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Bought of Edward C. Jones & Co. Successors to Amos H. Yarnall & Co. Wholesale druggists, manufacturers and dealers in drugs, chemicals, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumery, spices, patent medicines, druggists' sundries, & c. Also, paints, oils, glass,

Bought of William A. Whittem, apothecary, dealer in segars, stationery &c. Opposite rail road depot.

Cedar Hollow Lime Company. Depot 900 Jefferson Street.

[Billheads of George Walker, druggist, Hall's X Roads, Aberdeen, Md.]

Bought of Rodgers Brothers, wholesale druggists, and dealers in paints, oils & varnishes.

Bought of Mackeown, Thompson & Co., wholesale druggists, 195 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh

Bought of John Westney, agt. Late of Shill, Jr. & Co., manufacturer and dealer in baby carriages, boys' & girls' velocipedes, bicycles, express wagons. All kinds of carriages and velocipedes repaired, nos. 214 and 226 Dock Street.

Bought of A. W. Wright & Co., importers and dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, oils, refined coal and lubricating oils, druggists' sundries, &c. Paint department, 124 Market Street. N.E. cor. Market and Front Streets.

Bought of Barker, Moore, Mein, wholesale druggists and paint dealers, no. 609 Market Street, above Sixth.

Bought of John L. Thompson, Sons & Co., wholesale druggists, and dealers in paints, oils, dye stuffs and window glass, nos. 159, 161 and 163 River Street.

[Business stationery of Gerity Brothers, wholesale druggists, 126 Lake St. Cor. Carroll, Elmira, N.Y.

Croston Nurseries, bought of J. G. Dannaker & Son, nurseryman, King-of-Prussia, Montgomery Co. Pa.

[Business stationery of Hall & Ruckel, importers and wholesale druggists, 218 & 220 Greenwich Street, New York]

[Business correspondence of Weeks & Potter, importers & jobbers of drugs and druggists sundries, Boston, Ma.]

[Collection of letterheads and billheads of Wells, Richardson & Co., later Wells & Richardson Co., wholesale druggists, Burlington, Vt. completed to C. N. Williams, Elizabethtown, N.Y.]

[Billhead and envelopes of Wilson Drug Co., wholesale druggists, Charlotte, N.C.]