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Charles Baeder Philada. Steam Works

Melloy & Ford, wholesale tin ware manufacturers. [graphic] / On stone by W. Rease, No. 17 Sth 5th St.

Lacey & Phillips. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by W.H. Rease No. 17 So. 5th St., Philda.

John Hibler, importer & wholesale dealer in foreign & American wines & liquors. No. 56, North Third Street, (second door above Arch,) Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by W.H. Rease, 17 So. 5th St., Phila.

Foering & Thudiums cheap stove ware-house. [graphic] / W.H. Rease, No. 17 S[out]h 5[t]h St.

Penn Hotel & Denny's harness shop. [graphic] / On stone by W.H. Rease 17 1/2 S. 5th St.

American hair dye warranted

P.S. Duval, lithographer, no. 7 Bank Alley, near the Merchant's Exchange, Philadelphia,

Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic establishment for drawing lettering & printing no. 116 Chesnut [sic] St. Philadelphia.

Thomas Hargrave ornamental carver and sculptor s.w. corner of Ridge Road & 13th St.

[Thos. Minford. Wholesale & retail grocery & tea warehouse, s.w. corner of Second and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia]

[Patent improved lead pipe sheet lead and composition gas tubes, manufactured by Tatham & Brothers, office 15 Minor Street, Philadelphia, and No. 249 Water Street, New York.]

[T. E. Chapman, book store and book bindery, 74 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia]

T. I. Dyre, Jr. bell & brass founder, corner of Washington & Church Streets, Philadelphia.

[T. Sharpless & Sons, wholesale ware room, clothes, cassimeres, merinoes, silks and vestings and Pekin Tea Company, South Second Street and Trotter's Alley, Philadelphia]

[T. Wattson & Sons, biscuit bakery, 129 North Front Street, Philadelphia]

Potter & Carmichael, oil cloth manufacturers warehouse, No. 135, North Third Street, Philadelphia.

Public baths. Thos. E. J. Kerrison's arcade-baths.

[Ritter Cotterell & Ritter wholesale drug & chemical warehouse. Paints, oils, glass & dye stuffs. 132 North Third Street, corner of Branch Street, Philadelphia]

[Robert Shoemaker's wholesale & retail drugstore, corner of Second and Green Streets, Philadelphia]

Robert Wood's steam iron railing works, Ridge Road above Buttonwood St, Philadelphia.

Newmarket hardware, cutlery and nail store, 244 South Second Street, Philadelphia

Northern Liberties' Sugar Refinery.

[P. Maison's biscuit bakery, 134 N. Front Street, Philadelphia.]

[P. R. Schuyler, furnishing undertaker, N.E. cor. Beaver & 4th Sts., Philadelphia. N. B. lots for sale in Monument Cemetery on reasonable terms. Also single interments.]

[Philada. & New York Pekin Tea Company, N.W. corner of Callowhill and Sixth Streets, Philadelphia]

[Morocco leather manufactory, B. D. Stewart, S.E. corner of Willow Street and Old York Road, Philadelphia]

[N. Helverson undertaker, 93 Coates Street, Philadelphia]

S. Tobias, importer & general dealer in wines, liquors, cordials and syrups, No. 68, North 3d. Street, above Arch, Philadelphia.

[Samuel Powell & Co. ship & house work in tin, copper, brass and iron]

[Savery & Co. Phila. iron hollow ware foundry]

Philadelphia horse & carriage bazaar, S.E. corner of Ninth & George, between Walnut & Chesnut [sic] Sts. Philadelphia.

[Piper & Andrews, warm air furnace manufactory. Cooking ranges. 82 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia]

Gloucester Iron Works, Gloucester, N.J. on the river Delaware nearly opposite Philadelphia, Pa. David Matthew, superintendent.

Safe-Harbor Iron [Works, Reeves,] Abbot & Co. Philada.

B. Lieber, importer of brandies, wines, gins, brown-stout, scotch ale, absinthe, segars, &c. and manufacturer of punch essence, cordials, lemon syrup, raspberry, lavender, rose, blackberry and wild-cherry. Brandies, bitters &c. No. 121 North Fourth Street

[C. F. Mansfield. Paper hangings. Wholesale and retail, 275 South Second Street, Philadelphia]

Charles C. Oat's lamp store No. 32 North Second St. Philadelphia.

[Charles Gilbert's stove manufactory, 249 North Second Street, Philadelphia]

Warnick & Leibrandt's Philadelphia stove works and hollow-ware foundry. First wharf above Noble St. Philadelphia.

[Western Paper Hangings Establishment, 501 Market Street, Philadelphia.]

Wetherill's white lead, red lead, chemical glass, drug & dye stuff store. Wetherill & Brother, manufacturer of white lead & red lead litharge chrome yellow & green, oil vitrol, copperas, chemicals

[William Dunlaps' coach manufactory & repository, No. 169 North Fifth Street. Philadelphia]

[William Newell. Store. No. 3 So. Water Street, Philadelphia]

[William P. Cresson's foundry, Willow above Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia]

[Wm D. Parrish, book bindery, paper & rag warehouse, paper books and stationery, 4 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia]

[Wm. D. Rogers' coach manufactory, Sixth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia]

Wm. H. Horstmann & Sons No. 51, North Third Street Philadelphia, manufacturers and importers of military goods, coach laces, & fringes, epaulettes, swords, sashes, buttons, laces, chapeaux, pistols, holsters, saddle-cloths, banners, flags, embroideries, &

[Womrath & Neville, manufactory of fringes, tassels, cords & c. & Geo. F. Womrath, fur store, 15 & 13 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia]

Harrison Brothers' white lead works & chemical laboratory, Philadelphia.
