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The Weccacoe Engine Co.'s house and the reception of the United Fire Co. of Baltimore.

Northern Liberties & Spring Garden Water Works.

Conflagration of the steam boat New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philada. March 15 1856 in which 50 persons lost their lives.

Church of Our Saviour, Reed and Eigth [i.e., Eighth] Sts. Philadelphia.

View of Chestnut Street between 8 & 9 sts. (south side,) Philadelphia

Wm. D. Rogers' coach and light carriage manufactory, corner of 6th & Master Streets, Philadelphia.

Wm.D. Rogers' coach and light carriage manufactory, corner of 6th & Master Streets, Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature and on stone by Rease & Schell, No. 17 So. 5th St., Phila.

Grand division of the Sons of Temperance Pennsylvania. [membership certificate]

Sectional floating dry dock. J. Simpson & Neill ship wrights & proprietors Christian Street Philadelphia.

This diploma

The Oakland Schottisch

Bird's eye view of Philadelphia.