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William D. Rogers & Co. Carriage Manufactory, Philadelphia [graphic] / Eng. by H. B. Hall & Sons, 62 Fulton St., N.Y.

[Glorification of the American Union]

A Chinese laundry in Philadelphia [graphic].

[View of the Centennial Machinery Hall with people from all nations] [graphic].

Opening of Spring novelties. Mahlon Bryan & Co., tailors, Nos. 9 & 11 South Eleventh Street, Philadelphia.

Washington. Printed by S. H. Greene & Sons. Riverpoint, R.I. Coffin, Artemus & Co. Sole agents.

[Figure sitting in flowering tree]


Specialties in curtains and furniture , Walraven, 1105 Chestnut Street.

A. Smith, fashionable boot and shoe maker, No. 348 Girard Av., Phila.

For the world of sufferers. For warding off disease. For securing good health. To enjoy cheerful spirits, health, and happiness. Take Simmons Liver Regulator.

[Gumpert Bros., cigar manufacturers, 1341 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Henderson & Brother, 1906 Sansom St., Philadelphia.

Uncle Peter putting the chickens in the window [graphic].

Scene in a Lynchburg tobacco factory [graphic] / W.L.S. ; DV.

Making salt, at Saltville, Virginia [graphic] / Cullen.

Twenty-eight fugitives escaping from the eastern shore of Maryland [graphic] / Schell del. ; Osler sc.

A narrow escape. [graphic] / Foy sc.

The United States Centennial International Exhibition.

"The auctioneer's young man" [graphic] / King sc.

The "West Point," the second locomotive built in the United States for actual service [graphic].

Frederick Douglass

Wm. G. Brownlow

Wm. Lloyd Garrison.

Wendell Phillips

Charles Sumner

B.F. Wade

H.B. Stowe

Henry Ward Beecher

Bishops of the A.M.E. Church

Henry Ward Beecher.

"Raising the liberty pole"

[Charles F. Haseltine trade cards]

[Sharpless & Sons trade cards]

[J.E. Caldwell & Co. trade cards]

Works of P. & F. Corbin. New Britain Conn. U.S.A.

[Germania Fire Insurance Company of New York]

[Outdoor group] [graphic].

The holiday dance [graphic] / Stephens.

Desperate conflict in a barn [graphic].

A bold stroke for freedom [graphic] / C.H. Reed.

The Christiana tragedy [graphic].

Living in a cave. [graphic] / E.B. sc.

Religious dancing of the Blacks, termed "shouting" [graphic] / Bricher-Conant, sc.

[William Y. McAllister trade cards]

Haseltine Galleries.

[Academy of Music trade cards]

William H. Seward

Chief-Justice Chase. Portrait of the dead Chief Justice.

[Unidentified trade cards]
