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Bind your own music, newspapers, pamphlets, pictures, documents, &c. Use adhesive binding tags and portfolios. Heyl's patent.

Parr's American camp chest, patented June 25th, 1861. For sale by Peter W. Rodgers, agent, No.

Mahlon S. Myers, (successor to Shimmel & Myers,) commission merchant, and dealer in flour, grain & feed, Nos. 239 North Water St., & 244 North Delaware Avenue, Phila.

Jackson's old United States bounty land and pension office. E.O. Jackson, attorney-at-law and pension agent, No. 138 South Third Street, above Walnut, Philadelphia, Pa.

1/2 merit

Conner's cheap printing office, corner Fourth & New Sts., below Vine, Philadelphia.

Coggins & Harbach, No. 36 North Eighth St., Philadelphia.

Samuel H. Bibighaus, importer and dealer in hardware, cutlery, steel, &c., No. 216 North Third Street, six doors above Race, Philadelphia.

Citizens', soldiers' and naval officers' steam clothes renovating, repairing, and dyeing works, has removed from No. 34 South Seventh St. to 136 South Sixth St., ab. Walnut, Philad'a.

William F. Green, butchers' headquarters, No. 1326 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia.

Bruce's New-York Type-foundry, 13 Chambers st., New York [specimen sheet]

Bruce's New-York Type-foundry, 13 Chambers st., New York [specimen sheet]

H.G. Clagston, 806 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, manufacturer of military and naval goods. [graphic] : Corps badges- - - Army of the Potomac.

Chas. S. Carpenter & Co. N.E. corner of Franklin and Willow Streets, Philadelphia.

Civil War scrapbook of envelopes and portraits [graphic].

Civil War scrapbook of portraits [graphic].