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Frank Miller & Sons, New York.

The little bill poster.

Miss. M. Peebles, fine millinery, 2816 Germantown Ave., Phila.

Vacuum Harness Oil, renders everything soft and pliable. For sale here.

Compliments of Hershey Baking Co., York, Pa.

[Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania trade cards]

Cluett, Peabody & Co., collar makers.

Dreer's garden calendar 1899 ; Dreer's seeds, plants, bulbs, etc. [cover proof]

F.A. Poth Brewing Company, Philadelphia.

Washing Department. Brighton Laundry 6th & Race.

David Landreth & Sons, seed growers & merchants, Philadelphia. Our handy cabinet. Landreths' garden seeds from Philadelphia.

Compliments of Malven, Gordon & Co., Port Jervis, N.Y. 1891 [graphic].

See that hump? Something inside for you [graphic].

Dis yer misery makes dis chile done gone mournin orful! orful! No. 18 cured this gempleman thanks to massa Hartshorn. [graphic].

Compliments of Malven, Gordon & Co., Port Jervis, N.Y. 1891. [graphic].

[African American boy in tree reaching for eggs in a bird’s nest] [graphic].

J.W. LeMaistre. No. 48 N. Eighth St., Philadelphia, : [graphic] : Embroideries, laces, white goods, real and Nottingham lace curtains, corsets, gloves, &c.

The Prospect Brewing Co. Eleventh, Oxford & Marvine Sts. Philadelphia, Pa.

Dreer's garden calendar 1886 [catalog cover]

Eskay's food nourishes

Infancy to old age.

Souvenir calendar and memorandum book. Compliments of McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. Chicago, Ill. [graphic].