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Souvenir of the coldest winter on record. Scene on the Delaware River at Philada. during the severe winter of 1856.

"Father, I cannot tell a lie: I cut the tree" [graphic] / Painted by G.G. White; Eng[raved by] John McRae.

The White Turtle & the Red Crab of Philadelphia.

Two boys strolling past temptation

[Country place of worship] [graphic] / Drawn & lithd. at Kollners Lithy. Philada.

South east view of West-town Boarding School. Chester Co. Penna. Instituted 1794, opened 1799, enlarged 1847.

Wissahickon polka. /

3' o'clock in the morning.

Advertisement placards [graphic].

Fine oysters.

Summer luxuries.

The wharf.

The butcher.

The staff of life.

Coming home.

The omnibus.

The express man.

The sea and the ships.

A ride to the city.

The coal-cart.

The oysterman.

Idle talk.

The wood-cart.

The draymen.

The farmer at the market.

Three in the morning.

The rag tender

South east view of West-town Boarding School. Chester Co. Penna. Instituted 1794, opened 1799, enlarged 1847.