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J. M. Hafleigh & Co. Retail dry goods. No. 1012 & 1014 Chestnut St.

Music, blank books, and stationery store, of M. H. Traubel 323 Federal St. Camden N.J.

Directions for using Francis & Loutrel's patent composition rollers.

Stafford's jet black ink.

Liquid regialine glue.

Walter Shriver's patent letter copying brush, with reservoir handle, holding water enough to make 75 to 100 copies.

Pettee's patent envelopes.

Dear Sir...

Office of M. Thalmessinger, late Thalmessing & Cahn, manufacturing and importing stationer, 310 Broadway, New York, March 18th, 1868.

310 Broadway, New York, March 16th, 1868, Dear Sir...

Factory established 1865. American Lead Pencil Co., N.Y.

A new article.

Myers' novelty pencil holder, patented July 10th, 1866.


The Penn combination marking apparatus.

Trade discounts.

5 & 7 Spruce Street, New York, March 2, 1868.

United States steel-pen works.

United States steel-pen works.

List of internal revenue bonded warehouse blanks.

Important to printers, Francis & Loutrell's improved inking rollers.

The document envelopes received the highest premium, medal and certificate, at the 37th annual fair of the American Institute, 1867.

Machine knives, cutting tools, &c.

Frank S. Judd, machinist and tool maker, Artisan Hall, 613 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, is prepared to furnish all kinds of fine tools to order, on short notice and at reasonable prices.

Union Paste & Sizing Co. offer to all consumers of paste an article of superior merit, and cheaper than paste can be made by ordinary methods.

Lipman Manufacturing Company.

Hover's carbonized paper.

Hover's eukollon, a white liquid paste, is strongly recommended as superior to any other paste or mucilage for pasting paper.

Lipman's patent improved eyelet machine.

Holt's patent marking wheel.

Green Point Iron Foundry, cor. Washington and Quay Streets.

The American News Company, 119 & 121 Nassau Street, New York, Aug. 10th, 1867.

Office of Bergen & Bainbridge, manufacturers, importers, and agents of stationers' and printers' stock, no. 33 Beekman Street, New York, January, 1868.

Bixler's patent business card and book-mark combined.

Boynton's paper-fastener.

To the trade.

New canceling machine, for canceling checks, notes, &c., &c.

Crane's excelsior pen and knife cleaner.

Specimen of Dennison's patent direction label.

Directions for using Prince's improved protean fountain pen.

Your influence and patronage is respectfully solicited.

The uniform trade list circular.

The uniform trade list circular.

Henry Simons. Wagon & U.S. national coach works. Philadelphia [graphic] / W.H. Rease N.E. cor 4th. & Chestnut Sts.

P.S. Duval & Son's lithographic establishment, s.w. corner of 5th & Minor sts. (near Chestnut.) Philadelphia.

Asher M. Childs clothes renovating establishment, No. 145 N. 9th St. [graphic] : Old clothes made to look equal to new, by cleaning or dyeing without taking a part. Also repairing, and altering done to the latest fashions. All work done in a superior mann

Grand Union ball in honor of the recent brilliant victories achieved by the land and naval forces of the United States, at the Academy of Music, Tuesday evening, March 4, 1862.

Oxford Carpet Mills, Wm. Hogg, Jr. Philadelphia. [graphic].

[X. Bazin, steam fancy soap works and perfumery, 917 Cherry Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Joseph J. Cana[v]an morocco factory Philadelphia. [graphic].
