Vignette illustrating a banknote for the Philadelphia National Bank. Shows the fabric store in Jayne’s Hall (constructed 1856) at 631 Chestnut Street. Members of the Lafourcade family worked as Philadelphia merchants from around 1840, with the partnership between the brothers and Irwin established around 1866. Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk past a horse-drawn dray parked in the street to be loaded. A horse-drawn surrey travels nearby., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 427, Stein & Jones established in 1859 was active under that name until the death of Stein in 1871.
[ca. 1866]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.126o]
Vignette illustrating a banknote for the Philadelphia National Bank. Shows the importer and manufacturer of men's furnishing goods (618) in Artisan Hall at 616-620 Chestnut Street. Patrons enter the storefronts and pedestrians walk on the sidewalk near a horse-drawn dray parked in the street to be loaded. A horse-drawn carriage travels nearby. De Coursey, Bryan & Co. was active 1867-1868., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 173, Stein & Jones established in 1859 was active under that name until the death of Stein in 1871., One printed in brown ink and one tinted with one stone.
[ca. 1867]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Specimens Album [P.9349.126b&p]