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- Title
- [Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1852-1878]
- Description
- Collection of billheads, dated between 1852 and 1878, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict exteriors of storefronts (some adorned in signage) and an allegorical scene showing crates and barrels on the coast in front of a ship sailing in the distance representing imported "English, French & India drugs." Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details depict frames, including a medal engraving, and flourishes, and filigree. Firms represented include N. S. Harlow (Bangor, Me.); O.B. Curran & Son (Ithaca, N.Y.); Peckham & Glading (Providence, R.I.); Penfold, Clay & Co. (N.Y.); R. A. Robinson & Co.; Robinson & Church (Troy, N.Y.); Robinson & Hassard (Providence, R.I.); Russell & Landis (Philadelphia); and Charles H. Rutherford (N.Y.). Billed patrons include Mills & Kimball; Gauntlett & Brooks; J.S. Frayne; C.P. Severich; Athey & Hill, Holly Springs, Miss.; M.B. Callaghan; Mr. Warren; F. P. Magraw; and Glover, Warner & Clark., Printers and engraver include Reilly, Lou. NY and Longacre & Co. Lith, Phila., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [1852-1878]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, -1879 (N-R) [P.2011.46.382-390]
- Title
- [Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States and United Kingdom, 1850-1879]
- Description
- Collection of billheads, dated between 1850 and 1879, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict allegorical figures and scenes, exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage), and pharmaceutical apparatus and goods, including mortar and pestles, distillers, and barrels, crates, and cans of medicinals. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include trademarks depicting a white lily (White Lily Catarrh Cure) and a serpent wrapped around an adorned staph. Firms represented include A. B. & D. Lands (N.Y.); Adie & Gray (Richmond, Va.); Frank S. Allen (N.Y.); Almy, Milne & Co. (Fall River, Ma.); Barrick, Roller & Co. (Philadelphia); Beates & Miller (Philadelphia); Bentley & Miller (New Haven, Ct.); B.H. Douglass & Sons (New Haven, CT); Breinig, Fronefield & Co. (Philadelphia); Burdsal & Brother (Cincinnati); H. H. Burrington (Providence, R.I.); Jno. S. Carter (Erie, Pa.); C. & J. L. Van Deusen (Roundout, N.Y.); A. L. Cutler (Boston); C. V. Clickener & Co. (N.Y.); Davis & Tucker (Canton, Oh.); Rutger L. Drake (Troy, N.Y.); and I. C. Dubose & Co. (Mobile, Ala.). Also contains billheads of the Glasgow Dispensing Chemist Thomas Davison and Stony Stratford Retail Chemists and Druggists Cox & Robinson., Billed patrons include Wynard & Sayer, Warwick, N.Y.; Jar. Courier, Blue Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier; H.L. Plumb; A.H. Dailey; J.B.M. Linn & Co.; Jos. Abrams; Warner, Clark & Taylor; J. F. Rambo; L. & N. Cross; Geo. E. Doolittle & Co., Erie, Pa.; Late C.W. Bersford S. Lowndes; J. Burnhamer; D. F. Lamon & Co.; Lorin Schaefer, Sr., Canton ; M. L. Filley; Thos. McMillan; and Wm. Jas. Comper, Holmwood, Cathcart., Some items contain stamps or pasted labels., Printers include J. L. Brooks Bank Check Co. Lith. Boston; Middleton, Strobridge & Co.; Billing Bros. & Whitmore Birmm.; and W. Weatherston & Son., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [1850-1879]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, -1879 (A-D) [P.2011.46.271-289]
- Title
- [Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1852-1879]
- Description
