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[Views of Saint Domingue] [graphic].

[Views of Saint Domingue] [graphic].

[Tobacco house] [graphic] / W. Newman del. sculp.

Settlement of M As estate in St. Domingo [graphic] / Neele sc Strand.

A rebel Negro armed & on his guard. [graphic] / Bartolozzi sculpt.

Manner of bush-fighting by the African negroes; Gradation of shades between Europe & Africa. [graphic].

Chatoyer the Chief of the Black Charaibes in St. Vincent with his five wives [graphic] / Drawn from the life by Agostino Brunyas -- 1773. From an original painting in the possession of Sir William Young, Bart, F.R.S. ; Grignion sc.

Flagellation of a female Samboe slave [graphic] / Blake sculpt.

A female negro slave, with a weight chained to her ancle [sic] [graphic] / Bartolozzi sculpt.

A Negro festival drawn from nature in the island of St. Vincent [graphic] / From an Original Picture by Agostino Brunyas, in the possession of Sir William Young, Bart., F.R.S. ; Audinet sc.

A Surinam planter in his morning dress [graphic] / Blake sculpt.

Family of Negro slaves from Loango [graphic] / Blake sculpt.

Manner of sleeping &c in the forest ; Rural retreat, the cottage [graphic] / Barlow sc.

Female quadroon [sic] slave of Surinam [graphic] / Perry sculpt.

Group of Negroes as imported to be sold for slaves [graphic] / Blake sculpt.

Plan and sections of a slave-ship / Representation of an insurrection on board a slave-ship [insert] [graphic].

[Methods and instruments of restraint, plate II] [graphic].

[Methods and instruments of restraint, plate III] [graphic].

A Negro hung alive by the ribs to a gallows [graphic] / Blake sculpt.

The execution of breaking on the rack [graphic].

[Frontispiece for the Dying Negro] [graphic] / C. Metz del. ; J. Neagle sc.

Femmes à Kréennes [graphic].

The voyage of the Sable Venus, from Angola, to the West Indies [graphic] / Stothard, T. del. ; Grainger, W. sc.