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Dr. Hoofland's celebrated German bitters and balsamic cordial. Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 418 Arch St., Philadelphia. [graphic].

Tabernacle M. E. Church. 11th St. above Jefferson St. Philadelphia. [graphic] / Lith. by J. F. Watson S.E. cor, of 4th & Walnut.

Jones & Co. of the crescent one price clothing store, No. 200 Market Street, above 6th Philada. [graphic] / On stone by R. F. Reynolds No. 30 S 5th. St.

Grand lodge room of the new Masonic Hall, Chestnut Street Philadelphia. To the R. W. Grand Master, Grand Officers, and Members of the Grand Lodge of Penna, and the Order in general this print is respectfully dedicated by L. N. Rosenthal. [graphic] / On st

Interior view of Independence Hall, Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone Max Rosenthal.

[James S. Mason & Co. ,108 North Front Street, challenge blacking, ink &c. manufactory] [graphic] / J. Queen, del.

Commissioners Hall, Spring Garden

Charity ball of the Sons of Malta at the American Academy of Music Philadelphia March 4th 1859.

Interior view of Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

Columbia Avenue & 5th St. Factory

Cornelius & Baker, Philadelphia. Cherry St. manufactory, (court yard view). ; Columbia Avenue & 5th St. manufactory.

American Life Insurance and Trust Co., Office Walnut Street south east corner of Fourth, Philadelphia.

Church of the Evangelists. Catharine St. west of 7th., Philadelphia.

Wissahiccon Paper Mills. Warehouse, 30 South Sixth Street, Charles Magarge & Co., Philadelphia, Penna.

Princeton Presbyterian Church, Phila.

First Moravian Church cor. Franklin & Wood sts. Philadelphia.

Interior View of L. J. Levy & Co's Dry Goods Store, Chestnut St. Phila.

Empire Hook & Ladder Company, no. 1. Instituted February 6, 1851.

"The Continental" Schottisch. /

Harrison's columbian Hair Dye

McNeely & Co. manufacturers of morocco, buckskin & chamois, white leather, bark tanned, sheep, calf & deer skins, parchment, vellum &c. 64 N[or]th 4th. St. below Arch St. near the Merchants Hotel, Philadelphia. Manufactory 4th & Franklin Aven[ue] [graphic

A view of Point Airy opposite South Street, Phila. [graphic]: Persons visiting this delightful resort during the summer season will find the bar supplied with a variety of suitable refreshments for the season. Every facility is afforded at this place for

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes, pine oil, virgin & sp[iri]ts of turpentine absolute, apothecaries, deodorized and fluid alcohol, of a superior quality linseed oil, white lead, lamps of every description, German & English br

Henry Adolph, manufacturer of furniture wholesale and retail, warerooms no. 36 North Second St., one door above the Christ Church Philadelphia.

Wagner & McGuigan's lithographic & steam power printing establishment Athenian Building, Franklin Place.

P.S. Duval & Co.'s steam lithographic establishment, artizan's building Ranstead Place west from no 26 South Fourth Street Philadelphia.

P.S. Duval & Co.'s steam lithographic establishment, artizan's building Ranstead Place west from no 26 South Fourth Street Philadelphia.

Thos. S. Wagner formerly Wagner & McGuigan lithographers Philadelphia. Franklin Place no. 38. Lithography in all its branches.

P. S. Duval & Son lithographers, 22 & 24 South 5th St., ab. Chestnut Philada.

Longworth's sparkling Catawba & Isabella, still & sweet Catawba, and Catawba Brandy. Cincinnati. [graphic].

[Print with ornate border containing vignettes representing the seasons]

[Print with ornate border containing vignettes representing the seasons] [graphic].

Hoofland's German bitters, a pure tonic.

Hoofland's German bitters, a pure tonic. [graphic].

Souvenir of the coldest winter on record. Scene on the Delaware River at Philada. during the severe winter of 1856.

Hoskins, Hieskell & Co. Importers & jobbers of fancy and staple dry goods. No. 213 Market & 34 Commerce St. Philada.

Gezo, King of Dahomey [graphic] / F.E. Forbes, del. ; M. & N. chromo lith.

The reception of the "Ah-Haussoo-Noh-Beh" or "Queen's Mouths." [graphic] / F.E. Forbes, del. ; M. & N. chromo lith.

Theodore M. Apple, guager & cooper, no. 2 & 4 Gray's Alley between Front & Second and Walnut & Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia.

Harrison's Musk Cologne. Musk extract. Musk soap. Apollos W. Harrison, Philadelphia, No. 10 South 7th Street.

Grand lodge room of the new Masonic Hall, Chestnut Street Philadelphia.

H. B. McCalla, successor to the late Andrew McCalla, No. 252 Market St. First hat & cap store below 8th St. south side, Philadelphia.

Dr. Hoofland's celebrated German bitters and balsamic cordial. Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 418 Arch St., Philadelphia.

[James S. Mason & Co., 108 North Front Street, challenge blacking, ink &c. manufactory]

Jones & Co. of the crescent one price clothing store, No. 200 Market Street, above 6th Phila.

A view of Point Airy opposite South Street, Phila.

Louis L. Peck manufacturer & dealer in burning fluid varnishes...

McNeely & Co. manufacturers of morocco, buckskin & chamois, white leather, bark tanned, sheep, calf & deer skins, parchment, vellum &c. 64 N[or]th 4th. St. below Arch St. near the Merchants Hotel, Philadelphia. Manufactory 4th & Franklin Aven[ue]

[Cherry St. Factory (court-yard view.)]

Steam engine with 9 in. cyl. 18 in. stroke by J.T. Sutton & Co., Franklin Iron Works, Kensington, Philadelphia. U.S.