- Collection of billheads, dated between 1852 and 1879, containing decorative and ornate lettering, ornamented type, vignette illustrations, and pictorial details. Illustrations depict exteriors of storefronts and factories (some adorned in signage); pharmaceutical apparatus and goods, including "patent shaving mug," mortar and pestles, scales, and rates, barrels, and jugs of medicinals; and a medieval scene of an apothecary in his laboratory. Some of the exterior views include patrons entering buildings, street and pedestrian traffic, as well as laborers at work. Pictorial details include a key; a druggist and also a lion using a mortar and pestle; banners; flourishes; and frames. Firms represented include Earl P. Mason & Co. (Providence, R.I.); E. Hartshorn & Sons (Boston); F. M. Keeler & Co. (Boston); D. H. Fonda (Albany, N.Y.); Frambes & Wright (Absecon, N.J.); Frederick Klett & Co. (Philadelphia); Gauntlett & Brooks (Ithaca, N.Y.); Geo. E. Greene (Brattleboro, Vt.); G. & S. Crawford & Co. (N.Y.); Geo. W. Norton & Fitch (Lexington, Ky.); Jos. B. Gorrell (Culpeper, Va.); H. H. Hay (Portland, Me.); Henry C. Willard & Co. (Brattleboro, Vt.); H. O. D. Banks & Co. (Philadelphia); William Hadde (New York); J. S. Ingraham (Bangor, Me.); I. N. Thorn & Co., partnership between Thorn and George E. Greene (Brattleboro, Vt.); J. M. & W. W. Cubbison (New Castle, PA); John F. Henry, Curran & Co. (N.Y.); Klein & Fleet (N.Y.); Kenyon, Potter & Co. (Syracuse, N.Y.); Lanman & Sevin (Norwich, Conn.); A. J. McKean (Mercer, Pa.); McMonagle & Rogers (Middletown, N.Y.); and Martin Kalbfleisch's Sons (N.Y.)., Billed patrons include H. Warner; F. A. Richards; A. H. Dailey, Fall River; W. H. Barnes, Chartam Village; Ebenezar Somer; C. Schrack; Gauntlett & Brooks, Ithaca; Julius J. Estey; C. S. Clark, Center Brook, Conn.; D. J. Ayers; D. W. A. Hill; T. A. Pewdexter; Frederick Ehrhardt; Mr. Leverich; J. M. Daniels; A. McKinney; F. L. Norton; McKiney Bros; C. W. Philips; and New York Eyelet Co., P.2011.46.324 title annotated: Gauntlett & Brooks, crossed out., Engravers include Redman-Kenny, N.Y.; J. Spittall; Richardson; and Gibson & Co., Cincinnatti., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Gift of William H. Helfand.
- Date
- [1852-1879]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department Helfand Popular Medicine Stationery Collection - Billheads, -1879 (E-M) [P.2011.46.318-342]
- Title
- [Specimens album]
- Description
- Scrapbook of print specimens and proofs probably compiled by a printer associated with the Philadelphia lithographic firm Stein & Jones. Contains book and periodical plates and illustrations; sheet music covers; proof prints; collecting cards; trade cards (several glossed); bank notes, checks, billheads, and receipts; certificates; advertising calendars; and chromolithographed labels and scraps. Majority of contents include several plates from Thomas Allom's "China: In a Series of Views,..." (London, 1860), Albert Barnes's "Scenes and Incidents in the Life of the Apostle Paul" (Philadelphia, 1869), John Fleetwood's "The life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" (Philadelphia, 1871) and Daniel March's "Our Father's House , or The Unwritten Word" (Philadelphia, 1871); illustrations and plates depicting genre, religious, sentimental, historical, natural history, scientific, and scenic views from children and gift books, and periodicals, including "Leila in England" and "Leila at Home" (Philadelphia: Porter & Coates, 1875-1880), "Peterson's Magazine" (plates engraved by Illman Brothers), "Ladies Companion," "Graham's Magazine," "Odd Fellow's Casket," "Transactions and Proceedings of American Entomological Society" and "Annals Lyceum of Natural History"; and several works printed by Stein & Jones and Cincinnati lithographers Klauprech & Menzel and Ehrgott & Fobriger, including trade cards, labels, tickets, invitations, certificates, receipts, checks, bank notes, sheet music covers, advertisements, and book illustrations., Bank notes, receipts, checks, and certificates document primarily Philadelphia and New York bank, coal, oil, steel, and real estate businesses, including Bank of Fashion, Belmont Petroleum Refinery, and