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Frank Miller & Sons, New York.

The little bill poster.

Miss. M. Peebles, fine millinery, 2816 Germantown Ave., Phila.

Vacuum Harness Oil, renders everything soft and pliable. For sale here.

Compliments of Hershey Baking Co., York, Pa.

[Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania trade cards]

Cluett, Peabody & Co., collar makers.

Washing Department. Brighton Laundry 6th & Race.

J.W. LeMaistre. No. 48 N. Eighth St., Philadelphia, : [graphic] : Embroideries, laces, white goods, real and Nottingham lace curtains, corsets, gloves, &c.

Eskay's food nourishes

Infancy to old age.

[Racist metamorphic New Years Day card depicting a man kissing a series of women, including a grotesquely depicted African American woman] [graphic].