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Schuylkill Bridge High Street Philadelphia [graphic].

Masonic Hall in Chesnut [sic] Street, Philadelphia 1810 [graphic].

Caspar Wistar, M.D.

Bot of Mord. & Sam. N. Lewis, no. 135 South Front Street near the drawbridge, agents of the Philadelphia Lead Works.

Negre Manding [graphic].

Kidnapping [graphic] / Alex Rider del. ; Goodman & Piggot sc.

Vue de Ben dans le pays de Cayor près Gorée [graphic].

Orfevre ou forgeron negre [graphic].

Caspar Wistar, M.D.

Rev. Richard Allen, founder of the American Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, 1779.


View of Negroes washing for diamonds at Mandango on the River Jigitonhonha in Cerro do Frio, Brazil. [graphic].

Pirogues des Negres [graphic].

Thomas Clarkson, A.M.

Benjamin Lay. [graphic] / Kneass Sc.

Kidnapping [graphic] / Alex Rider del. ; Goodman & Piggot sc.

[Justice and Britannia.] [graphic] / R. Smirke, R. A. pinx. ; Worthington sculp.

View of the Capitol of the United States after the conflagration in 1814