Union College Bank. Trade cards, tickets, invitations, and labels represent primarily Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York, Cincinnati and Chicago businesses and organizations, including printers and art supply dealers; perfume, patent medicine, wine, dry goods, and clothing dealers; doctors and dentists; bankers and brokers; and manufacturers. The materials contain patriotic, agricultural, and transportation vignettes, views of buildings, anaglyptography (i.e., medal engraving), allegorical figures, and Centennial Exhibition (1876) imagery. Sheet music covers, predominantly printed by Ehrgott & Fobriger, depict mainly genre and Civil War scenes, portraiture, including images of entertainers, and advertisements such as "Sewing Machine Polka." Work by the Cincinnati lithographers also include several book illustrations depicting Ohio and Cincinnati asylums, institutes, seminaries, and landmarks, as well as uncut sheets of views of cemetery monuments for "The Cincinnati Cemetery of Spring Grove..." (Cincinnati, 1862). Several of the ephemera also printed by Grattan & Co., Theodore Leonhardt, and Wm. F. Murphy & Sons., Scrapbook also contains 1860s Berlin wool work patterns ("Peterson’s Ladies National Magazine"); ornate border print specimens, some with cut-out overlays; proofs and final states of textile, fruit, liquor, druggist labels, and tobacco labels printed predominantly by Stern, Jonas & Co. and Steng & Paxson and depicting romantic, patriotic, and mystical themes, including "I Am Free" logo illustrated with an African American man ; European prints, including plates from Bernard-Romain Julien "Cours Elementaire," and issued by German publisher A.H. Payne (some hand-colored); ca. 1855 Bowen & Co. plates of birds from "United States Pacific Rail Road Expedition and Survey"; color printed and numbered proof lithographs depicting Mo-Hon-Go; Shar- I-Tar-Ish; Se-Quo-Yah after plates in McKenney & Hall's "History of the Indian Tribes of North America"; Philadelphia Sketch Club signage; portraits of Catholic bishops, celebrity and political figures, and lithographers Rudolph Stein and Alfred Jones; mechanical views printed by William Boell; job printing specimen vignettes depicting masonic, military, allegorical, and patriotic imagery, transportation views, women, entertainers, agriculture, buildings, animals, and machinery; collecting cards showing George and Martha Washington, Civil War generals, celebrities, including Lydia Thompson and Euphrosyne Parepa-Rosasea, wild life, Biblical animals, fashion, and satiric scenes; and chromolithographic scrap portraits of women., Stamped on spine: Specimens., Various artists, engravers, lithographers, and printers including Ackerman; John Alexander; Thomas Allom; William Boell; John T. Bowen,; Bowen & Co.; Byram & Slack; C. E. Wemple & Co.; Donaldson Brothers ; G. Dow; Ehrgott & Fobriger; Dominque Fabronius; Grattan & Co.; The Hatch Lith. Co.; Otto Knirsch; L. H. Bradford & Co.; Klauprech & Menzel; Theodore Leonhardt; London Printing and Publishing Company; McLaughlin Bros.; Antoine [Maurin?]; A.H. Payne; Prang & Co.; Rawdon, Wright & Hatch; William H. Rease; Sarony & Major; John Sartain; Samuel Sartain; R. Trembley; J. Shobe; Steng & Paxson; Stern, Jonas & Co.; A. B. Walter; and Wm. F. Murphy & Sons., Index of general subjects illustrated available at repository., Several items found loose in album removed and housed separately., Gift of Margaret Robinson, 1991., RVCDC, Description revised 2021., Access points revised 2021., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012.
- Date
- [ca. 1852-ca. 1876]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department *albums (flat) [P.9349], https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/digitool%3A120747?solr_nav%5Bid%5D=a3bf36a0044447b21c5b&solr_nav%5Bpage%5D=0&solr_nav%5Boffset%5D=0#page/3/mode/1up