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Dogwood tree in Wister's woods, [Germantown] [graphic].

Group in our parlor. Father, Cos. H[annah] P[erot] Morris, Auntie Beulah & Uncle Chas. Rhoads, Bess, Geo. S. Morris, Mother & Aunt Lydia Morris, also dog "Jet," [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Italian bark "Civitas Canaria" ashore at Manasquan Inlet. From beach, [NJ] [graphic].

[Italian] Bark ["Civitas Canaria," Manasquan Inlet, NJ] [graphic].

[Italian] Bark ["Civitas Canaria"] from different position. [Manasquan Inlet, NJ] [graphic].

[Italian] Bark ["Civitas Canaria"] from further N[orth] than last. [Manasquan Inlet, NJ] [graphic].

[Italian] Bark ["Civitas Canaria," Manasquan Inlet, NJ] [graphic].

Bathing group No. 2. Sallie H. L. [possibly Letchworth], M. N. [possibly Maud Noble], B[ess] C. M[orris], S[am] B. M[orris] & M[arriott]. [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Italian] Bark [Civitas] Ca[n]aria - Geo. Morris walking & [three] little girls on beach. [Manasquan Inlet, NJ] [graphic].

[Italian] Bark ["Civitas Canaria"]. Geo[rge] & girls in foregr[oun]d. [Manasquan Inlet, NJ] [graphic].

[Italian] Bark ["Civitas Canaria"] from further up beach. [Manasquan Inlet, NJ] [graphic].

The party on baggage waiting for the boat, [Mount Desert Island, ME] [graphic].

The girls are left behind us or "deserted at Mt. Desert." A[nna] P. S[harpless], A[nna] H. G[oodwin], C.C., S.C. [possibly Sallie Carter] & E[lizabeth] C[anby Morris], [Mount Desert Island, ME] [graphic].

Old Mill at Newport, [RI], from Pelham St. [graphic].

Steamer Cimbria coming up New York Bay, from launch, Henry George [graphic].

Jersey Wash Day Tremont H. Pavillion, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Jersey Wash Day, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Babies for throwing at. On beach, Jersey Wash Day, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Thalatta sailing on pond. Marriott Canby & Miss Moss in boat, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

[Thalatta sailing on pond. Marriott Canby & Miss Moss on boat, Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Arch of cedar trees on S. shore of Wreck Pond, showing pond & Monmouth House, [Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

Cedar tree on S. shore of Wreck Pond. Pond & Allaire H. in backgr[oun]d. [Spring Lake, NJ] [graphic].

Clouds & ocean, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Little Joe Oglesby making our dog Jet beg in front of our house, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Joe Oglesby & little Margaret Lennig watching Jet beg [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Breakers & schooner from our flag-pole, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

Schooner Helen of Gloucester City. Day after our arrival home from Sea Girt [graphic].

T.C. Foster's sloop yacht The Restless in race of Quaker City Yacht Club [graphic].

The Nahina, Helen & other yachts in the [Quaker City Yacht Club] race, below the Horseshoe [graphic].

Schooner Helen, stern view, opp. Fort Mifflin [Philadelphia] [graphic].

Wakefield Church from Main St. in front of Mrs. Adamsons, [Germantown] [graphic].

Group of our Mt. Desert Party. Reunion at Glen Onoko, [Poconos] [graphic].

[Group of our Mt. Desert Party, Poconos] [graphic].

Group on porch at [Deshler-Morris House], 4782 Main St., [Germantown]. Lily Ellicott, Marriott Canby, Father, Geo. S. Morris, Geo Vaux, Jr. & Bess [graphic].

[Group on porch at Deshler-Morris House, 4782 Main St., Germantown. Lily Ellicott, Marriott Canby, Father, Geo. S. Morris, Geo Vaux, Jr. & Bess] [graphic].

View in our garden, looking up from end of stone path. [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Ave] [graphic].

Horse chestnut tree from centre of garden. Tree in flower. [Deshler-Morris House, 5442 Germantown Avenue] [graphic].

Race & buttonwood trees, Little Wakefield, G[erman]t[ow]n [graphic].

Race & foot bridge, [Little Wakefield, Germantown] [graphic].

Cottage & race on the valley above Wakefield place, [Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Steamer Commonwealth at sea, [Sea Girt, NJ] [graphic].

The old Wakefield house, [Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Old house, Little Wakefield. Mrs. Carpenter's place. [Philadelphia, Pa.] [graphic].

Party at dinner in woods at Highlands, [NJ]. Father, Helen Morris, Mr. Samuel, Bess, Fannie Garrett, Fred Strawbridge, Mary Taylor & Mother [graphic].

[Party at dinner in woods at Highlands, NJ. Father, Helen Morris, Mr. Samuel, Bess, Fannie Garrett, Fred Strawbridge, Mary Taylor, & Mother] [graphic].

Sloop on Shrewsbury R[iver] from st[ea]m[e]r Albertina. [Monmouth Beach, NJ] [graphic].

Group in front of our cottage [Avocado, Sea Girt]. Bess, Helen Morris, Fannie Garrett & Fred Strawbridge [graphic].

Longfellow's House. Brattle St., Cambridge, Mass. from gate [graphic].

Washington Elm, Cambridge, [MA] [graphic].

Washington elm. Cambridge. [MA] [graphic].
