Carriers' address containing a montage of seven, titled vignette views of historic sites, predominately Independence Hall, used by the Continental Congresses in 1774 and 1776. Includes "Hall of Independence - Front" and "Hall of Independence - Rear" showing the Chestnut Street elevation and rear elevation with Independence Square; "Carpenters' Hall" exterior view; "Signing of the Declaration of Independence" based after the John Trumbull painting; "House in which the Declaration was written, S.W. corner Market and Seventh Sts."; "Carpenters' Hall - Interior"; and "Hall of Independence - Interior" showing the Assembly Room utilized as an exhibit gallery. Most of the views include pedestrian or visitor traffic. "House" view shows the Jacob Graff house used as a storefront and adorned in signage reading "W. Brown & Co.," "Book & Job Printing Office," and "Birth Place of Liberty." Vignettes surrounded by a border of vinery containing an American eagle and shield., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 519, Wainwright retrospective conversion project, edited., Historical Society of Pennsylvania:, Athenaeum of Philadelphia: General Prints Collection - PRM23
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *W387 [P.2213]
View of Girard College at Girard Avenue facing northwest from Corinthian Avenue including Founder's Hall and the eastern and western outbuildings. Street scene in the foreground includes a streetcar drawn by a team of six horses; elegantly dressed white pedestrians strolling, including men and women couples; and an African American man leaning against a pole smoking a pipe. The college buildings, designed by Philadelphia architect Thomas Ustick Walter in the Greek Revival style, were constructed from 1833-1847. Girard College was established through a bequest from Stephen Girard, a Philadelphia financier and philanthropist, for the creation of a school for poor white male orphans., Title from item., After drawing by Augustus Kollner published as plate 9 of a series of fifty-four lithographs executed by Isidore Laurent Deroy issued as a bound volume in New York and Paris by Goupil, Vibert and Company from 1848 to 1851 under the title "Views of American Cities.", Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Part of digital collections catalog through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education through the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Corbett, Governor, 2013-2014.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *PhPr - Education - Girard [1883.F.182]