Series of illustrated trade cards for Harbach & Brother's wholesale and retail printing and stationery shop at 36 North Eighth Street in Philadelphia. Illustrations depict a bust portrait of Benjamin Franklin and patriotic symbols printed in blue and red ink or embossed in the center of the trade cards, including flags, shields, eagles, cannons, bayonets, arrows, drums, cannon balls, swords, laurel wreaths and the liberty cap and pole. Harbach & Brothers were Philadelphia stationers and publishers of Civil War envelopes., Title supplied by cataloger., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized.
[ca. 1860]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department trade card - Harbach [5786.F.002 & 003; 5786.F.9k; (2)5786.F.177b; (3)5786.F.163j; P.9631.2; P.2006.1.18]
Trade card showing the exterior of the multi-story hotel adorned with signage reading "Dining Saloon." Also contains street and pedestrian traffic, including a horse-drawn carriage. Hotel was later renamed the Frankfort House., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Forms part of Scrapbook of Ephemera [8608.F]., Eaves worked in New York between 1845 and 1860.
Eaves, William, 1792-1879, engraver
[ca. 1855]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department albums - Scrapbook [8608.F.15c]
Advertisement calendar, containing an embossed and gilted border of classical imagery, for the studio established by Eugene Ketterlinus in 1842. Imagery includes scrolls; urns of flowers; cherubs playing instruments, riding fish, and holding up pedestals; and the sea god Poseidon in his chariot pulled by horses and a merman. Also contains advertising text promoting the products of the firm. Includes show cards, color glazed papers, tin foil, bronzes, bills of lading, fancy gilt dry good tickets, and hat and cap tips in addition to fancy embossed and gilt labels "always on hand." Ketterlinus was one of the earliest Philadelphia lithographers to produce stock cards, and embossed and colored mercantile labels. The firm remained in business until the 1970s., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 20, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Ba 614 K 512a
E. Ketterlinus & Co.
[ca. 1851]
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Ba 614 K 512a
Advertisement calendar, containing an embossed and gilted border of patriotic and religious imagery, for the studio established by Eugene Ketterlinus in 1842. Imagery includes gothic architectural details; cherubs; the American eagle, shield, and flags; and an angel and a knight elevated on pedestals. Also contains advertising text promoting the firm's "Stock of Embossed and Illuminated perfumery, fabric, wine and liquor labels, show, business, and visiting cards" in addition to "Card and Job Printing, in all its branches, executed in a superior style, at the shortest notice. " Ketterlinus was one of the earliest Philadelphia lithographers to produce stock cards, and embossed and colored mercantile labels. The firm remained in business until the 1970s., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 19, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Ba 614 K 512b
E. Ketterlinus & Co.
[ca. 1853]
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Ba 614 K 512b
Advertisement containing an embossed gilted border of flourishes, scrolls, and flowers for the the studio established by Eugene Ketterlinus in 1842. Ketterlinus was one of the earliest Philadelphia lithographers to produce stock cards, and embossed and colored mercantile labels. The firm remained in business until the 1970s., Not in Wainwright., Philadelphia on Stone, POSA 18, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Ba 614 K 512
E. Ketterlinus & Co.
[ca. 1855]
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Ba 614 K 512