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Heintzelman's Pharmacy, N.W. cor. Ridge Ave. & Master St., Philadelphia.

World's Dispensary Medical Association. Proprietors of Dr. Pierce's family medicines. Buffalo, N.Y.

[Letterhead of The Pharmaceutical Era, D. C. Haynes & Co., publishers, New York]

W. Hofert, chemist & druggist, successor to Neergaard's Pharmacy. Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical Preparations, 936 Sixth Avenue, S.E. cor. 53rd St. N.Y.

Laboratory of Minnie Mueller Tolke, manufacturing chemist. Chemical, dermatological and pharmaceutical preparations. Cincinatti, O.

[Collection of business stationery of C.H. Butterworth & Co., wholesale druggists and dealers in paint, Philadelphia, Pa.]

[Collection of business correspondence to the College of Pharmacy of the city of New York]