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Published weekly, in Philadelphia. : Two dollars per annum, great reductions to clubs. Novel and beautiful premiums! In announcing the commencement of a new volume of The war press, it is the publisher's intention to show his appreciation of its great suc

The Philadelphia inquirer. Wednesday, September 25. 1861. : The Rebellion A grand review of infantry and cavalry The war in Missouri Col. Mulligan fights 59 hours without water Gen. Prentiss not heard from Gen. Fremont taking the field The Kentucky war nw

A paper for the camp and fireside! Forney's war press : The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty contest in which the armies and fleets of the nation are engaged, on the Potomac, in Western Virginia, in Kentucky, in Missouri, on the sea coast an

The Union, it must be preserved. : In memory of our Union heroes who fell in a "useless war." Who calls this a "useless war"? Surely no man in his sane mind, would call this war of the government to save its very existence a "useless war"; and after all t

The Philadelphia inquirer. Friday, December 13, 1861. : Important from Europe. The Mason-Slidell arrest in England! How the news was received! Doings in Congress! Complaint against Gen. Stone! Rebel force at Leesburg. The war in Georgia! The fight at Fort

The Philadelphia inquirer. Saturday, October 26, 1861. : The Battle of Balls Bluff further interesting particulars! A list of the killed, wounded and missing. Later from Gen. Banks' command! A large rebel force in view! News from Washington Latest from Mi

Philadelphia daily and weekly journal. : Office, No. 108 South Third Street. Daily, 2 cents per copy. Weekly, $1 per annum.

The New-York weekly Caucasian. The white man's paper. : The proprietors of The Caucasian are happy to announce that, "the press being once more free," they can now send their paper by the mail. The Caucasian is issued by the publishers of The day-book, th

Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper no. 314, : for this week, contains a mammoth picture of the bombardment and capture of Forts Beauregard and Walker Also, the interior of the works after the occupation by the United States forces, and numerous illustra

The only reliable illustrated is Frank Leslie's newspaper : no. 344, and supplement no. 345, for the present week. Turn over.