanded by experienced officers. All the privileges guaranteed, will be paid. / By order of C. Young, Captain. John E. Milner, 1st Lieut. [blank] 2d Lieut. Apply at the rend

Railroad Guards, fall in! With officers that have seen service in the field. : To arms! To arms! $50 bounty $50 Recruits wanted to fill Co. "H," Railroad Guards 100 days service. Apply at head-quarters: Frankford Road, above Huntingdon Street. Pay and rat

Read Guard Infantry Company, : attached to Col. Chantry's regiment now accepted. Attention! Volunteers!! Men wishing to go into immediate active service, have now the opportunity. Recruiting stations, at cor. of Riehmond [sic] & Ann Sts., Richmond, 25th W

$100. Bounty. Recruits wanted! For the regular army : Term of service 3 years only. Apply at 118 S. Second St / Lieut. C.H. Peirce, recruiting officer.

Honorably discharged soldiers! All who desire to enlist in the Invalid Corps! : To perform provost and garrison duty, are requested to call at North-East cor. Broad & Spring Garden Sts. and present their discharges to the undersigned, who is authorized to

2d Pa. Cavalry Regiment for the First Brigade. : Headquarters, 337 Chestnut Street. / Col. Wm. Frishmuth. $100 bounty $50 cash in hand when mustered.

Ho! For Fortress Monroe! : Wanted a few more active men for Battery H. Men uniformed and sent to camp at once. Head-quarters 337 Chestnut St. second door below 4th, north side. And 50 North Sixth Street. / John S. Jarden, 1st Lieut. John W. Hamilton 2d, "

1st Pen'a. Regiment of Heavy Artillery, : Col. Angeroth under express orders for Fortress Monroe. Recruits wanted who will be mustered into service at once; encampments, provisions, and pay to commence as soon as mustered in. Comfortable barracks provided

14th Pennsylvania Light Cavalry! : Last chance for cavalry! Don't wait to be drafted! James M. Schoonmaker, com'g. Wanted, men accustomed to horses! $162 bounty! One months' pay in advance. $100 government bounty, 50 city bounty, 10 extra bounty, 2 premiu

Fortification artillery! 112th. 112th. : Second Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment! A.A. Gibson, U.S. Army, Col. commanding. This fine regiment, 1,500 strong, is doing garrison duty in the substantial fortifications on the beautiful and healthful highlands o

Recruits wanted! To fill Roberts' Heavy Artillery! : The garrison for Fortr's Monroe! The last chance to volunteer before conscription! This is an opportunity which seldom occurs of joining the finest branch of the service. All men enlisting in this regim
