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Uncle Tom's Cabin. On the Levee

Soapine is the very best washing powder.

Said Peter Stuyvesant, "Welcome, friends, you would find our living rougher had we knickerbockers not learned to use the Enterprise sausage stuffer."

In seventeen hundred and eighty three, by the Treaty of Paris, our states were made free, and the Enterprise cork puller helped on the cause while the patriots drank to our land and its laws.

Said Jackson at New Orleans, "Boys we'll each one turn explorer, and make a raid on the enemy's stores with the Enterprise Bung Borer."

In seventy six, that old Continental; that Fourth-of-July-m'an; hatchet-can't-lie-man gave orders for dinner, "and said "use Enterprise beef shaver, for beef so sliced, will meet with much favor."

Horace Greely, to his farmer friends, one day, said "How needlessly man often labors, use the Enterprise Sprinkler, that is the proper way, and give up the watering pot, neighbors."

Hungry Continentals paid busy lass a visit. Helping himself to fruit, cried one, "What is it?" This machine which does suck work! Would I were the owner!" "Sir," she said, " It is the Enterprise cherry stoner."

In sixteen eighty two, you surely have heard how William Penn and honest treaty made. All good Indians mourn him still and remember his proclamation of good will to use the Enterprise bone, shell, and corn mill.

Enterprise Congress-World's Fair.

In eighteen fourteen, Scott, the Indian hero, made red hot work for the red men-yes and redder himself he cooled with Juleps, cold as zero iced by the famous Enterprise ice shredder.

"I found when a grocer's boy," Honest Abe said "Prosperity's line, if you'd cross it, give always good measure, save labor and use the self measuring, Enterprise faucet."

Manufactures & Liberal Arts Bl'd'g.

In 1773 in Boston town was spilled the tea. These are not Indians that you see, but patriots fighting tyranny; they spilled the tea, then drank their fill of coffee ground in Enterprise mill.

Frank Miller & Sons, New York.

The little bill poster.

You cannot blot out...the fact that Louis Heilbron sells the best furniture, carpets, and bedding at most reasonable prices, at the largest furniture house in Reading, Pa. 838-840 Penn Street

McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee [paper doll]

Compliments of Krell=French Piano Co. High grade piano makers, New Castle, Ind.

Miss. M. Peebles, fine millinery, 2816 Germantown Ave., Phila.

For Congress: B. Frank Eshleman, of Lancaster City. Subject to Republican rules.

The Enterprise Mfg Co. of Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. U.S.A. Enterprise bone, shell, and corn mills.

When Alden wooed the fair Priscilla for his friend. In sixteen twenty six by Plymouth Rocks environs. The course of true love, rough at first, was at the end. As smooth as if they'd used the Enterprise sad irons.

The battle now is over, Bunker Hill no more. Will call the soldier from the maid he does adore, while to his side he would his gentle Nelly press, she tells him of the Enterprise fruit & jelly press.

"Tippecanoe and Tyler too," was the cry they raised in forty two, when barrels were set up all over the land by the Enterprise Barrel Jack, Truck and Stand.

Vacuum Harness Oil, renders everything soft and pliable. For sale here.

Compliments of Hershey Baking Co., York, Pa.

[Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania trade cards]

Cluett, Peabody & Co., collar makers.

Dreer's garden calendar 1899 ; Dreer's seeds, plants, bulbs, etc. [cover proof]

F.A. Poth Brewing Company, Philadelphia.

Washing Department. Brighton Laundry 6th & Race.

David Landreth & Sons, seed growers & merchants, Philadelphia. Our handy cabinet. Landreths' garden seeds from Philadelphia.

Battle of Olustee, Fla. [graphic] : Feby 26' 1864 - Union: (Gen. Seymour) 8' U.S., 54" Mass., 1' N.C. Col'r T[roop]. Loss: 193 k'd, 1175 'd, 460 miss'g - Conf. (Gen. Finnegan) Loss: Abt 660.

Compliments of Malven, Gordon & Co., Port Jervis, N.Y. 1891 [graphic].

See that hump? Something inside for you [graphic].

Dis yer misery makes dis chile done gone mournin orful! orful! No. 18 cured this gempleman thanks to massa Hartshorn. [graphic].

Compliments of Malven, Gordon & Co., Port Jervis, N.Y. 1891. [graphic].

[African American boy in tree reaching for eggs in a bird’s nest] [graphic].

J.W. LeMaistre. No. 48 N. Eighth St., Philadelphia, : [graphic] : Embroideries, laces, white goods, real and Nottingham lace curtains, corsets, gloves, &c.

The Prospect Brewing Co. Eleventh, Oxford & Marvine Sts. Philadelphia, Pa.

Dreer's garden calendar 1886 [catalog cover]

Eskay's food nourishes

Infancy to old age.

[Racist metamorphic New Years Day card depicting a man kissing a series of women, including a grotesquely depicted African American woman] [graphic].


Foxy Granduncle's first mistake. How is that? Hello! Hello! Hello! Well, well, well! What's this?

[Philadelphia Inquirer art supplements]

Afro-American historical family record

Souvenir calendar and memorandum book. Compliments of McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. Chicago, Ill. [graphic].