Illustrated envelope containing a reproduction of the view of the world's fair building delineated by Jocelyn and published by New York printer Charles Magnus. View also shows street traffic, including individuals greeting each other, a boy running, and a horse-drawn carriage. The building located between Fifth and Sixth avenues on 42nd Street was designed by Johan Bernhard Georg Carstensen and Charles Gildemeister., Return address printed in upper right corner: Raymond Marsh, 210 Sedgwick Drive, Syracuse, N.Y. Marsh was a scholar of Charles Magnus who wrote "Some Characteristics of Charles Magnus and his Products (1826-1900)," The American Philatelist (September 1949)., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of Michael Zinman.
[ca. 1949]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Michael Zinman World's Fairs Collection - Trade cards [P.2008.36.109]
Illustrated envelope containing a composite image depicting a portrait of Black educator Booker T. Washington, a view of a log cabin, and a view of a classical-style building., Title and date from item., Date supplied from research and content., Image caption: She Guided More Than 300 Slaves to Freedom., Contains ink-stamp postmark: Booker Washington Birthplace Va. Feb 12 1948 5PM and cancelled (Opening Day Cancellation) violet color-printed 3-cent stamp after the format of the Famous American Scientists Series of 1940 and depicting a bust-length portrait of George Washington Carver, Director of Agriculture at Tuskegee Institute., Inscribed in ink: [Pntd?] Washington Pitt [?], Addressed in type: Patricia Chapman, Newfield, N.J., Accompanied by four circulars titled: "Team Work ... by Dr. Booker T. Washington" (2 copies); "Atlanta Exposition Address Delivered by Booker T. Washington, September, 1895, Atlanta, Georgia"; and "Gems of Wisdom. Thoughts from Booker T. Washington's Philosophy That Have Rendered Invaluable Service to Mankind.", Gift of George R. Allen, 2022.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *ephemera - envelopes - Nation [P.2022.42.4a-e]