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Penn talking to the Indians

1776. Centennial Fountain, 1876. Fairmount Park, Philadelphia. Erected under the auspices of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America.

Exhibit at the Centennial Exposition 1876.

Main Exhibition Building & Horticultural Hall, International Exhibition. Fairmount Park. Philadelphia. 1876.

View of the grounds and buildings International Exhibition. Fairmount Park. Philadelphia. 1876.

Independence Hall. Philadelphia 1876.

Liberty Stove Works

Conrad Busche, manufacturer & dealer in plain and fancy confectionery, wholesale and retail, 123

[J.W. LeMaistre trade cards]

Jacob Lorsch, dealer in gentlemen's furnishing goods, 344 South Street, Philad'a.

G.M. Loudenslager, dealek [sic] in cigars and tobacco, 480 North Third St., Philad'a.

He loves me a little.

[Marks Bros. trade cards]

"Mack's milk chocolate." The best! It is pure! Ready for instant use. Boiling water only required.

Edward P. Macken, dealer in Key West, imported and domestic cigars, and tobacco, my 5 cent cigars a specialty. 1140 Pine St., Philad'a.

Compliments of the MacKinnon Pen Company.

Wm. MacMullan, Jr., grocer, (Successor to MacMullan Bros.) 1205 Market St., Philad'a.

Public Ledger Job Printing Office, south-west corner Sixth and Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

[Partridge's cafe and dining rooms trade cards]

[Partridge & Richardson trade cards]

[Old Judge cigarettes, Goodwin & Co., New York, U.S.A.]

Painter, Read & Eldredge, fashionable clothing, Franklin Hall, 321 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.

"The Palace," 323 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Next door to "Fidelity." Imported & domestic segars, meerschaum goods and smokers' articles.

E.H. Parry, fashionable hatter, S.E. cor. 10th & Market Sts. Phila.

Tyler's market & fruit store, 1516 Market Street, elegant bananas & oranges 25, 30.

Curwen Stoddart & Brother, 450, 452 and 454 N. Second Street, Philadelphia.

[Strawbridge & Clothier trade cards]

[The Goodwin Gas Stove & Meter Co.'s Sun Dial gas stove trade cards]

E.D. Trymby, furniture, 1217 Market Street, Philadelphia.

[John P. Twaddell trade cards]

["It leads them all." The Sunday Item.]

Mrs. Swasey, 340 N. Eighth St., Philada.

[Thermaline, manufactured by Dundas Dick & Co., New York]

Thitchener & Glastaeter, steam job printers, 14 & 16 Vesey St., New York.

Wm. Menke & Bro. Dress trimmings. 804 Arch Street, Philadelphia.

S.L. Miller, plain & fancy printer, Waldoboro, Me.

[Milliken's linen store trade cards]

If dat ar fish knowd dis wor Merrick's thread, he wouldnt ha bit.

Compliments of Merscher Bros., tailors, 521 Poplar Street, Philadelphia.

Rain-time. / Sun-time.

Corn-time. / Past-time.

[George W. Miles trade cards]

J.W. Miller, wholesale dealer in books, stationery & cigars, No. 439 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


[Lorenzo Puccini trade cards]

Stuart Robson and Wm. H. Crane.

Romantic Park, High Bridge, G.W. Riley, proprietor. Music day & evening. Boats to let. Refreshments, &c.

Ripka & Co. artists' and wax flower materials, ebony and velvet frames, 146 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia.

[Rising Sun Stove Polish by Morse Bros. trade cards]

L. Prang & Co. art and educational publishers, Boston, Mass.
