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Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Near Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature & on stone by G. Lehman; Childs & Inman Lithrs.

Pennsylvania Hall. [graphic].

The Emmanuel Episcopal Church. [Marlboro' Str. Kensington, Phila.] [graphic] / Lithographed from nature by T. S. Wagner.

State House. Philadelphia.

State House. Philadelphia.

U. S. Naval Asylum. Philadelphia.

The Emmanuel Episcopal Church. [Marlboro' Str. Kensington, Phila.]

Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania. Near Philadelphia.

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania Hall.

[Pennsylvania Hall]

Mount Vaughan

View of the Fountain in Franklin Square, Philadelphia.

[Fairmount Water Works near Philadelphia]

St. David's Church. Manayunk.

A view of Fairmount and the Water-Works showing the bridge previous to its destruction by fire

Life in Philadelphia. "How you like de new fashion shirt...?" [graphic].

The Chinese collection in the lower saloon of the new building at the corner of 9th & George Street, Philadelphia.

O.N. Thacher, wholesale & retail hat, cap, & fur ware-house Nth Third St. No. 40 opposite the City Hotel Philadelphia.

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Sketches of character. Plate 2. At home. Plate 3. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by E. W. Clay; C. G. Childs lithy.

Christ Church Philadelphia.

Huissier conduisant un prévenu. [graphic] / Dessine d'après nature par Mr. Douville et lithé par Daussi ; Lith. de Engelmann.

An affecting scene in Kentucky. [graphic]

Robert Morris Hotel & Fairmount House

Life in Philadelphia. "Behold thou art fair Deborah,..." [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Is Miss Dinah at home?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "How you find yourself dis hot weader Miss Chloe?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Shall I hab de honour to dance de next quadrille...?" [graphic].

Life in Philadelphia. "Well brudder what 'fect you tink Morgan's deduction...?" [graphic] / C[lay], fec.

Life in Philadelphia. "Have you any flesh coloured silk stockings...?" [graphic] / C.B.G.

Life in New York. "Shall I hab the honour of glanting...?" [graphic].

Life in New York. "Shall I hab the honour of glanting...?"

Life in Philadelphia. Sketches of character: At home. Abroad. [graphic] / Drawn on stone by H. Harrison; C. Ingrey, lithog. 310 Strand.

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or getting up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or getting up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in Philadelphia. The cut direct. or how to get up in the world. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in New York. The rivals. [graphic] / Printed by C. Ingrey, 310 Strand.

Life in New York. The rivals.


Sketches for the Washington Races in October 1840

The abolition Garrison in danger & the narrow escape of the Scotch Ambassador. [graphic]

Practical amalgamation. [graphic] / ENC.

All on hobbies, gee up, gee ho! [graphic] / C.

Blake's cabinet of music

[A view of the Fairmount Waterworks with Schuylkill in the distance. Taken from the mount.]