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Charge of the colored troops  - San Juan. [graphic].

Pan American Exposition. This pretty little boy insists that___ Heide's licorice pastilles, mint and assorted jujubes are the best.

Ethnology Building.

F[ire] and P[olice] Dept. Record. [certificate] [graphic].

The love drop [graphic].

[The love drop] [graphic].

If you want to be stylishly shod and comfortably fitted, bring your feet to Lee Reinberg, shoe man, 7 and 11 S. George St., York, PA. [graphic].

Véritable extrait de viande Liebig. [graphic] : La case de l'oncle

Take a ride on the 25 mile per hour day steamers Penn & Lord Baltimore or Ericsson Line between Philadelphia and Baltimore. Leaving each end daily 7-30 every morning, commencing May 9th night boat 5 p.m. daily except Sunday

[Double-sided proof print containing a racist caricature with a mammy and a comic genre scene with a bookmaker] [graphic] / Bernhard Hall 1902.

Washington birthday greetings [graphic].

[Duesseldorfer "Progress Brand," Indianapolis Brewing Co. trade card]

The darktown fire brigade - saved! [graphic] / Thos. Worth.