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Views of Liberia from "W.F. Lynch report of mission to Africa"

Friend's Meeting House. Race Street, Philadelphia.

Friend's Meeting House. (Side elevation).

Friend's Meeting House & School. Race St. East of 16th.

Wood & Perot. Wood, Miltenberger & Co. Ornamental iron works. 1136 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. 57 Camp Street, New Orleans.

Eliza crosses the Ohio on the floating ice [graphic] / G. Cruikshank ; W.T. Green sc.

The marriage [graphic] / Manning del ; Hayes, G.H.. sc.

The whitewasher [graphic].

The laundress [graphic].

The rag-picker [graphic].

The wood-sawyer [graphic].

Plantation scene -- coffee [graphic] / Felch-Riches. Columbus. O.

View of cotton plantation and gen [sic] in West Indies in 1764 [graphic] / F. Fuchs sc.

Douglass wird von Coven gezüchtigt [graphic].

The mother's struggle [graphic].

[The freeman's defense] [graphic].

Scipio hunted, "As men hunt a deer!" [graphic] / G.S ; M. Jackson.

Gezo, King of Dahomey [graphic] / F.E. Forbes, del. ; M. & N. chromo lith.

The reception of the "Ah-Haussoo-Noh-Beh" or "Queen's Mouths." [graphic] / F.E. Forbes, del. ; M. & N. chromo lith.

Insurrection on board a slave ship [graphic] / W.L. Walton, lith.

Inspection and sale of a Negro [graphic] / F. Mayer ; Whitney, Jocelyn, Annin sc.

The slave chain [graphic].

The Africans of the slave bark "Wildfire" [graphic] / M.N.

African slave trade [graphic] / Felch-Riches.

Scene in the hold of the "Blood-Stained Gloria." (Middle Passage) [graphic].

Persecuted virtue [graphic] / G.S.

The Roxborough School House. Founded by William Levering, 1748, rebuilt 1795

To the depot.

Chorus -- sing, darkeys, sing [graphic] / Whitney-Annin sc. ; Darley

The festival [graphic] / Whitney & Annin sc.

Osman [graphic].

The successful manhunt [graphic] / Baker-Smith sc.

"Old Joseph, the Patriarch" [graphic] / F. Hedge. sc.

[Scene from Northwood, or, life North and South] [graphic] / McLenan, John del ; Orr, J.W., N.Y., sc.

Alfred Jenks & Son's machine works, Bridesburg.

Ethnographic tableau

Truey, the Griqua maid [graphic] / W. C. Harris del.

Andries Africander, a mulatto Hottentot [graphic] / W. C. Harris del.

Wreck of the slave ship [graphic].

The emigration [graphic] / Whitney, Jocelyn, Annin, sc.

The tango [graphic].

Solomon Northup in his plantation suit [graphic] / Coffin.

Slave market scene on the Kambia River, coast of Africa [graphic] / Andrew & Filmer sc.

Modes of punishing slaves [graphic].

Scene in the slave pen at Washington [graphic] / Coffin; N. Orr N.Y.

Cotton pressing in Louisiana [graphic] / A Hill del. ; Peirce sc.

"Virginia hoe-down" [graphic] / Dallas del.

A Negro funeral [graphic].

Aunt Winnie [graphic] / J.W. Orr sc.

The cook [graphic].
