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The Weccacoe Engine Co's house and the reception of the United Fire Co of Baltimore. [graphic] / Drawn by J. Queen.

U.S. iron clad steamer, New Ironsides. [graphic] : Machinery & armour by Merrick & Sons. Hull by Cramp & Sons. Philadelphia.

Mower U. S. A. General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia [graphic] / James Queen.

Philadelphia, from the State House steeple, north, east and south. [graphic] / Sketched from nature by Joseph Thoma ; Drawn on stone by Leo Elliot ; N. Friend's Lithc. Offce. 141 Walnut Street ; Printed at T. Sinc.

H. P. & W. C. Taylor perfumers [graphic] / W. Dreser, delt. & lith.

[Residence of Joseph Harrison, Esqr., Rittenhouse Square, Phila.] Front Elevation. [graphic].

View of the reception of the 29th Regiment, P. V., at Philadelphia. [graphic].

Mower U. S. A. General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia [graphic] / James Queen.

Exterior view [and] interior view of the temporary Hedding M. E. Church. Situated on the S.E. corner of Coates and Sixteenth Sts. Philadelphia. [graphic].

Steam tugs, Columbus and Alert. Vessels of all classes towed to and from sea and about the harbor; towing to and from Schuylkill and all other descriptions promptly attended to. S. Flanagan No. 78 South Delaware Avenue. [graphic] / Lith. by Rease & Schell

[Brown, Frederick & Kunkel, clothing warerooms, 41 North Third Street, Philadelphia] [graphic].

Rowley, Ashburner & Co.'s oil, alcohol, fluid & pine oil works. [graphic] : Rowley, Ashburner & Co., manufacturers, Kensington screw dock, Penn Street above Maiden, Philadelphia. Store, No. 14 North Wharves, Philadelphia. / On stone by W. H. Rease 17 So.

Bridesburg Machine Works. Alfred Jenks & Son, manufacturers of cotton and wool carding spinning and weaving machinery, shafting and millgearing, Bridesburg post office Philadelphia. [graphic] / From nature & on stone by E. Beaulieu, 99 Walnut St.

Conflagration of the steam boat New Jersey on the Delaware River opposite Philada. March 15 1856 in which 50 persons lost their lives. [graphic] / Lithographed from a drawing made on the wharf above Vine St. by Geo. G. Heiss.

Goodyears Rubber-Packing & Belting Company. Warehouse 104 Chestnut St. Philada. Factory Newtown, Connecticut. Belting, packing, hose, clothing, druggist-articles, etc. [graphic] / E. Luders lith.

Scene at the U. S. Agricultural Society's Fair, Philada. 1856. [graphic] / Js. Queen, delt.

Souvenir of the coldest winter on record. Scene on the Delaware River at Philada. during the severe winter of 1856. [graphic] / From nature and on stone by J. Queen.

Cornelius, Baker & Co. manufacturers of lamps, chandeliers, gas fixtures etc. Manufactories: 181 Cherry Street and Columbia Avenue & 5th Street, Philadelphia. Store, No. 176 Chestnut Street. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease, 97 Chestnut St.

Cornelius & Baker, manufacturers of lamps, chandeliers, gas fixtures, etc. Manufactories: No. 181 Cherry St & Columbia Avenue & 5th St, Philadelphia. Store, 176 Chestnut Street. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease, 97 Chestnut St.

Cornelius & Baker, 181 Cherry Street, Philadelphia. Manufacturers of lamps, gas fixtures etc. [graphic].

Dale, Ross & Withers, importers & jobbers of silks & fancy goods, 219 Market St & 42 Commerce St, Philadelphia. [graphic] / S.D. Button, archt.

Rockhill & Wilson, tailors & clothiers of men & boys wear, Nos. 205 & 207 Chestnut St & 28 South 6th Street. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease, N.E. cor. 4th & Chestnut Sts.

H. S. Tarr's marble yard, no. 274 Green St. above Seventh Philadelphia Pa. [graphic] / Lith. by W. H. Rease N. E. cor. 4th & Chesnut.

John C. Farr & Co. importers of watches, watchmakers tools. Silver & plated ware, musical boxes, etc. No. 112, Chestnut St. between 3rd & 4th St. Philada. [graphic].

Robert Wood's railing, architectural & ornamental iron works, Ridge Road below Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. [graphic] / R. F. Reynolds, del.

H. B. McCalla, successor to the late Andrew McCalla, No. 252 Market St. First hat & cap store below 8th St. south side, Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by R. F. Reynolds No. 30, So. 5th. St. below Walnut 4th. story.

Lippincott & Co. [clothing] south west corner of Fourth & Market St Philadelphia. [graphic] / On stone by R.F. Reynolds, No. 78 Dock St.

Hoskins, Hieskell & Co. Importers & jobbers of fancy and staple dry goods. No. 213 Market & 34 Commerce St. Philada. [graphic] / On stone by Inger & Haugg.

Funeral Car, used at the obesequies of President Lincoln, in Philadelphia, April 22nd, 1865, [graphic] : Designed and built by E.S. Earley, Undertaker, south east corner of Tenth and Green Streets, Philadelphia / Tholey.

[Bennett's Tower Hall] Front elevation. [graphic] / Sam'l Sloan, Archt.

Residence of Joseph Harrison, Esqr. Rittenhouse Square, Phila. [graphic].

U.S. iron clad steamer, New Ironsides.

John F. Schreck, manufacturer of Conestoga tobacco, chewing and smoking. It's all in the quality

State House

H. S. Tarr's Marble Yard No. 274 Green St. above Seventh Philadelphia, Pa.

Jos. Lubbermann's Brewery. Corner of 36th & Transcript Streets, West Philadelphia.

West Philadelphia Manufacturing Cos. Starch & Farina Works. Chestnut & Bridgewater Streets, Philadelphia. Refined pearl starch & corn farina.

First Baptist Church [Figures are given for its frontage and depth, and the height of its steeple] N.W. cor. of Broad & Arch Sts.



View of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Fair, held at Powellton [sic], twenty-fourth ward, Philadelphia, late West Philadelphia, September 1854.

Our Mother of Sorrows, Cathedral Cemetery W. Philadelphia.

Church of St. Charles Borremeo. Twentieth and Christian Streets Philadelphia.

Bo't of the Alford & Berkele Co. Manufacturers' agents & exporters guns, pistols, cutlery, plated ware, specialties in hardware, etc., etc. P.O. Box 2002. 77 Chambers Street.

Bought of George A. Clark & Brother, sole agents for the Clark Thread Company. 14 South Fifth Street. Clark's O.N.T. crochet & darning cotton's.

E. Ketterlinus steam power letter press and lithographic printer, Arch and Fourth street, Philadelphia.

E. Ketterlinus, steam power letter-press and lithographic printing house, n.w. cor. Arch & 4th sts. Philadelphia.

Lithographic Printers Union annual ball.

R. & G.A. Wright [graphic] : Manufacturers of the celebrated gold medal perfumery and importers of French, English & German druggist & fancy articles, no. 23 South 4th St. Philadelphia. / Reen, engr.
