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Theo. Leonhardt & Son. Lithographers. 324 & 326 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.


Fairmount Machine Works, office, 2106 Wood Street, Philadelphia, Penna.

Centennial. 1776. 1876. Dwight Compy.

[Gumpert Bros., cigar manufacturers, 1341 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

[Powers & Weightman, chemical manufactory, Philadelphia]

Hotel Lafayette. Situated on Broad St. betw. Chestnut & Walnut sts. Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

Bergner & Engel's Brewery. Office, 412 Library Street. Brewery, 32d and Thompson Sts. Philadelphia.

William Mann, stationer, blank book maker, steam-power printer & lithographer, 529 Market & 526 Commerce Sts., Philadelphia.

Agricultural Implement Manufactory. Heebner & Sons. Lansdale, Montgomery Co. PA.

George & James M. Bullock. "Conshohocken Woolen Mills" :

Perkins & McFarland, late of Rand, Perkins & Co. Sole manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers in the air-tight standard heaters & cooking ranges

Smoke Day's standard Durham smoking tobacco

Compliments of the American Sewing Machine Company :

Commercial lithography of Theo. Leonhardt & Co., 324 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Centennial Circular 1876.

Winter scene in Philadelphia. [graphic].

Mason's challenge blacking Philadelphia [graphic] / National Bureau of Engrav[ing] Philada., 435 Chestnut Street.

Winter scene in Philadelphia.

Chas. A. Smith. Barbers supplies. Jefferson and Randolph [Streets] Philadelphia.

Theo. Leonhardt & Son. Commercial lithography. 324 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania Warehousing & Safe Deposit Co.

Simes' storage warehouse & yards. Trenton Avenue, Somerset, and Fulton sts. Philadelphia. Down-town office, 224 Walnut St.

The best wines, liquors, & lager beer, we are selling here = Die besten weine, liquors, ale and lager bier, gind in haben hier.

S. D. Sollers & Co. manufacturers of children's fine shoes, Philadelphia

Lehman & Bolton steam power lithographic & letter press printing rooms. Library Street, Goldsmith's Hall. Opp. Post Office, Philadelphia.

Specimen of crayon work for Theo. Leonhardt & Son. Lithographers. 324 & 326 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Leedom, Shaw & Stewart. Philadelphia Carpet Mills. Office and Warehouse 635 Market St.

Martin Landenberger & Co.

Phoenix Oil Co. Phila.

Solar Tip shoes for children

Solar Tip Shoes

Christopher Gallagher. Wholesale liquor dealer.

Clark & Sons 230 Dock St. Phila.

Jacob Haehnlen's engraving steam power lithographic and letterpress printing house. Goldsmith's Hall Library St. opposite post office Philadelphia.

Green's August Flower and Boschee's German Syrup. Portfolio of views in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia.

J. Hoover, pictures and frames, 628 Arch St., Philadelphia.

Beadle's half dime singer's library. Selected favorites. Comic and sentimental songs of all nations and ages. [graphic] : "An encyclopedia of song." For sale here. Price five cents. / N. Orr, N. Y.

[Stereograph showing the office of the Grand Union Hotel advertising Maine druggists J.H. Irish & Co. on verso] [graphic].

"Domestic" and Grover & Baker sewing machines, and "Domestic" Fashion Rooms, 1111 Chestnut St., Phila.

Pavilion, Fairmount Water Works, Philadelphia, Pa.


Custom House and Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa.

"The Pride of Nottingham"

"The Pride of Nottingham"

"The Pride of Nottingham"

Fairmount Water Works.

Lehman & Bolton, lithographers, printers, engravers & publishers, 418, 420, 422 Library St., Philadelphia.

Philharmonic T[h]eatre, Islington. Every evening at eight. [Sa]turday at three and eight. Sam Hague's Ori[gi]nal Slave Troupe at St. James's Hall, Li[me] Street, Liverpool. Every evening at 8, Saturdays at 3 & 8, all the year round. Positively for four we

E. O. Thompson, merchant tailor, no. 908 Walnut St. Philadelphia.
