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To M. H. Traubel & Co. 46 1/2 Walnut St. opposite the Exchange. [billhead]

M. H. Traubel & Co. respectfully call your attention to their Lithographic Institute, no. 46 1/2 Walnut St. opposite the Merchants Exchange. Philadelphia

Harrison's columbian Hair Dye

McNeely & Co. manufacturers of morocco, buckskin & chamois, white leather, bark tanned, sheep, calf & deer skins, parchment, vellum &c. 64 N[or]th 4th. St. below Arch St. near the Merchants Hotel, Philadelphia. Manufactory 4th & Franklin Aven[ue] [graphic

A view of Point Airy opposite South Street, Phila. [graphic]: Persons visiting this delightful resort during the summer season will find the bar supplied with a variety of suitable refreshments for the season. Every facility is afforded at this place for

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes, pine oil, virgin & sp[iri]ts of turpentine absolute, apothecaries, deodorized and fluid alcohol, of a superior quality linseed oil, white lead, lamps of every description, German & English br

City Marble Works and Steam Mantel Factory. Corner Tenth and Vine Streets Philadelphia. J.E. & B. Schell. [graphic] / Rease & Schell's Lith., No. 17 So. 5th St., Philda.

Henry Adolph, manufacturer of furniture wholesale and retail, warerooms no. 36 North Second St., one door above the Christ Church Philadelphia.

Wagner & M'Guigan, call the attention of the public to the superior facilities at their extensive lithographic establishment, no. 4 Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, (north of no, 111 Chestnut Street.)

Edward L. Waller, lithographic printer. Portraits, landscapes, buildings, animals, charts, maps. Circulars, bill heads, music titles, checks, cards, labels, transfers from copper or steel, lithographed in a superior manner, no. 17 Minor Street, third stor

Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic & steam power printing establishment Athenian Building, Franklin Place.

Wagner & M'Guigan's lithographic drawing, engraving, and printing establishment.

P.S. Duval & Co.'s steam lithographic establishment, artizan's building Ranstead Place west from no 26 South Fourth Street Philadelphia.

P.S. Duval & Co.'s steam lithographic establishment, artizan's building Ranstead Place west from no 26 South Fourth Street Philadelphia.

P.S. Duval & Son.

Thos. S. Wagner formerly Wagner & McGuigan lithographers Philadelphia. Franklin Place no. 38. Lithography in all its branches.

P. S. Duval & Son lithographers, 22 & 24 South 5th St., ab. Chestnut Philada.

P.S. Duval & Son lithographers. S.W. corner 5th and Minor street. Philadelphia.

Wagner & M'Guigan, respectfully invite the attention of the public to their extensive lithographic establishment no. 4 Athenian Building, Franklin Place, north of no. 111 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

Iron Manufacture : boilers, steam engines, hydraulic pumps.

Western Exchange Hotel, Market Street, west of Penn Square, Philadelphia.

Cooking ranges.

Longworth's sparkling Catawba & Isabella, still & sweet Catawba, and Catawba Brandy. Cincinnati. [graphic].

Hoofland's German bitters, a pure tonic.

Hoofland's German bitters, a pure tonic. [graphic].

H. Sebald, designer and engraver on wood. 523 Wood street, below Sixth, North Side, Phila. [graphic] : H. Sebald's designing & engraving establishment, and manufactory of tinted envelopes. Designing and engraving in all its various branches, such as portr

Williams anti-dyspeptic elixir. Prepared by Dr. James Williams, no. 4 South Seventh Street, 3 doors below Market St. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Samuel Simes, operative & dispensing chemist. Store and family medicine laboratory. N.W. corner Chestnut & Twelfth sts. [graphic] / J. Mucklow [sic].

George J. Henkels. City cabinet warerooms, 173 Chesnut [sic] Street, Phila. [graphic].

Steam tugs, Columbus and Alert. Vessels of all classes towed to and from sea and about the harbor; towing to and from Schuylkill and all other descriptions promptly attended to. S. Flanagan No. 78 South Delaware Avenue.

Price & Harper's steam saw mill, fancy chair manufactory, and lumber yard, Girard Avenue, between Seventh & Eighth, Philadelphia.

Robert Wood's railing, architectural & ornamental iron works, Ridge Road below Spring Garden St., Philadelphia.

Rockhill & Wilson, tailors & clothiers of men & boys wear, Nos. 205 & 207 Chestnut St. & 28 South 6th Street.

Neall Y Matthews, maquinistas y fundidores, de hierro en Bush Hill, esquina de las galles de Fairview y la septima de Schuylkill, Filadelfia = Neall & Matthews, iron founders and machinists, Bush Hill Iron Works, (formerly occupied by Rush & Muhlenberg,)

Parham's sewing machine manufactory, George St. below Tenth, Philadelphia:

E.C. Stotsenburg's iron, brass & bell foundry, Wilmington, Delaware, Front & Washington Streets.

Washington Mills, Gloucester, N.J. near Philadelphia.

Abbott & Lawrence. Liberty Stove Works, Brown Street above Fourth St. Philada.

Bennett & Co. Tower Hall, clothing bazaar No. 182 Market St, between Fifth & Sixth. Philadelphia.

Bridesburg Machine Works. Alfred Jenks & Son, manufacturers of cotton and wool carding spinning and weaving machinery, shafting and millgearing, Bridesburg post office Philadelphia.

Charles Oakford & Sons model hat store nos 826 & 828, Chestnut Street, Continental Hotel. Philadelphia. Hats, caps & furs, wholesale & retail.

Hoskins, Hieskell & Co. Importers & jobbers of fancy and staple dry goods. No. 213 Market & 34 Commerce St. Philada.

Wm. B. Eltonhead, dealer in all kinds of watches, and manufacturer of all kinds of jewelry and silver ware, 184 South Second Street, (between Pine & Union Streets, west side,) Philadelphia.

Wright, Hunter & Co. S.W. cor. Ninth & Walnut Sts. Philadelphia.

N.H. Graham & Cos. curing, packing & smoking establishment. Filbert St. between Schuylkill 2d. & 3d. Sts. Philadelphia.

Theodore M. Apple, guager & cooper, no. 2 & 4 Gray's Alley between Front & Second and Walnut & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia.

Harrison's Musk Cologne. Musk extract. Musk soap. Apollos W. Harrison, Philadelphia, No. 10 South 7th Street.

Bennett's Tower Hall, clothing bazaar, no. 518 Market Street, bet[ween] 5th & 6th, Philadelphia.

Goodyears Rubber, Packing & Belting Company.

H. S. Tarr's marble yard, no. 274 Green St. above Seventh Philadelphia Pa.
