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Waters & Co. head-quarters for drafted men subsitutes, and volunteers for Army or Navy 816 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Drafted men from the city, or any part of the state, will be furnished with substitutes at short notice, and on liberal terms. Men enlisting, either as substitutes or volunteers, will receive the largest bounties, which will be paid to them in cash as soon as mustered in. Runners are assured that their men can be enlisted, through this office, with promptness not surpassed by any agency in the country, and to their entire satisfaction. Agents will be liberally paid at this office
Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Waters & Co.
[between 1863 and 1865?]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1863 Waters (2)5777.F.29a (McAllister)
United States Army Largest bounty ever offered Able-bodied men wanted for the Fifteenth U.S. Infantry Join this veteran reg't, whose colors have been triumphantly borne in all the glorious achievements of our western armies. Meritorious men will surely secure speedy promotions. ... Enter the regular army. The health and comfort of enlisted men receive proper care, and the largest bounty is given. Head-quarters, Fort Adams, Newport, Rhode Island. Apply at the recruiting office, No. 332 Broadway, Albany, N.Y. Robert P. King, Jr. 1st Lieut. 15th Infantry, recruiting officer
Printed in red and blue., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
United States, Army, Infantry Regiment, 15th
[between 1861 and 1865]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare 3# Am 1861 Uni Sta (24)1540.F.50