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[African American youth playing banjo.]

"Watching Grandma smoke"

Picking her Thanksgiving turkey

[African American man delivering firewood to an African American woman]

[Men husking corn]

Two dromios

"I don't care for signs."

What is home without a husband?

An unpleasantness in Swampoodle

A pot hunter

Tallahasse, Florida

[Photographic reproductions of the Cartoon Printing Co. series after the 1878 Harper’s Weekly "Blackville" series “The Twins”] [graphic]/ McGreer.

No. 1. The flirtation [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 2 The introduction [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 3 The courting [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 4 The proposal [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 5 The duel [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 6 The wedding [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 8 Return from the honeymoon tour [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 9 Coming events [graphic] / McGreer.

No. 10 The event Or where "2 pair is better than 4 of a kind" [graphic] / McGreer.

The colored band. [graphic].

Monday morning or the tender passion. [graphic].

The old and the new – “Nothin’ but niggers nohow.” [graphic].

Saturday evening. [graphic].

Street cries. [graphic].

"Dat corn takes a might site a hoe'in"