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Washington Hose Company of Philadelphia.

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Hope Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company [certificate]

Good Intent Hose, Hook & Ladder Company of Philadelphia.

Washington Hose Company of Philadelphia [certificate]

Mechanic Fire Engine Company.

Hope Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company.

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft des staates Pennsylvanien [membership certificate].

Gambrinus Unterstutzungus Gesellschaft [membership certificate].

Charter of the Pennsylvania Deutsche Gesellschaft [membership certificate]

Teutonia Sänger Bund [membership certificate]

[Proof of membership certificate for a choral society, probably German- American society]

Germantown Maennerchor [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Junger Maennerchor [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]