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The Natatorium and Physical Institute [stock certificate]

The North Philadelphia Plank Road Company [stock certificate]

Diploma awarded by the Farmers & Mechanics Institute of Northampton County Pa. [blank] annual fair at Easton, [blank]. [Blank], Secy. [Blank] Prest. [graphic] / James Queen del.

Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society [diploma]

Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society [diploma]

Diocesan Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Pennsylvania. [membership certificate]

Independent Order of Odd Fellows [membership certificate]

The Albion Society. [membership certificate]

Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. [life membership certificate]

Pennsylvania Colonization Society. [membership certificate]

The directory and prefect of the Sodality of St. Joseph's Church, Philada. To all who shall see the present letters greeting in the Lord.

Certificate of Honorary Membership of the Weccacoe Fire Company. Philadelphia.

Hibernian Benevolent Institution. Incorporated 1833.

Testimonial awarded by the Philadelphia Relief Committee

Scott Legion of the City of Philadelphia [certificate]

Diploma awarded by the Lebanon County Agricultural and Horticultural Society. [graphic]

The Delaware County Society, for the Promotion of Agriculture, Horticulture, Manufactures, and the Mechanic and Household Arts.

Passenger Railroad Relief Association of Philadelphia [certificate]

Decatur Steam Fire Co. membership certificate

[Sunday School membership certificate] [graphic].

[Social Temple of Honor and Temperance membership certificate] [graphic].

The Oakland Female Institute. [diploma]

Grand division of the Sons of Temperance Pennsylvania. [membership certificate]

The Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. [membership certificate] : Incorporated March 9th 1855.

Headquarter Infantry Corps National Guards [membership certificate]

Confirmations - Schein [certificate]

Confirmations - Schein [certificate]

This diploma

East Pennsylvania Agricultural & Mechanical Society.

The Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons