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A Spanish planter of Porto Rico [graphic] / Stennett, R. del. ; Neele & Son, 325 Strand, sc.

Negre Manding [graphic].

Kidnapping [graphic] / Alex Rider del. ; Goodman & Piggot sc.

Chaine d'esclaves venant de l'interieur [Senegal] [graphic].

Vue de Ben dans le pays de Cayor près Gorée [graphic].

Orfevre ou forgeron negre [graphic].

Tisserand negre [graphic].

Negresse battant le coton au lieu de le carder [graphic].

Negresse filant le coton [graphic].

Negresse etudiant le jeu de Ouri [graphic].

View of Negroes washing for diamonds at Mandango on the River Jigitonhonha in Cerro do Frio, Brazil. [graphic].

Captain in his war dress [graphic] / Drawn by T.E. Bawdiet (owdich) Esq.

Odumata's sleeping room ; Inner square of Apookoos house [graphic] / Drawn by T.E. Bowdich Esq.

Part of a piazza in the palace [No. 7] ; Part of a piazza in the palace [No. 8] [graphic] / Drawn by T.E. Bowdich Esq.

Part of Adoom street [No. 9] [graphic] / Drawn by T.E. Bowdich Esq.

The first day of the yam custom [graphic] / Drawn by T.E. Bowdich Esq. ; Engraved by R. Havell & Son.

Pirogues des Negres [graphic].

[Justice and Britannia.] [graphic] / R. Smirke, R. A. pinx. ; Worthington sculp.

Datura stramonium b [graphic] / W. B. Annin sc

View of the Capitol of the United States after the conflagration in 1814