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Bought of the Hasting and McIntosh Truss Co. Manufacturers of indestructible hard rubber trusses, (trade mark registered.), leather covered & elastic trusses, supporters, shoulder braces, etc. For the U.S. government, home & export trade. 224 South Ninth

Robert Barker & Co. Manufacturers and wholesale druggists. Selling agents for Barker's H&C Powder & N&B Liniment. 135 Arch Street.

Andrew Blair, apothecary, Chestnut & 18th Sts., Philadelphia.

Bo't of the Alford & Berkele Co. Manufacturers' agents & exporters guns, pistols, cutlery, plated ware, specialties in hardware, etc., etc. P.O. Box 2002. 77 Chambers Street.

Francis Stearns & Co. Manufacturing pharmacists, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.

Bought of C. L. Wright, apothecary and druggist, 21 Bollingbrook Street.

Bought of Max Zeller, importer & wholesale druggist, 37 Bowery.

Bought of Canby, Gilpin & Co. Import and export druggists & druggists sundrymen. North west corner Light & Lombard Streets.

[Billheads of C.J. Lincoln Co.,wholesale druggists, Little Rock, Arkansas]

Nelson, Baker & Co., manufacturing pharmacists.

[Business stationery of J. L. Lyons & Co., wholesale druggists, importers and manufacturing chemists, 222,224 & 226 Camp, 529, 531, 533, 535 & 537 Gravier Sts., New Orleans, La.]

Bought of Collins Brothers Drug Company, wholesale druggists. 418, 420, 422 & 424 N. 2d. St.

Bought of Eimer & Amend, wholesale druggists, 205, 207, 209 & 211 Third Ave., cor. 18th St.

To J. Mullin, dr. Coupes and carriages to hire. Stable, 1522 Rundle Street.

Bought of George A. Clark & Brother, sole agents for the Clark Thread Company. 14 South Fifth Street. Clark's O.N.T. crochet & darning cotton's.

Bought of Chas. P. Alden, druggist and apothecary, and dealer in manufacturers' supplies, drugs, paints, oils, acids, artists' materials, toilet, and fancy articles. No. 270 Main Street.

[Business stationery of Joseph M. Schmitt, pharmacist, dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, etc., 312 North Avenue, Rochester, N.Y.]

[Collection of business stationery of C.H. Butterworth & Co., wholesale druggists and dealers in paint, Philadelphia, Pa.]

[Billheads of A. C. Henderson, wholesale druggist, No. 50 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.]

[Business stationery of Hopkins-Weller Drug Co., importers & jobbers, corner Washington Ave. & Main St., St. Louis, Mo.]

To John Hartman, dr. East End Steam Biscuit Work, No. 412 South Wharves, and 413 Penn St. Plain & fancy biscuit & crackers

[Business stationery of Caswell, Massey & Co., chemists & druggists, New York]

[Business stationery of Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., patent medicine warehouse, Boston Ma.]

[Collection of business correspondence of W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 and 172 William Street, New York]